
Demon slayer: Reborn in Demon slayer during the Sengoku era(Original)

This story will base on the event that occured way before the original story, during the sengoku era(the golden era of demon slayers) This story will touch topics on the warring state era of the ancient clans and the creation of breath techniques, The strongest demon slayer, the first breath user, the first hashiras the secret behind the marks and so many more ––––––– Young Akira Shoujo later to be known as Tatsuya Uzui a staunch anime fan was just involved in a plane crash which led to his reincarnation to a world he doesn't know anything about yet Please do note that Vol 1: Introduction/ Build up Vol 2 Story Begins

bjbrown · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Rescue mission

A Figure was seen jumping and running on top of different buildings

This was Tatsuya.He was heading to the containment site, this was where slaves are held s prisoners and are sentenced to death or manual labor. Tatsuya was on his way to save his former coworkers, it was a promise he made to them 4 years ago(chapter 4)

Soon Tatsuya was in front of the containment site compound. The containment site has two gates, the first gate leading to the compound where prisoners have their leisure time and the second gate leading to the building. the second gate was where the office of the warden was located and also the check in and check out of every prisoners, even visitors, it is quite

And after the second gate was the containment site. The containment site contained around 200 slaves in itand out of those 200 where 34 who will be meeting their maker the following day, and almost every week not less than 20 more people arrive.

The containment site does not have security because no prisoners in their right minds will make any attempt to escape the prison, you are only welcoming death.

Tatsuya was on on top of the first gate taking a look at the surrounding and making sure that there were no guard around

And with speed and as silently as possible Tatsuya jumb down from the first gate and dashed over to the second gate

He stopped at the window of the warden's office and made a peek into the office, there were 4 guards inside the room, and there all asleep.

He saw this as a golden opportunity. Tatsuya gently opened the iron gate and discovered it wasn't locked, the first idea that came to his mind was 'this is a trap' Tatsuya raised his five senses to the maximum to be at almost alert

After he had entered the building he went straight to his former cell. He brought out two tiny needle and unlocked the padlock prompting the three to wake up

Tatsuya immediately to signaled them to be as quiet as possible

"It's me Tatsuya"

Tatsuya says as he removed his hood and mask revealing his face

"Tatsuya kun what are you doing here"

Makita whispered

"Its a secret, now let's get out of here"

Tatsuya replies in the same tone

"He has grown so much"

"Right??I'm so envious"

Makita and Yukihara talks to themselves


Shokijo calls out

"I can't go with you"

Tatsuya turns and faces him

"What do you mean by that, I'm here to save you, why don't you want to be saved"

Shojiko drags Tatsuya towards himself

"Tatsuya, you have a pure soul a kind one, but you think inside the... no, way too inside the box you have to expand your view. just let it be as if I'm asking you for a favor, please leave me behind"

The words Shojiko spoke to him didn't make any sense, he hesitates for a while and then decides to honor Shojiko last request

"Alright. Yukihara, Makita let's move"

As swiftly as possible they moved to the exit. As they moved Tatsuya begins to ponder on what Shojiko told him.

Soon later they arrived at the gate, Tatsuya gently pushes the gate to avoid noise and told them to push forward to the other gate as he waits behind and watch the area

As the other two went towards the other gate that's was when Tatsuya had notice what was odd, he couldn't remember as he closed the gate when he entered

"Ohh, so you are the wondering mouse in my house"

Tatsuya had a deep voice from ahead

'Tsk, out of every security in this building, it had to be the warden'

Tatsuya thought

"Hmm?? A standard outfit?"

The warden scrutinises Tatsuya from head to toe, "Judging from your size you should be in the academy, but there are a lot of short people in the upper ranks, and the eyes is a tricky foe, I guess I'll have to use more than my eyes"

The warden bends down closes his eyes inhales a huge amount of air and stands back upright

"Ohh??, not yet, not yet, I need more! more!! more!!!"

He stamps his legs on the floor making a big crack on it, he then closes his eyes as if he was in deep meditation and inhales deeply

"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!, muscles fibre, its well developed for a kid of 13, body fat... not that accurate, bone thickness well developed to, your breath seems stable, but you are tensed.hmmm but something feels off"

It was at this moment Tatsuya's mind was at peace and also worried. He was calm because the monster he was facing didn't notice the two behind him maybe due to the darkness

But he was worried because, what sort of monster will analyse his fellow human body reaction like that

"Here I come kid!!!!"

This next chapter will be the first fight scene so in the novel

yare yare

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