A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)
Batman was lost in thought for a moment before he continued his story.
"Two hours after treating his wound, he didn't wake up. Examinations showed that everything was perfectly normal, but then physical changes began suddenly. First, his skin and hair pigmentation changed."
Then an image on the screen showed how the child had changed over the course of a few hours.
"Four hours later, his changes were complete, but he still didn't wake up. The next change was his height; he grew several centimeters—nothing as terrifying as the hair and skin color, but upon closer inspection, it's clear that his entire body structure somehow transformed."
"I understand that you're interested in this child, Bruce, and you're trying to help, but why did you call me?"
Diana interrupted him.
It wasn't that she wasn't interested in the child; quite the opposite—she was so interested that she wanted her friend to tell her everything immediately.
Bruce understood this and didn't take offense.
"After six hours of observation with no answers, I decided to conduct a complete analysis of his DNA structure."
Batman said, then fell silent.
"And what did you find? Stop dragging it out."
Diana urged him to keep going.
"I was able to accurately identify only 25% of his DNA as human; another 25% resembled the DNA of a magician, but I couldn't analyze the remaining 50%. There weren't any matches in the database, not even flawed ones."
Batman explained.
"So, one of the child's parents was a magician, and you couldn't analyze the other half, but that still doesn't answer my question, Bruce."
"I agree with you, Diana; one of the child's parents was a magician. But the other half of his DNA wasn't a big surprise to me; I've seen something similar before in another person."
"In whom?"
Diana asked.
"In you, Diana,"
Batman said that and surprised Wonder Woman.
Diana's surprise lasted for a few seconds, and then she hurried to the infirmary.
Batman followed her, and they both stood on either side of the child's bed. He appeared to be in a deep sleep.
"I won't ask based on the fact that you have my DNA and that you've already analyzed it. Do you think he's a demigod like me?"
Diana spoke in a low voice while still looking at the child's face.
"Considering that I spent over four hours trying to find another scientific explanation, considering every other possibility and theory, from being a half-demon to being an alien, then yes, I believe he's just as much a demigod as you are. There are no other options left."
Batman replied in the same quiet tone.
"After so many centuries, another demigod is born. I don't know if it's good for this child, considering who his father is.
Diana sighed.
"Do you have any idea who his father might be?"
Batman asked curiously. He knew that he didn't know much about mythology and magic.
"In the underworld, there are many gods, but only one god has the right to bring the dead into the mortal realm."
Diana replied and gave a hint instead of a direct answer.
Batman easily inferred the answer with the hint and his basic knowledge of mythology.
"He won't have any support from the twelve; even the Olympians fear his father, not because he's cruel, but simply because of who he is."
Diana said this and looked at the child with pity.
"Do you know what powers he'll possess?"
Batman asked.
"I have no idea,"
Diana replied.
"His father is unlike other gods. He doesn't like to go into the mortal world. You can count on one hand how many times he's left his domain. He's never had any interest in mortals, so until now, he's never fathered a demigod."
Diana explained.
"He needs to be trained,"
Batman stated this not as a request but as a final
If she refused to train him, he would have to do it.
Diana understood this well.
On the other hand, she didn't want to take on a student, but on the other hand, this child would now be like her, alone in the mortal world.
It was never quite like them, but it was always with them.
It didn't take her long to make a decision.
"All right. I agree,"
Diana replied.
"What's his name?"
Diana asked and gently stroked his hair.
"Diomedes Inwood,"
Batman answered.
"That's a good name, Diomedes, son of Hades."
Dio dreamed even while he was sleeping. Since he began remembering his previous life, this had not happened before.
There are things that don't make sense and happen to everyone sometimes, but he had never dreamed of something stupid.
Dio was looking down from an incredible height of many thousands of meters. The sky was so cloudy with thick black clouds that not a single ray of light could penetrate.
Surprisingly, that was the only thing he could see clearly. He had never had such good vision, and he could see every detail even when there was no light.
There was a huge continent below him that wasn't on Earth. It was significantly bigger than Earth, so calling it a continent would be a mistake.
One thing that stood out was the blackness of the ground.
He saw several huge mountains covered in black snow and five rivers crossing the entire continent.
One of them shone red; it was a river of lava.
There were hundreds of buildings all over the place, but he was too far away to see anything but their black color.
The only building he could see perfectly from this height was at the center of it all—a massive, majestic black castle.
For some reason, he couldn't take his eyes off the castle. He also thought that someone or something was watching him.
Then, an invisible force pulled Dio's body towards it. Unfortunately, the speed at which it pulled him didn't allow him even a glimpse of where he was.
In the next moment, he had burst through the castle's black walls, and the invisible force stopped its pull only when Dio found himself in a huge, wide hall.
He had seen many beautiful and amazing places in his past life, either in real life or in movies or TV shows. However, this place was the most beautiful of all of them.
It took up as much space as two football fields. The paintings on the walls looked so real that even though he didn't know much about art, he could tell they were all masterpieces.
The floor was mostly black stone, but there was a long, blood-red carpet in the middle of the room.
There was a huge Greek pillar at each end of the hall. These pillars went from the floor to the roof. They were black but had gold and other valuable decorations on them.
Dio looked at the pillars until he reached the top. It was just as amazing as the rest of the building.
It looked like the Great Hall at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books, with all the stars and galaxies on it.
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