
Dbz Remade

hi thanks for reading. I'm the first author for mha remade with a twist,my crew and I have decided to take a small break from the series and start our own stories

Jefferey_Oladejo · 作品衍生
10 Chs

Chapter Nine: Saiyan Terrors

    A year passes and the Saiyans that were talking arrive on Earth. They crash land in a random city and their pods are surrounded by civilians. "Nappa time to go,we have things to do" Vegeta said as their pods opened up. "Alright but first let's have some fun" Nappa said as he and Vegeta flew into the sky. Fighter jets flew in and shot at Nappa and Vegeta "I'm going towards those power levels I sense,I'll leave these fools to you" Vegeta said as he flew towards the power levels his scouter picked up. Meanwhile with Goku and Jeff,they finished their training with King Kai "remember Goku,when you use that move you need to gather energy from everyone unless it will be incomplete" King Kai said as he was contacted by Kami "King Kai,the dragon balls have been gathered,what do you need the wish to be?" Kami asked as King Kai saw Jeff and Goku putting their Gi's back on after training. "Revive all those who were killed by Radditz when he was on Earth" King Kai said as Launch,Chichi,and Bulma were contacted by Kami for the wish. "Alright,to summon the dragon you need to say this" Kami said as Chichi summoned it "arise Shenron,grant my wish!" Chichi yelled as a bright light sprung forth from the Dragon Balls. "I am the mighty wish dragon Shenron.State your wish and I will grant it" Shenron said in a mighty voice. "Shenron please revive all those who were killed by Raditz when he came to Earth." Bulma yelled as Shenron's eyes glowed red "your wish has been granted,state your second wish" Shenron said as King Kai contacted Kami again "tell them to bring them to Earth" King Kai said as Kami connected him to Chichi. "Chichi, this is King Kai,ask Shenron to bring these guys to Earth. you'll have one more wish after this and you can use that wish to bring them to the sight where the Saiyans are'' King Kai said as Chichi wishes for Shenron to teleport them to earth 


    Goku and Jeff are teleported to a random location on Earth as their halos disappear. "Woah!" Jeff yelled as he was teleported into an ocean. Meanwhile with Vegeta and Nappa they have found multiple power levels to face. "Well Vegeta,looks like these schmucks are here to fight us" Nappa said as Krillin gulps "we may not be enough to stop you guys,but we know someone who'd be able to take you guys down with ease" Krillin yelled as Vegeta's attention was caught by this "really,and who would that be?" Vegeta asks condescendingly. "G-Goku would mop the floor with you,he'd drag you around by that tail of yours!" Krillin yelled as Piccolo,Roger,and Gohan landed in the canyon they were all in. "If that's so then i'll give you all five minutes to bring this Goku,in the meantime,Nappa go right ahead. Plant the Saibamen" Vegeta said as he took a seat on one of the nearby rocks. Nappa then reached into his Saiyan armor and pulled green seeds and threw them on the ground "Alright,prepare yourselves,everyone of these Saibamen are as strong as Raditz" Nappa said as little green men with red eyes sprouted from the green seeds. "At least I'll be able to test the results of my training," Roger said as he cracked his neck. "Hmm,this one seems to be strong," Vegeta thinks as he scans Roger's power level. "5,000" The scouter reads as Vegeta takes note of this "he should be a good match for Nappa then,it might be entertaining to watch" Vegeta thinks to himself as Roger is swarmed by 3 Saibamen. "Piccolo these things aren't that strong" Roger yells as Nappa smiles sinisterly as one of the Saibamen grabs onto one of the humans present "wha?" Yamcha mutters as the Saibamen detonates itself, killing Yamcha. "YAMCHA!" Krillin shouts as he becomes enraged "Grrr! I'm tired of this!" Krillin shouts as he charges Ki beams in his hands. "Scattershot!" Krillin shouts as he fires the two golden beams from his hands into the sky. The two beams then split into different size beams that target all the Saibamen. "huff,huff" Krillin says as he drops to his knees in exhaustion as the beams destroy all the Saibamen. "Wow,that short bald man was able to destroy all the Saibamen '' Nappa thought as Vegeta made a comment that made everyone's morals drop "those Saibamen were all around Raditz's strength. Nappa here is around 5-6 Raditz's,I'm around 20 Raditz's" Vegeta said as Roger started to power up. "Piccolo back me up,we can take them down!" Roger yells as he rushes at Vegeta "not so fast!" Nappa yells he appears in front of Roger and kicks him into a rock formation. "Damn,I didn't even see him move!" Piccolo thought as he was hit with a sledge hammer fist that sent him flying to the ground. "Chiotzu let's help them out" Tien said as he powered up and dashed at Nappa "bring it on then!" Nappa said as he powered up. A yellow aura formed around him and he charged his ki into his hand. "Haa!" Tien said as he punched Nappa in the chin. "Heh,let me show you what a real hit feels like," Nappa said as the punch Tein threw had no effect. Nappa then chopped down Tien's arm with his Ki enhanced arm cutting it off. 

"AAAAHHHHH!" Tein yelled as he held what remained of his arm "Damn it,I need to use everything I have if I want everyone to come out alive!" Roger thought as he powered up to his full power. "Huh,what's this sudden spike in power?" Nappa thought as he saw his scouter picking up a rise in power "5,000!" Nappa thought as he  was punched in the face by Roger who moved at blinding speeds towards him "lucky shot!" Nappa yelled as he caught Roger's fist as he tried to hit him again "Piccolo now!" Roger yelled as Piccolo flew up and kicked Nappa down at Gohan. "Gohan,finish him off!" Piccolo yelled as Gohan looked terrified. Out of fear Gohan ran behind some rocks and hid. "Damn,although Gohan was able to keep up with us during training he's still a small child" Roger thought as Nappa crashed into some rocks ``Nappa,stop fooling around and kill these weaklings!" Vegeta shouted as Nappa got up,this time looking bruised and battered. His armor had fallen off leaving him shirtless and angry. "Tien,i have an idea,you might not like it but it's the only way we might be able to beat him" Chiatzu said as Tein looked at him with a horrified look on his face "n-no,you wouldn't" TIen said as Chiatzu flew over to Nappa and clung on to his back. "Goodbye Tien," Chiatzu said as he detonated himself on Nappa's back causing a large explosion. "CHIAOTZU!" Tien shouted as there was a large gust of wind that pushed everyone back. Meanwhile with Jeff and Goku they are flying full speed towards the battle field. Although Goku can't fly yet he is riding on the nimbus. "Come on,I need to get there,sorry guys but please just hold out a little longer" Jeff thinks as we cut back to Nappa as he was barely fazed by the attack. "If only Goku or Jeff were here,we'd be wiping the floor with these guys' ' Krillin thought as Nappa was enraged by Chiaotzu's action. "And for that one i'm going to stop playing around!" Nappa said as he set his sights on Gohan. Gohan was trembling in fear as Nappa charged a mouth beam. "Damn It Gohan!" Piccolo yelled as he flew in front of Gohan as Nappa fired the massive mouth beam. "GAHHHH!" Piccolo yelled as he was consumed by the beam. "M-mr. Piccolo" Gohan said as Piccolo dropped to the floor in front of him. "Now time to finish you off" Nappa said as he dashed at Gohan. 

    At that same moment Goku used his Kaioken from above to stop Nappa from getting to Gohan. "GAH"! Nappa yelled as he was sent flying into a rock formation, "hmm,seems like Kakarot is here,Raditz told me about him when he was going to Earth'' Vegeta thought as his scouter read his power level "Vegeta what does the scouter say about his power level!" Nappa asked as he slowly got up "It's over 9,000" Vegeta said as Nappa rushed at Goku. "I'll finish him Goku,just focus on Vegeta '' Jeff said as Vegeta read his power level "9,000 as well" Vegeta said as Jeff rushed at Nappa kicking him into the air. "GAH!" Nappa yelled as Jeff teleported in front of him and briefly used Kaioken to throw him into another rock formation "Kamehameha!" Jeff yelled as he fired the blue beam at Nappa. The massive beam consumed Nappa, killing him "I hope you're not proud of killing someone who was leugs below you. It's about time we get this party started" Vegeta said as he cracked his neck