This story will base on the event that occured way before the original story, during the sengoku era(the golden era of demon slayers) This story will touch topics on the warring state era of the ancient clans and the creation of breath techniques, The strongest demon slayer, the first breath user, the first hashiras the secret behind the marks and so many more ––––––– Young Akira Shoujo later to be known as Tatsuya Uzui a staunch anime fan was just involved in a plane crash which led to his reincarnation to a world he doesn't know anything about yet Please do note that Vol 1: Introduction/ Build up Vol 2 Story Begins
And so our survival journey began
We the Squad A lived as a family we did many things together
we experienced joy, pain, suffering, happiness and many more, it was almost as if this feeling should never go
we really loved the moment and wanted to live in it for eternity, we were a big family indeed, at most time we fought, we cried, we trained together, we knew everyone's flaws and sort to help each other deal with them and perfect in our techniques
It was the perfect life indeed.
But deep down I had this feeling that it won't last much long, because time was running fast and the 'time' was also drawing near
It has been four years since we enrolled into the academy by force though because it was tradition,
And during this years alot had happened, alot indeed, at the first year we got to know each other and our schooling activities, but we faced our P.E the more because in the that was our sole purpose while we enrolled into the academy
As per our time table each year ending, a competition will be held, which will test us on what we learned during the year and to be frank it was quite nice although the teachers told us that our lifes were on the line, but it didn't seem so to me, no us.
Each year passing we got experience in one new thing or the other, perfecting and honing our skills
And as per Mikoto san instruction, each year passing I increase my weight by 2 times, it was tough and excruciatingly painful, but I had to keep up with it, i increased my training regime time 2 extra of Mikoto's instructions because I know what's drawing near
As we the years past we were also being educated of the happenings outside the village, and to be honest it was not as friendly as I thought I would be, in fact it was horrible. The only thing that existed outside was just war, starvation, deaths, pain, tears all the negative emotions and concept were the definition of the what's going on outside, but still our conviction didn't waver
From what I have learnt so far, the war outside is becoming worst by the day, new slaves day by day, then captains are frequently outside due to rampant demand from clans, especially the Iguro clan.
The Iguro clan have been in along time wat against the Kaminari and Otori clan, so the Iguro clan always request help from the shinobi clan to help out for a huge reward, Its so surprising that never ones has the Iguro defeated the Kaminari or the Otori before, us that a curse, even right now Mikoto san as been on a 2 months Mission I'm sure it was the Iguro who made the request
The worst part of all this is that, all this clan names sounds familiar but I can't really remember where I heard them. it seems like my memories of my past life is gradually fading or something. Well that's it for the war matter.
Right now the sanitization event is about to take place, or is taking place tomorrow, this is where all the slaves up to or above the age of 50 are killed due to no low or no productivity at all, and I made a promise to save Yukihara, Mikita and Shokijo(Chapter 4) and its going to be today
POV ends
Huff* Huff*
Ineyo falls on the floor breathing heavily and fighting for air
"Not fair Tatsuya kun is too strong for me"
She cries
The group were doing their normal weekly sparring on the academy training ground and this time they were fighting bare handed
"That's the aim Ineyo chan, it's for you to get stronger"
Minagawa tries to console her
"Tsk.. Tatsuya is nothing"
Katsumichi says, he turns toward Tatsuya
"Hey,,, Idiot Princess(Name giving to him in reference to his long spiky hair and handsome face) fight me one on one"
*Huff *Huff
"Not now, I'm beat, later I'll deal with you personally. I need to rest"
Tatsuya then leaves to take a bath
"Tatsuya is quite strong, is asset is his speed, he can strike anyplace at anytime without you flinching that's impressive, let's not forget about his strength to"
Sakono analyses
"Right??? Tatsuya kun is amazing"
Minagawa says
Ineyo stands up clean the dust on her clothes
"Tatsuya kun is mean for beating me up"
"Tatsuya this Tatsuya that, give it a break, he is nothing special"
Katsumichi curse
"Ehhh?? I smell jealousy here tehe"
Sakono giggles
"Humph I'm gone, bye"
Katsumichi leaves
"When will they ever get along"
Ineyo says
"Who knows.... Alright Inneyoo you need a bath, you reek of sweat"
Sakono jumps on her
"Noooo, I don't wanna"
Ineyo screams
"Wait a minute Ineyo, what are these.."
Sakono gropes Ineyo sprouting twin tomatoes as she looked at them in amazement
"Stop Sakono chan it tickles"
"Haaa it's like the environment is not manly favorable"
Minagawa leaves awkwardly, and the girls also stared at him awkwardly before they continued their daily routine
Later that day
*knock knock
"Tatsuya kun, dinner is is ready"
"Got it, just give me a minute"
Tatsuya says before proceeding with what he was doing
Tatsuya puts in a tanto into the scabbard
"Yoshi this will do"
In the dining table, everyone had gathered except Tatsuya
"Hey has notices that Tatsuya is acting a little strange lately"
Minagawa says
"Hmmm?? What do you mean"
Sakono asks, Ineyo and Katsumichi not giving any listening ears to what they were saying and just focused on their meal
"I mean he is acting a little bit spaced out"
"Ohhh?? Just give him time, I know he will be back..."
"Heyyy, sorry I'm late for dinner, I was arranging my room"
"Don't mind!!!!"
They all choruse and the squad feasted
"Umm, Tatsuya kun, I've been meaning to ask you, are you troubled at all or do you have anything bothering you"
Minagawa asks
"Nahhh, why do you ask?"
Tatsuya returns the question
"Well you've been acting strange lately so..."
"Don't worry about me Minagawa kun, I'm currently working on a secret project nothing much"
Tatsuya gives him a wink
"Ohhh!!!, can you tell me"
"Noo, if I tell you then it's no more a secret"
"Haaaa, okay then"
Minagawa sigh
After the group were done with their meals they retired to their beds for the night. And it was then that Tatsuya mission was set in motion
In Tatsuya's room, Tatsuya wore a Ninja yorai with his tanto placed at his back, he looks through his window and stares at the beautiful stars
"It is time, I'll definitely fulfill my promise"