
Danmachi: The Blade-Bound

Awakening with a mind as blank as a freshly forged blade, a nameless boy finds himself thrust into the labyrinth world of Orario. With no recollection of his past, his only anchor is an inexplicable affinity for swords. In a realm ruled by gods and where strength is paramount, the amnesiac swordsman must forge a new identity. Surrounded by the allure of adventure and the shadow of danger, he embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery, his blade the only constant in a world teeming with both opportunity and deadly challenges. Can he uncover the secrets of his past while carving out a future in the treacherous depths of the dungeon?

Leip0t · 漫画同人
28 Chs


Spring had sprung, a vibrant counterpoint to the harsh winter Zephyr had endured. The once-pristine snow had melted, revealing a lush landscape reborn under the warm embrace of the sun. The rhythmic clop of hooves echoed across the softened earth, a powerful counterpoint to the chirping symphony of birdsong.

Atop a magnificent black stallion, Zephyr rode with an air of newfound confidence. The horse, aptly named Noir for its sleek coat that shimmered like polished obsidian under the sun, was a testament to their shared journey. Zephyr, his blue hair windswept and his face weathered but determined, handled the massive creature with practiced ease. Noir was a beast built for speed and power.

Its powerful legs propelled them forward at a breathtaking pace, easily surpassing a galloping horse and nearing the speed of a full speed car. The wind whipped through Zephyr's cloak, but it barely ruffled his composure. His eyes, usually a clear blue, glowed with a faint azure light – a hint of the power he held within.

In the distance, a silhouette emerged on the horizon. Buildings, tall and imposing, began to pierce the clear blue sky. Orario, the city of dreams and monsters, beckoned. A triumphant smile touched Zephyr's lips. After months of arduous travel, he had finally reached his destination.

"We're almost there, Noir," he murmured, his voice carried away by the wind. The stallion whinnied in response, its powerful head held high, mirroring Zephyr's own sense of anticipation.

The journey had been long and fraught with challenges, but they had faced them together, man and beast forging an unbreakable bond.

They were a team now, ready to confront whatever awaited them within the bustling heart of Orario.

Zephyr urged Noir on. The city grew closer, its sprawling maze of buildings a testament to its history and power. The rhythmic clop of hooves accelerated, the sound echoing through the approaching city like a herald announcing their arrival.

Orario rose from the plains like a titan sculpted from ivory and gold. Towering above it all was Babel, the city's namesake, its peak disappearing into the clouds, a dizzying testament to human ambition. The rumors were true; it dwarfed even the tallest structures Zephyr had ever seen in his travels.

This sprawling metropolis, a nexus for adventurers and dreamers alike, pulsed with a life force that vibrated through the very ground.

Noir, his magnificent black stallion, thundered across the cobblestone streets, drawing gasps and wide-eyed stares from the bustling crowds.

His obsidian coat gleamed in the midday sun, and his powerful legs carried them forward with an effortless grace that belied his immense size. Zephyr, perched atop his new companion, felt a surge of pride, but beneath it, a flicker of amusement at Noir's display.

'A bit dramatic, aren't we?' Zephyr thought with a deadpan smile. Noir, as if sensing his rider's amusement, snorted and tossed his head, his dark mane rippling like a storm cloud.

Their first stop, Zephyr had decided, was the Guild. Here, amidst the throngs of hopeful adventurers, he would find his footing, gather information about his past, and perhaps, even fulfill his promise of being a Hero.

The Guild building loomed large. A steady stream of adventurers flowed in and out, their faces etched with a mixture of determination and weary anticipation. Zephyr dismounted from Noir, his hand lingering on the stallion's neck for a moment, a silent promise of a well-deserved rest after their long journey.

With a deep breath and a heart brimming with a mix of excitement and apprehension, Zephyr stepped through the Guild doors, ready to begin the next chapter of his life in the heart of Orario.

The cacophony of the Guild assaulted Zephyr the moment he stepped through the doorway. A din of voices, some boisterous and bragging, others tense and nervous, filled the air. Adventurers of all shapes and sizes milled about, their armor clanking and weapons glinting under the harsh overhead lights.

Zephyr, unfazed by the chaos, pushed his way through the throng towards the central point – the reception area. Registration was his first priority. He joined the queue, his gaze taking in the sights and sounds of this bustling hub.

His turn finally arrived. A young woman with a bright smile and hair the color of burnished copper greeted him. "Welcome to the Guild! It's not every day we see someone with hair as blue as the summer sky, such as yours

" she chirped, her voice bubbling with friendly enthusiasm.

"Ah, thank you," Zephyr replied, a faint smile tugging at his lips. He wasn't used to such open comments about his hair color, but the woman's cheerfulness was infectious.

"So, are you here to register as an adventurer?" she continued, her smile widening.

"Indeed, that I am," Zephyr confirmed. "I see, then have you joined a familia yet?" Zephyr froze at the question. "Familia?

The receptionist's smile faltered slightly, replaced by a look of surprise. "You haven't heard of Familias? You must be from the countryside." Her voice held a hint of concern. "Well, let me explain…"

The receptionist, whose name tag identified her as Enya, launched into a lengthy explanation. Zephyr, despite his initial confusion, absorbed her words like a sponge. To summarize:

Familias were the backbone of Orario's adventurer society. Each one was essentially a guild within the Guild, led by a benevolent God or Goddess who bestowed upon their followers – adventurers like himself – a special blessing called a Falna. This Falna enhanced their abilities, granting them superhuman strength, speed, and even magical abilities depending on the adventurer.

Familias could specialize in various domains – exploration, like most were, but also business, crafting, healing, or even encompassing entire nations. Each Familia held a rank, ranging from I, the smallest and newest, to the coveted S-rank, a testament to their size, achievements, and overall prowess.

Here in Orario, two Familias held a legendary rivalry: Loki Familia, known for their heroic expeditions in the dungeon and their audacious leader, and Freya Familia, notorious for their stunning leader who used her charm to entice powerful adventurers as well housing the most powerful Adventurer in the world. Their competition was fierce, a constant tug-of-war for dominance within the city.

Zephyr digested this information, his brow furrowed in thought. A Familia… it made sense. It explained the structure, the purpose, the very foundation of Orario's adventurer ecosystem. But a single truth remained – he didn't belong to one.

As if sensing his predicament, Enya spoke up. "Don't worry," she reassured him. "You can still register as an independent adventurer. However, your access to the Dungeon will be limited. Until you join a Familia, you'll only be able to delve into the lower levels, floors one to ten to be precise."

Zephyr let out a slow exhale. Restricted access wasn't ideal, but it was a starting point. He had come too far to turn back now. "I understand," he replied, a resolute glint in his blue eyes. "Please, register me as an independent adventurer." He was the familia equivalent of Maidenless, truly a tragic fate.

Enya smiled, a hint of admiration replacing her earlier surprise. This young man, with his unique hair and determined spirit, had potential. Perhaps, she thought, his journey in Orario had just begun, and the question of a Familia would answer itself in due time.

———[Chapter End]———

A/N: Canon starts in 6 years so I have a lot of time to do things differently from canon.

Also, any ideas that you guys might want to suggest?