

She has done it. I don't know what l was expecting, l did want it  to her in theory but now that l am confronted with the situation, l don't know what to think. I had somewhat become comfortable with the idea that Krento was the one, it would have made life much simpler for me

We are already at a crossroads, why not just cut our loses and go our separate ways. The headline still haunts me 'FAKE BREAST=MAN STEALER". How could that even be, the only man l know her to be with is my brother, l have yet to meet the mystery man so why would she tell them that l stole her man

How does one even steal a fully grown individual, 'like hey, l am going to steal you from your girlfriend, let's go', it will always be funny to me when people say this. If a person wants to leave, they will leave. Let us stop making excuses for these man and stop blaming other females for your mans inability to commit or for leaving you