
Danmachi: Divine Enemy

Dying, getting transported, save a beautiful lady in need. The usual, but the neurotic lady that got saved wasn't your typical princess.

Khay_Cee_Padua · 漫画同人
101 Chs

Chapter 33: Start of a Legend

Just coming back from the dungeon, Lars and co. Were having a good time.

"Let's celebrate in the hostess of fertility. Tell Lunoire that we should have a discount for leveling up." Lars chuckled.

She was their senior. And what kind of junior are you if you don't try to scam some food out of your senior?

"That sounds good actually." Airmid has heard a lot of things from the establishment, all good in fact.

"Come on then! Let's eat and drink until we drop!" Tiona had a beaming smile.

"We can't drink you doofus, we're underaged." Tione rolled her eyes.

"Let's go, gang." Lars wanted to have one of everything on their menu again.

__Hostess of Fertility__

"Hello~ a table for four please." Lars opened the doors like he owned the place.

"Nya~ it's the cutie nya. Chloe~ he's here!" Anya called for her colleague.

"Seating four people!" Chloe guided them to a table.

"Hoh? You're with your little harem?" Chloe tried to tease him and he looked at her like she was stupid.

"You do know that we're still young, right? Too young for that." Lars rolled his eyes.

The girls were blushing though, especially Tione who started fidgeting around.

"Doesn't look like that to me nya~" Chloe wiggled her eyebrows.

And when Lars looked at them, he realized that he was in a different world.

'Shit... Amazons like strong men right? But I'm just a boy though...' He looked at Tiona and Tione.

"Can we order?" Airmid cleared her throat and Chloe started to give them the menu.

"It's the usual, one of everything for me. How about you three though?" Lars didn't even look at the menu.

"O-one of everything?" Tiona was flabbergasted and her sister blinked.

"Can I even make enough food for him?" She started mumbling.

"Okay! You're going to give our cooks a lot of pain again nya~" Chloe thought it sucks to be them.

"Oh, and tell Lunoire that we should have a discount. Her precious juniors just leveled up after all." Lars had a smirk on his face.

"Hoh? I'd like to see what happens after I tell mama Mia about that." Chloe grinned and she went over to mama Mia.

The half-dwarf then went up towards them and she smacked the table.

"You up to no good again!?" She squinted her eyes at him.

"Well, Airmid here is level 3 now. Tiona and Tione are also level 4. Lunoire-senpai has to treat us." Lars smiled sweetly.

"Hey! I heard that! No way!" Lunoire ran at them and Mia snorted.

"Says Lunoire." Mia smirked at him and Lars had to bust out the special; blackmail.

"Hmmm... You see the honeycloud fruits you use for your dishes? I'm the main supplier for it.

The thing saves you tons of money right? You'd use it instead of sugar after all. It'd be bad if the stocks suddenly crash." Lars said to no one in particular.

'This kid's balls are massive.' Everyone inside the establishment looked at them.

"Kuu! You win this time, Lars. Don't dream that you'll keep having discounts though." Mia stomped her way back to her counter.

"Is it wise to antagonize the owner?" Airmid got a bit nervous.

And they definitely felt it. The strength of a level 6.

"Nah, it's fine." Lars waved it off and they waited for their food to arrive.

"I can't believe that you ordered that much food." Tione is shocked when their food arrived.

"Heh, I'm quite hungry you see." Lars started stuffing face. But instead of looking sloppy, he looked like he was just vacuuming the food.

"Slow down sir, the food won't run away." Syr walked up to them, bringing new dishes. But he forgot about her.

"Hmm? You feel familiar..." Lars squinted his eyes.

They turned into slits for a split moment. "N-no sir, that would be impossible. I haven't seen you ever." She smiled wryly.

"I see... You feel and look similar to someone I saw back then. Well, she was older." Lars shrugged.

'Damn... His instincts are top notch. He's right on the money already.' The girl broke into a cold sweat.

"My name is Syr Flova, call me if you need anything okay?" She winked at him and went away.

"Do you know that girl?" Tiona pouted at him and he shrugged.

"I've never seen that girl in my life." Lars continued shoveling in his food.

The twins looked at him with squinted eyes, but they dropped it when he didn't even look at Syr again.

"That girl is suspicious..." Airmid whispered. Syr was too interested in Lars. And he isn't really famous.

"Maybe it's because I'm very handsome?" Lars said cheekily and Airmid pinched him.

"Ow! You're level 3, I'm just level 1 you know?" He whined.

"Hmph, we all know that's just a technicality." Airmid snorted.

And while they were celebrating by toasting, drinking some fruit juice. Somebody else opened the doors like they owned the place.

"Oi~ Mia! Your finest drink! The Denatus just ended and I want to get shitfaced!" Loki came with her executives.

And they had a new member with them, a werewolf.

"Loki... You can't get drunk in public." Riveria chided her.

"Eh, I'm a goddess. I can do whatever I want with my familia's money!" She whined and looked for a seat.

But Lars' group used up more tables for their food. And due to his eating speed, they had to serve all of his orders in huge batches.

"Hmm? A bunch of kids hogging tables? You, give us a couple." The werewolf walked up to them like a delinquent.

Tione and Tiona's veins almost popped and they were about to beat the ever living shit out of him.

But Lars stopped them and he looked at Finn with a raised brow.

"Is this your dog? You know you can't bring pets here, right?" Lars rebutted and everyone was speechless.

After blinking for a few seconds, Loki started laughing boisterously.

"Kyahaha! Riveria! He just called Bete a dog!" Loki thought it was hilarious.

"Stop!" Gareth grabbed Bete under the arms immediately as the werewolf went red on the face in anger.

Curses sprung out of the guy's mouth and Finn smiled sheepishly at Lars.

"Sorry, he's a bit rough around the edges." Finn apologized.

"But you didn't try to stop your subordinate, Finn Deimne." Lars' voice went ice cold and Loki stopped laughing.

"What? Didn't think that I noticed? Your fake smile plastered on your face? You'd have let him strong arm us won't you?" Lars could feel it.

Working as a posh reviewer that critiques food that has a lot of arrogant and fake people, he can feel it.

"You are too arrogant without realizing it, Finn Deimne. And that might just cost you your comrades in the future." Lars squinted his eyes.

"Forgive us, let's all put this under the bridge." Riveria stepped in immediately.

"Hello, Lars." Ais waved at him with a small smile on her face. She then looked at his group curiously.

"Then come and join us, we are just celebrating Tione and Tiona becoming level 4. While Airmid here is now level 3." Lars smiled as he offered them a seat.

Even Loki couldn't say anything as they awkwardly sat in front of them.

"Hi Ais, how are you doing? Find a hobby yet?" Lars asked his friend amongst them.

"I work out instead of training, it takes my mind off things." Ais flexed her bicep and he chuckled.

'Is this guy really going to make things this awkward and continue chatting with her?' Airmid raised a brow at him.

He ignored her silent pleas to make them go away though.

"Then that's good, how about we go dungeon diving sometime? Let me show you how awesome my team is?" Lars pointed at his group.

"Uhh, hello?" Tiona didn't know what to say and her sister just nodded. Meanwhile, Airmid stared at them warily.

After all, they were the Loki familia. A rank S familia that could go to the deeper floors regularly.

"Lad, I can't just unhear what you said. Is young Airmid here a level 3 now?" Gareth asked Lars.

"Yup, isn't it a world record? It only took her three months and then some." Lars shrugged.

Bete spat out his drink to the side while Ais went wide eyed in shock.

"Not waiting to increase your stats to the limit before leveling up will be detrimental to her growth, Lars." Riveria tried to advise him.

"Oh, yeah. That's why all her stats are at rank S before she levels up." Lars revealed and this time, it was Finn who choked on his drink.

Riveria's expression darkened and Gareth looked at Airmid curiously.

'If that's true... Then she's the strongest newly minted level 3. All her stats would be at the highest order.' Riveria calculated.

And Airmid's stats would be equal to the average level 3's around.

'She's only been an adventurer for three months at most... Ais who levels up every year can't even compare to this monster.' Finn frowned.

'That's also the problem, Ais doesn't max out her stats before leveling... Not even close.' Finn stared at Airmid.

"Care to share your secrets?" Loki grinned at them and Lars smirked.

"So you want to know the secret of our overwhelming speed and power?" Lars said dramatically.

"Ohhhh... Yes please." Ais nodded at him and everybody listened intently.

"Then it's gonna cost you." Lars looked at Loki and she frowned.

'This cheeky little... He knows that I'm dying to learn about it.' Loki clicked her tongue.

"Name it, if it's too ridiculous. We won't accept." Loki nodded at him.

"Very well..." Lars paused for the drama and everybody strained their ears.

"Every single day! 100 push ups! 100 sit ups! 100 squats! And a 10 km run!" Lars had a smug look on his face.

Everybody just stared at him in disbelief. "I also add a banana to my diet. And when it gets hot or cold, you can't use appliances. It hardens you." Lars nodded sagely.

"What the fuck are ya talking about!?" Bete shouted and Loki nodded.

"Cut the crap kid." Loki squinted her eyes. Though she didn't sense a lie in his words. Which almost made her choke.

"Fine, you guys are no fun. You see, in order to become strong. You have to fight against the impossible odds." Lars intertwined his fingers as he smirked.

"We fight monster parades regularly while basically being naked. Just with the clothes on our back. Wanna try it?" Lars chuckled.

The Loki familia's jaw almost dropped onto the ground.

"Well, not really naked. We just don't use armor and weapons most of the time." Tiona added while chewing on some meat.

"Yeah, don't forget that part." Airmid blushed as she wasn't as comfortable in nudity like the amazons.

"They beat the goliath with standard issue weapons and in Airmid's case, a run of the mill kite shield." Lars shrugged.

"You're lying..." Bete just couldn't believe it and the others were inclined to agree.

"I see... You crazy son of a bitch. I like ya." Loki grinned at him and he bowed slightly.

"Loki? He's not lying?" Riveria's ears twitched at what she just heard, Lars wasn't lying according to her reaction.

"Yeah, it's no good. Nobody will ever be able to replicate how this guy gets excelia." Loki shook her head in exasperation.

"Now, for my just rewards." Lars looked at Loki with a smug expression.

"Geh! Fine! Ask what is it that you want. Do you want my delicious body? I guess I'll humor you." Loki tried to tease him.

"While that is a generous offer that I'm tempted to accept." Lars said with a monotone voice and expression.

"What I want is her." Lars pointed at Riveria and they were alarmed.

"Ya know that's a tall order kid. Riveria's a high elf, she's royalty." Loki snorted.

"I want her to teach me everything she knows about magic." Lars had a happy smile on his face.

He finally found a good way to learn magic from someone knowledgeable. And it was about time.

"I thought you wanted Riveria, she's like 90 years old you know?" Gareth laughed and Riveria whacked him with her staff.

"What the hell did you just say?" Riveria looked like a demon as she glared at Gareth.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.