

This novel has been republished,kindky search for Once Upon A Dark Tale and add your library. The chapters here will be deleted after I'm done republishing it, so add Once Upon A Dark Tale to your library so you can be able to continue reading from where you stopped.

Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


Larisa looked up at him with eyes full of delight. She was stunned by the fact that he would let her see her parents and best friend and more by the fact that he was coming along with her.

"Really?!" She exclaimed in an excited tone as she stared up at him with wide eyes gleaming with happiness and disbelief.

"Yes, now hurry up and get dressed, I'll be waiting at the dining room." Lothaire said, glad that she was happy with the news.

"Of course I will!" She yelled with excitement as she grinned happily, ready to take off her clothes but she paused abruptly as she noticed Lothaire still stood there watching her.

"What's wrong?" Lothaire asked, feigning an oblivious expression on his face.

"You can leave now." Larisa said with a small shy voice. Lothaire smirked cheesily on seeing her shy reaction.

"You're my wife, you don't need to be shy." She heard Lothaire say and hearing him call her his wife made her feel oddly good, she subconsciously rubbed the ring on her left ring finger.

He didn't wait for her to say anymore as he left the bathroom leaving her to her privacy which made her sigh in relief.

Lothaire sat at the dining table waiting for her to show up, so that they could leave immediately she was done with her meal.

"So you guys are leaving?" Felix asked, more of a statement and Lothaire averted his gaze to his wondering how he knew.

"You wanna tag along?" Lothaire asked sarcastically shooting a glare at him.

"Really? I'd love to, thanks for asking." Felix said, feigning obliviousness to his sarcasm which only irritated Lothaire.

"Where's Laverna?" Lothaire asked, Adina and Zion looked up at him because they too hadn't seen her after the war and they were as well curious on her whereabouts.

"I don't know but she said she'd be back that she had something to take care of but she didn't say what." Felix explained and Lothaire's eyes narrowed into space thoughtfully, there was something strange going on and he was going to fish it out but for now, he would think about no one else but Larisa and how to make her happy enough to forget about Onyx and all the bad memories she had in Empire D, so they could have fun with their secrets while it lasted because once he found out and it threatened her safety or worked against him in anyway, he'd make sure heads rolled.

"When did she leave?" Lothaire asked with a wary look.

"After the war." Felix replied and his golden eyes squinted warily.

Lothaire wanted to speak again but he got distracted by the arrival of Larisa as she walked into the room and took her seat beside Lothaire. She gave a small smile to them and they returned it, she was especially surprised Zion returned his too but with a tiny one.

"So you guys are..." Felix couldn't complete his statement as Lothaire quickly interrupted him because he was already getting through his skin. He wondered why he hadn't died during the war instead of Onyx, at least she was less annoying.

"Everyone out!" Lothaire ordered with an air of authority and they all left without a word.

Larisa wondered why he pushed them all out.

"Why did you tell them to leave?" Larisa asked curiously, wondering if he was mad at them.

"Privacy." He stated as he sipped on the warm blood in the cup but a frown was etched on his face as he tasted the shitty blood, wondering why he even drank it in the first place. He would have thrown the blood violently in anger but he didn't want to scare his fragile mate so he resisted doing so.

Larisa had been wondering what they would tell her parents and Annelise since they were compelled to believe that she was on a one month vacation but she had been there for two months, which worried her more because after one month, Lothaire got rid of her phone to prevent her having contact with them, so nervousness hit her because she didn't know what to tell them.

Lothaire saw the worried expression on her face as she fiddled with her food.

"What's wrong?" Lothaire asked with a serious expression and she jolted her head up towards him.

"I don't know what to tell my parents when I see them, they're probably worried because they haven't heard from me and Annelise too." She stated out in a nervous tone.

"We can compel them." Lothaire said flatly with not a care in the world.

"No! Absolutely not! You've compelled them b

once you're not doing it again!" She almost yelled as she shot him a wary look with creased brows. She didn't want Lothaire messing with her loved ones head, it just didn't sit well with her even if she knew he was just trying to help.

"Technically, I wasn't the one that compelled them." He said with a lazy voice.

"Then who did?" She asked curiously.

"Avian." He mentioned and she nodded thoughtfully.

"Well...Compulsion is not an option for me, we'll find another way." She stated firmly.

"We'll just tell them we got married then. Court marriage." He said flatly, wondering why she was so bothered about what her parents thought. 'humans and their petty emotions' he thought as he stared at her.

"That's a good idea but it won't sit well with them that I got married without telling them first and to someone they've never even met before." She complained with a mixed feeling of relief and anxiousness. Lothaire sighed deeply.

"That's why compulsion is a great idea." He said with a sarcastic smirk.

"I'll go with the court marriage." She replied hastily with a fake smile.

Their suitcases were being packed into the boot of the car by the maids as they set to leave to the airport, they arrived at the airport but it was a private one so there was not a soul occupying it except them both and she realized that he owned the airport as the staffs rushed to him with bowed heads as they took their suitcases and lead them to the plane. The body of the plane had Lothaire's name written boldly in it and she realized it was also his which wasn't so surprising since he was filthy rich.

They both boarded the luxurious white plane which was expensively furnished. She sat beside Lothaire in the comfy chair and he did her seatbelt for her, his face was close as he did and she let her eyes roam about his beautiful face, taking in his unearthly beauty but it was barely a second when his golden eyes locked hers, catching her taking a peek at him and she jerked her head to the other side in embarrassment.

Lothaire chuckled deeply and she bit her bottom lip in embarrassment, not glancing at him. He wanted to tease her when a flight attendant came to their service, neatly dressed in her work clothes with a neat chignon seated on her head. Larisa whipped her head to the pretty lady's direction as she spoke.

"Excuse me, is there any way I can offer my service to the both of you?" The flight attendant asked, narrowing her eyes to Lothaire and he didn't fail to realise why, as she had offered her services to him in bed anytime he travelled but it was just for sexual pleasures and it was in the past but the lady didn't seem to get the message that he was married or she did but she probably thought he was the same hot blooded womanising Lothaire who bedded every gorgeous woman his eyes laid on but now his eyes were only laid on his mate and no one else so the woman's attempt to try and seduce him made him filled with fury and he wanted nothing more than to rip off her head for disrespecting his mate in front of him but of course she didn't know about breed mates because she was human but still, he wanted to claw out her face if she smiled at him again.

"Get out of the plane." Lothaire said as he was getting irritated by her and the pilot hadn't started the plane yet. Larisa looked at him with a bewildered expression oblivious of the reason he was chasing the nice lady out of the plane.

"Did I do something wrong sir?" The flight attendant asked with a shock filled expression.

"You're fired!" Lothaire said harshly as he glared at her with eyes that could burn and the lady quietly scurried out of the plane in fear.

I'll be updating two chaps every weekend, don't forget to drop your reviews and votes, it'll mean a lot to me.

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