
Renegades and Wretches (3)

Shane completed the turnaround, took a stride, and then started walking in the direction of the stairs.

One of Brian's hands fell on his shoulder when he said, "I think now it's understandable that you load your rifle."

After making eye contact with one another, Brian moved three steps in front of Shane, turned around, and said while laying his hands on his weapons, "Do you mind if I prepare myself?"

Shane gave his head a slight shake before removing the sling that was holding the firearm on his shoulder. The weapon had been there for some time.

They started climbing the ladder, with Brian taking the lead position once they reached the top rung.

The windows and the facade, which had not yet been finished created, were the only sources of light that could be found inside the house.

They had to rotate a wall at the bottom of the stairs in order to face a long corridor that was equipped on the left side with a number of door openings.

The corridor may be found off to the left of the staircase.

As they proceeded down the corridor, despite the fact that the floor was pristine, they started to feel as though they were walking on something sticky.

Despite the fact that the floor had just been cleaned, this took place.

The only sound that could be picked up was a faint shuffling in the distance. When Shane realized that the sound was coming from a room behind him, he immediately dropped to his knees in shock.

He beckoned the audience's attention to the space, which was otherwise unoccupied.

By placing his foot on the wall and resting his free hand on Shane's shoulder, Brian was able to push himself past Shane and get to the other side.

After that, he looked into the space while crouching behind Shane and gazing over his shoulder.

A statue was placed in one of the alcoves, and it was positioned such that it faced the entrance while staring vacantly in its direction and pointing its arms, which did not have any hands or fingers, in the direction of the entrance.

Feet rooted to the ground, swallowing hard, Brian then said, "Shane, we have company."

He did so cautiously, and the barrel of the gun was wavering ever-so-slightly as he gazed out the door at the statue and questioned, "Other?"

Looking down the hall, Brian asked as his face darkened, "Look at the hallway. Were those there?"

The bases of the statues could be seen protruding from the door frames, and there were two more statues visible nearby that appeared to be exiting via one of the doors on either side of the corridor.

Swallowing hard, Shane turned to see Brian, who yelled, "Look at the one in the room!!"

Shane cast an immediate glance around the room. The statue that was in the room moved closer to the front door in a stealthy and gradual manner.

It had moved a few inches when Brian said slowly, "Don't take your eyes off it."

Gently placing his hand on Shane's shoulder, Brian said, "I feel like cornered."

Shane deeply inhaled as he continued to stare at the statue. He was petrified of blinking and the repeated jabs in the back of his neck, which caused him to turn away from the statue.

Taking a deep breath after a quick blink, Shane said, "They are beasts. I can feel their touch."

Brian lightly tapped Shane's shoulder with his fingers as he then asked, "Itchy nape, right."

Shane tapped his foot twice. Brian took a deep breath as he questioned, "Should we break them or run?"

Breaking the statues gave Shane a bad feeling, so he said quickly, "It could make the situation worse."

Quickly responding almost instantly when Shane finished speaking, Brian said, "Or I could improve it."

While he was swallowing, Brian experienced a number of painful stings throughout his body.

They did not cause any discomfort. The irritation was only slight, like that caused by insects.

Cracking his neck, Brian said in a mocking tone, "You won't have a coin handy, will you."

Shane chuckled to himself as he got down on his knees in the middle of the room and stared at the statue that was there while he murmured, "We are wasting time; they need us on the roof."

Brian patted Shane's shoulder lightly again as he said, "And now more than ever, there was one of these shits in the square."

Shane thought quickly, "Not just in the square. They are surrounded by houses like these. How many statues are there that we don't see?"

Even though his thoughts were beginning to conjure up a number of unpleasant possibilities involving his companions and these statues, he realized that they had no idea what they were doing.

Shane felt Brian tap his shoulder as he said, "Ok, look."