
Demon Alive

Akira a normal person until he wakes up as a demon in the demon world. Akira will attend Demi Academy the top school in all of demon world. Akira the demon with tremendous power.

IAmAnime · 奇幻
4 Chs

Ch 1 - Demi Academy

Akira a young boy was walking to school when he appears in a room of darkness, but in that darkness is a black throne.

Akira is short, his skin is light, his hair is short and the color black, his eyes are blue, his face is cute, and he's wearing black clothing.

"Where am I?" asked Akira confused.

"You are in a dimension separate from earth," said a demonic voice.

Akira jumps when he hears the demonic voice.

"Who Said That?!" asked Akira well looking around to see no one.

"That's not important, what is important is you taking back your power," said the demonic voice.

"What do you mean?" asked Akira not knowing what the voice is trying to say.

"Just sit on the throne," said the demonic voice annoyed at Akira.

Akira didn't think anything of it, so he sits on the throne and a tremendous amount of pain surges through his body.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Akira screams and his body starts changing into something not human.

Akira passes out and after awhile he wakes up in a garden.

"Where am I?" asked Akira and he touches his head to feel something strange.

Akira looks in a small lake to see that he has black demon horns, a black demon tail, and black demon wings.

"What Am I?!" asked Akira with confusion and fright.

A demon named Daiki walks up to Akira.

Daiki is tall, he has demon horns, a demon tail, and demon wings, and he's wearing black clothes with a black scarf on.

Akira turns around to see Daiki.

"Do you know where I am?" asked Akira with a little bit a scared face.

"Your in the garden at demi academy," said Daiki.

"Demi academy?" asked Akira not knowing what demi academy is.

"You don't know this school is famous in the demon world," said Daiki confused how Akira doesn't know what demi academy is.

I guess I'm not on earth anymore? thought Akira.

Daiki looks at Akira and he senses a tremendous amount of power coming from him.

"I can feel your tremendous power, sign ups for the exam are over, but I can get you in," said Daiki and Akira decides that there's not really any reason for him to say no.

"I guess I'll accept your offer," said Akira and they go into the school which is like a castle, but bigger.

They walk to the gym where demons are waiting for the exams to start.

They go on stage and Daiki talks to the principal Sakura who is a kitsune with nine tails.

Sakura is tall, she has purple fox ears, she has nine purple fox tails, and she's wearing a black uniform.

Daiki walks up to Akira with a smile.

"She said yes, now go down there and wait," said Daiki and Akira gets off the stage.

After awhile Sakura goes up to a mic.

"You are all here to attend demi academy, but it's not as easy as just signing up. You must fight eachother. The losers will be kicked out and never be able to do the exam again," said Sakura and the demons talk to eachother confused.

"When I say start you must fight. Start!" said Sakura and people start fighting random people.

One runs for Akira, but somehow he noticed.

In just a blink of an eye Akira has his fist in the demons stomach.

The demon passes out and many more go after Akira.

There are over 10 demons, but Akira somehow dodges all there attacks and takes them out.

Akira starts smiling as if he is enjoying fighting others.

A killing aura starts to appear around Daiki and as soon as Sakura notices she uses magic to fire a ball of fire at Akira.

The fire ball hits Akira, but when the smoke clears Akira is not even scratched.

"How is this possible?" asked Sakura confused because she's the most powerful demon in the school.

Akira turns his head and his eyes like daggers pierce Sakura. Akira's eyes are not normal they are red.

"With This Goes On He Will Kill Everyone He Sees," said Sakura and she clears a path to Akira.

Sakura runs at Akira and goes in for a punch. Akira catches the punch easily and breaks Sakura's arm.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Sakura screams and Akira snaps out of it.

"What did I do?" asked Akira confused.