

After he captured the Outers, Lin Fan didn't waste any time with them.

They all had different things to say, but he didn't listen to a single one of them as he had Brainy insert her seed into them.

With this seed, she was able to easily control them and learn information about them.

She learned about the troop that they belonged to, information about their universe, and many different things.

One interesting thing to note was that these Outers belonged to a different regiment than the one that Lin Fan had met before in the Lu Astral Empire. They were still from the same country, but they were from a completely different regiment.

Armies in the Outer universe were similar to armies in their universe, but the ones that had been sent here were all elites of their regiments.

There wasn't a single rank and file troop that had been sent.

But that did make sense since they were here to infiltrate and steal laws.