

This novel has been republished,kindky search for Once Upon A Dark Tale and add your library. The chapters here will be deleted after I'm done republishing it, so add Once Upon A Dark Tale to your library so you can be able to continue reading from where you stopped.

Mel_goddess123 · 奇幻
97 Chs


Larisa felt the plane moving and she felt more excited than before that she was finally going to see the important people in her lives that she had missed greatly but now maybe, Lothaire was the most important but that didn't stop her from caring about the others.

She anticipated her parents reaction when she would drop the bomb on them that she was already married, knowing how strict her father was which made her as anxious as she was excited but she didn't have a problem with her mother knowing because she had always wanted her to bring home her boyfriend but now she was bringing home a husband which would make her mother drown in euphoria that her daughter finally had a man in her life.

Her mother had always been worried about her relationship life because she had never once had a serious boyfriend which made her worry greatly that at the age of twenty two she was still single but now she would worry no more after she would bring her husband home, if only they knew he was a demon, they'd never let him step foot in their home but it didn't worry her as long as she accepted and loved him for who he was without caring about the opinion of others.

She looked out of the window and she felt more excited than before as she watched the houses slowly disappear as they went higher into the sky.

Larisa dozed off in the plane as they had been flying for a few hours and she wasn't aware when they arrived in her country.

Lothaire watched her peaceful sleeping face for a while before gently waking her up.

"Wake up Angel, we're here." Lothaire said with a low voice as he tapped her softly. Her eyes were half open as she heard Lothaire's voice.

"We're here.." She mumbled sleepily as she was not quite fully awake yet.

"Yes, love." He replied as he helped her out of her seatbelt. He didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep as she was dozed into a deep slumber so he carried her into his arms and she snuggled comfortably into his large body, not caring that he carried her as he walked out of the plane towards a luxurious car waiting for them with their suitcases placed in the back of the boot by the staffs.

He got in the back seat with Larisa in his arms as he placed her gently in the car seat, cuddling her to enable her sleep comfortably. He gestured for the driver to go as he gave him the GPS location of her apartment. They would first settle in her apartment before seeing her parents and her friend the next day.

Larisa's eyes fluttered open as she heard the honking and revving engine of cars and it took her a while to realise she was inside one herself with a startled expression on how she got into the car until she felt the hardness of Lothaire's chest and strong arm wrapped around her body like a shield, then she looked up to see Lothaire's golden eyes staring down at her with a smile.

"We're going to your apartment." Lothaire informed and she realised they had arrived at their destination.

Lothaire mentioning her apartment made her realise how much she had missed it, how much she had missed her friend and the city.

"I never gave you the location of my apartment." She said alerted.

"You don't need to." He replied with a sarcastic smirk on his face. She blinked her eyes numerously at him wondering how he knew her apartment location as she sat up straight.

They arrived at her apartment a few minutes later and she felt a smile etch on her lips. Lothaire took their suitcases which would have been too heavy for one man but she watched as he carried it effortlessly like he was holding a paper into the apartment block.

She stayed at apartment seventy eight so they took the elevator as they went up to her apartment. She put on the light as they went in, meeting her house in exactly the same condition she had left it, not that she was expecting the aftermath of a war inside but her face was lit with happiness because she had cleaned up her apartment before leaving for Empire D, so she wouldn't have to stress herself to tidy it up but there was a little dust here and there and she quickly opened the window for fresh air to ventilate the room.

The house was tiny compared to the enormous palace Lothaire was used to living in and she hoped he wouldn't get uncomfortable sharing the tiny space with her and it looked even more tiny as his large towering figure occupied the house as he went in, but there was no sign of discomfort on his face as he moved toward her room to put away the suitcases and she sighed in relief.

She picked up the telephone on the small table and immediately dialed her parents landline number. It rang for a minute which felt like forever until someone on the other line picked up.

"Mom?" She called in an excited and unsure tone.

"Larisa?!" Her mother was almost screaming in her ears in excitement and a relieved voice."Where have you been? We tried calling your phone but there was no signal connection, Anne said it was because of the bad reception in the beach but you've been there for two months and we couldn't get any hold of you. I was so worried I wanted to call the police but Anne sent someone over to check up on you and they said you were fine that it was just a bad reception so I didn't worry much, but you were there for two months so I told the person to bring you back but he came back telling us you refused and said you wanted more time and you'd come back soon but I was worried." Her mother narrated to her breathlessly and she was confused on what to say next. She wondered who the person saw on the beach because it was definitely not her and she wasn't in any beach so she could only figure out it was the work of Lothaire and no one else and he didn't even bother to tell her that someone had gone looking for her but why would he when he didn't want her to leave.

"I'm sorry, I just liked how peaceful it was there." She lied and she felt awful about it, lying to her mother because they were undeniably close and she shared everything with her.

"I miss you so much, I'll come see you tomorrow okay?" Her mother said softly but Larisa was quick to intercept.

"No! We'll see you instead." She said in a rush.

"We?" Her mother queried, confusion heard in her voice.

"I..I'll explain tomorrow I promise. Tell Dad I'm back okay? Love you mom, bye." She said and she immediately slammed the phone down, cutting her mother off. She was already nervous as hell and talking to her mother made her even more nervous that her father wouldn't accept Lothaire as his son in law because of his terrifying and dark aura which couldn't escape any one's eyes.

She quickly dialed Annalise's phone number she had stored in her memory. It had barely been one second the phone started ringing before she heard her best friend's voice.

"You bitch! Where have you been?" She heard Anne's usual loud voice on the other end of the line high with excitement and she was excited too to hear her friend's voice.

"I'm back actually and I really missed you a lot." Larisa said as she grinned excitedly.

"Really?? I thought you were never coming back, I even sent Greg to check up on you thinking you were dead but I was surprised when he told me you wanted to stay for some more time, which was shocking because I know you can't live without me for a second and you don't like being alone in public places." Anne said and Larisa scratched the nape of her neck thoughtfully because Anne knew too much about her.

"Ahh..Yeah..It was quiet and peaceful and there wasn't much people around either." She lied as she gave out a fake laugh.

"Oh yeah. You know exams are starting by next month so you better get your ass to class as soon as possible or you'll be writing a make up exam next year." Anne warned and she knew she was right, she had missed too much class and she couldn't afford to miss more since it was her last year as an art student.

"That sucks but I will." Larisa said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Yeah whatever, your crush has been dying to see you anyway, I'll tell him you're back." Anne said and Larisa stifled a laugh.

"Well too bad he'll be disappointed when he really sees me with someone else." Larisa said mischievously and the other line of the phone was quiet for a moment.

"Don't tell me...You found a man?" Anne was almost screaming now and it almost tore her ear drums as she put the phone in a far distance away from her ear, allowing her to finish with her screaming before placing it back in her ear.

"I'll tell you when I see you or better still show you." Larisa said and she could now anticipate Anne who would be having her lower mouth touching the floor in disbelief.

"I can't believe this!! Is he in your apartment right now??" Anne asked eagerly and she knew if she said yes the crazy girl would be running to her apartment in a minute.

"No, but you'll see him tomorrow, promise." Larisa said and Anne sighed deeply in relief.

"I thought you were going to end up alone and die a miserable virgin for the rest of your life but now I can sleep peacefully, I guess my prayers worked." She heard Anne say in an excited tone and she laughed at her remark.

She couldn't figure out who nagged her more for her lack of romantic relationships in the past, Anne or her mother?

They talked for a long while that made Larisa lose track of time and when the call finally ended she sighed heavily in excitement and nervousness. She turned to leave to her room when her eyes met a pair of golden eyes staring intently at her.

Lothaire stood at the doorway, half naked with only a towel tied around his waist, his glorious abs and veiny muscular arms to her view, his black hair was still dripping wet, evidence he had just showered. Larisa gulped at the sight of him looking like a forbidden fruit, one that she was tempted to take a bite from.

More suspense,you'll never guess what's coming next, so keep reading for more and don't forget to vote and drop reviews.

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