
Crossing The Twilight the Awakening

This fanfic is based on over 18 to 20 other fanfics that I have found interesting but a few very good ones that were never finished, I must write one of my own and since I have a lot a time on my hands, hope to finish by the end. I have read and researched all those fanfics and added what I thought was missing in them and put them all together in my own work. I have used examples but not copied any of their stuff to mine. Well maybe a few lines that were very good, but there are a few sections where I do copy ‘them’ and/or ‘the origin’ of the story. Please be advised that I do not own ‘The Twilight Saga’ and or any other movies or stories related to this fanfic that come into play. Most of these chapters in the beginning will be from 3-5 thousand words, then gradually increase later being between 5-7 thousand words per chapter as the characters progress. I like my fanfics long and sometimes comedic. Again, I do not own any movie rights or any characters that come out from this... THEY ARE FANFICS. RATED M FOR MATURE!!! Please be warned: there are some light and heavy lemons in this fanfic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! SEX SCENES YES!!! AGAIN, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Alexandro died saving a little girl from getting ran over, funnily after he died, he meets a ROB saying it died stupidly, he is given a wheel of powers to spin and a spin to when he will arrive in another world. He awakens as a baby in the world of Twilight. Having a good childhood, when he hits his teenage years, tragedy happens and is left alone, family murdered and a crisis of who his long-life mates will be. While adventuring in an old tomb, he finds an old relic that when after he put together something wonderous happened. He is transported through dimensions. Will he ever get back to his? Will he want to? Will he live for revenge or get passed his grief of his family being murdered by the same type of supernatural's that murdered his family? Or will he choose another route to happiness? This is not a pick-up all females he sees harem, the most he'll have is three maybe four. He started with three, that's because they were soul mated to him, not a choice. That ROB wasn't giving him one and he may have another along the way but that's it, no others, no midnight getaways, no rendezvous.

Roberto_0461 · 电影同人
21 Chs

Chapter 18: Cullen Home Attacked and Revealed!!

Chapter 18: Cullen Home Attacked and Revealed!!


I soon noticed Alice as she appeared worried about her brothers health, as she stared at us from the hallway. After letting his hand go I laughed at the guy for what he just tried to do. "Hahaha, sorry looks like I got too excited there for a second." I said as I saw the hand slowly heal after letting go. Alice, who was not far away, had seen what happened and was surprised. Her eyes had gone wide in astonishment at how strong I was, her face said it all.


She quickly made her way to her brothers side to check on him, 'to be able to crack Emmett's hand so easily, how strong can Chris be? Who are you Chris? What are you? Are you like us? I need to know.' She thought to herself as I read her thought that we blaring form her mind. "Wooow, Mr. Swan, how'd you'd get so strong? Damn you must have some kind of Hercules strength on you."


Emmett said in a surprised manner, still sporting that silly smile on his face, and he was getting more excited at what happened. "I guess you could say I'm special, I eat a lot of meat you know. It's been that way since before I met my little stalker here." I said in a mysterious tone while pointing at my dear Alice. 'Wait did I just call Alice 'MY'?' I said in my head. As I looked at Alice I heard her thoughts as well, 'Did he just call ME his?'


Shaking my head as I started thinking about my next step. 'Am I starting to accept them?' Emmett spoke again bringing me out of my thoughts and what looked like Alice's as well. "Hahahaha... well, I guess you should know that me and my whole family are special as well then, right Alice?!" Emmett said as he looked at Alice, while trying to look at my face as well to see if I had any bad reactions to what he just told me.


Looking at them standing there curiously awaiting what I would say next. "If you want a straight answer Mr. Cullen, I've known who and what you all were since back in California. So, I guess you could say, you are not as special as you all think you all are. I've seen many of your kind and other special people in my travels." I said with I smirk, staring into Alice's eyes, seeing what her reaction would entail.


"So, were we the reason you moved away then? Or was there something or someone else involved?" Emmett asked curiously. "No, sorry you weren't Emmett, your family wasn't that important for me to worry myself with at the time back then." Alice gasped as if she thought that she and the girls weren't important to him at all. She put on a sad face and looked down, not wanting to look at me anymore.


As I continued, "when I first had to leave, I left because something happened to my family back then. And they were the only family I had left in this world? After a while being alone and lost, I found myself again. Hence I returned to the only other living relatives I had left, and that was my cousin Charlie and his family. I just wanted to be around family that's all, well... in the beginning that is."


"When I came here a few years ago, I just wanted to stay for a while and then leave again. But Charlie was too worried about my health, that he convinced me to stay. So, he convinced the school to let me have the job of being a Trigonometry teacher, which I didn't need but for Charlie I'd do it. Anywys, I needed time to acclimate myself to being around many people and stop being a closed off person. So, here we are."


After I finished answering Emmett's questions, Alice looked up with a sad smile. Maybe because of what I had said earlier, but before she could leave. I said, "I moved here for different reasons more or less," As I turned to look in her eyes, "I didn't even know that you and your kin who I meet years ago were even here in Forks. I came here to recuperate and be with family, but then you all came along..."


As I paused and looked away from Alice trying to remember the real reason I was here. "Oh, and what prey tell is that different reason you came specifically here then?" Alice asked while even more curious than before still looking at me, now with an angry face. "Well, you don't need that info for now, but in the future you most likely will, bet on it."


I wasn't going to bend over backwards for them at the moment. So, I said little about my reasons and started packing my stuff. I turned my head stepping around my desk and packing my things up getting ready to leave. I ending the conversation abruptly as this left both Emmett and Alice confused as I locked my classroom door and walked away.


Twenty minutes later, Rosaline POV...

After the little talk Emmett and Alice had with Chris, they soon found themselves standing next to the car Alice and her group of three drove to school in waiting for the rest of us to arrive, and as we showed up, Emmett started talking about the little conversation they had with Chris. As we all walked out of the building, Edward, Edythe, and Jessamine crowded around Emmett and Alice as they started to explain what had happened in Chris's classroom.


While I headed towards Edward's jeep, I could still hear them from a few spaces away, but wanted to sit in the jeep awaiting the group. But as soon as I sat down, I saw Chris coming out of the school building. And I knew that Emmett and Edward would try and confront Chris about the earlier discussion, so I had to walk to Emmett and Edward quickly.


And true to the word, as soon as Chris came out of the school building, and mounting his motorcycle reading to leave, he was stopped by Emmett before Chris could turn on his bike. So, I stood next to Edward as we wanted to know more of what Emmett was told earlier. That was when Emmett started talking as he stood beside Chris, "Mr. Swan, meet I'd like you to meet my older brother, Edward and my wife, Rosaline."


"Guys, meet Mr. Christiano Swan, our Trigonometry teacher, he's also cousin to the Chief of police Charlie Swan." Emmett said while grinning to his two family members. Alice, Jess, and Edythe who were watching not far from them narrowed their eyes as they looked at Emmett from behind. As Chris was about to talk, a sudden feeling of death came from three different sides looking towards Emmett's direction.


A cold chill was felt going down Emmett's spine was felt as Chris and I looked at my sisters to wonder why they were looking at my husband like that. I soon ignored it, that was when I saw Emmett stepping behind me trying to use me as shield from my sisters wrath, as I looked at Emmett, he looked a little shaken, looked like fear was what was he was feeling making me chuckle a little at their antics.


"It's good to finally meet the rest of the Cullen siblings." Chris said with a large smile on his face as he stretched out his hand towards us to shake ours. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you as well, Chris. The girls have told us very little about you." I said as I quickly shook his hand. Then Jessamine came up beside him grabbing his hand and saying, "It's nice to touc... meet you too again Chris!! Call me Jess... if... you want."


Chris POV...

Looking down at my hand that Jess still had, I felt the same bolt of electricity I felt when I felt wit Edythe and Alice. I was starting to get a headache with all of this as I looked at Jess which was sporting at what would be a blushing face at the last things she said in a low voice when she introduced herself, which still I heard. "Hello to you too, Jess. Nice to meet you, again."


After shaking my hand Edward stepped forward next, "Yo, what's up?" Edward said begrudgingly shaking my hand as well. And he still tried to read my mind, the fucken shit doesn't seem to learn as I blocked his attempts again. " Look!!!" I still had his hand in my own, as I started adding more strength to it. His hand started to crack at a visible rate, "I let you off several times from trying to read my mind you little shit!!"


"You better stop, right the fuck NOW!!" As I lifted my arm with him still attached to it and threw the shit across the parking lot, alarming the rest of the Cullen kids as they gathered around Emmett and Rosaline. Edward slid toward his jeep back bumper, soon stopping as he hit the jeep. Alice suddenly turned toward me, taking my hand trying to calm me down as I looked livid at the downed vampire from my bike.


Edythe, Jess, and Alice soon turned to look at Edward in an angry manner as they knew Edward did what I said he did. But before Alice or anyone could say anything, Alice and I suddenly had a vision. Usually when I have a vision like this is due to something was going to happen to me specifically and these visions happen my shields would fail for a few seconds as my mind catches up.


As my shields were lowered, I knew Alice got a glimpse of my mind for those few seconds. And so would Edward with his inability to let anyone around him have any privacy to themselves whatsoever. She saw what I had just seen, a man with long blond hair, bright gold eyes, sharp teeth, and claws, with a lean and well-defined muscled body, who was wearing blue jean pants with a crazy smile on his face had Carlisle and Esmée up in the air by their necks.


There was three other people around them laughing as if they were having a good time. I was brought out from my vision and reactivated my anti-scrying ability quickly letting Alice relax herself from seeing anything further, for her the vision finished, but for me it still showed a few seconds more, and then the vision ended. As Alice came out of her vision first, she looked terrified and started shaking in terror.


Edward had just recovered from my throw, had an angry expression on his face as he saw what we both saw. I stood there thinking as the Cullens were gathered around Alice. And I thought to myself, 'So, they're finally showing themselves, again. Well, then let's get rid of these troublemakers.' Thinking about what my next step is going to be and should I even need to show the Cullens who I really was.


Clearly, I need to be at the Cullen house like yesterday, or I wouldn't be having this vision in the first place. I need to leave now, before they die or get hurt more than they are now. The girls will never forgive me if something happened to them. As soon as I regained myself and came out of my thoughts, Alice stared at me. "Y-you saw that also, didn't you?" Alice questioned me with an almost pleasurable tone in her voice.


I didn't say anything and kept staring at her. "What are you two talking about, Alice? Why are you looking terrified of him?" Jess asked worryingly to her sister. While everyone else had a serious face on started to put their guard up against me. "I have no time to explain, we need to head home now!! And be prepared to fight. Carlisle and Esmee are in danger, they are about to get attacked by four unknown people!!"


Alice said as she stared at me, with a loud gasp from the other Cullens, as my clothes started to change into my armor Edward and a few others knew very well. Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward jumping back a few feet, getting scared of what they saw but I cared little. I quickly grabbed Edythe, Alice, and Jess and flew up into the skies heading in the direction of the Cullens home with them floating beside me.


"Chris what are doing? Where are we going?" Edythe yelled out worried about her parents. "We are heading to your home, Carlisle and Esmee are being attacked by some unknown human hybrid werewolves." Chris said reassuring them that he was going to help her parents, making them look calmer as they flew through the skies. Before we had flown away, I had placed a notice-me-not charm around the area we were all in.


Even now, the normals were clueless due to my evasion spell that's inserted into my armor, making me and the girls practically invisible as we flew through the skies towards the Cullen home. After the others recollected themselves from Chris's identity, they finally noticed that we were gone, and seeing that three of their sisters were missing as well, they ran to try to catch up with us on foot, since they run faster than a vehicle does on pavement.


But only two left on foot, Rosaline got in the jeep and did not want to leave it behind, so she drove it back as quickly as she could drive it. Emmett and Edward moved fast through the woods as did the jeep through the streets, and they all quickly made their way home. Meanwhile, the girls and I were flying above the forest trees when Alice started asking me questions.


"Chris, I heard you and Emmett speaking in class, I know you know what we are. So, why take us with you? Don't you hate our kind? Why bring us with you? Why help my family out? You do know we are pretty fast foot, right?!" Alice wanting to know why, she and Edythe soon started to panic about what I would do or say next. But all that was overran by the need to get home and help their foster parents.


The three had worried looks on all their faces as if we weren't going to make it in time, only for her to see me smile back at her. "Oh, you think so, my little pixie. Look in front of you." I said when our speed started increasing suddenly and their home came into view as we arrived outside their home just in time for unexpected guests to arrive.


As did we, as we landed startling the unexpected visitors, as soon as we touched down, I let Alice, Edythe, and Jess go as they stood behind me as I confronted the four unknown visitors. I can see clearly by their features I knew who they were and what we were going against, two pairs of werewolves, children of the moon, somehow appeared in front of the Cullen home, but the why, I'll get after leaving one alive.


I spoke out loud to the girls, "these things... are two pairs of children of the moon, why are they at your home? And why are they attacking in broad daylight? Now that is surprising, I wonder why they are attacking your parents?" The girls were surprises at what I said and prepared themselves to fight. As the wolves started to charge at us. I fired two stunning spells from each hand only knocking one down as it fell to the ground unconscious.


I quickly pulled out my long blade out of thin air getting a gasp from Edythe who was right behind me, which I swung my sword sideways, slicing through one of the two wolves in half. It just stood there with an unbelievable stare at what just happened to it as it's life slipped away from its eyes. I emerged on the other side as my previous self-image faded away, catching both the wolves and my girls by surprise.


The other wolf acted very slowly as it backed away from its dead comrade and I appeared only a few feet from him, I could see the fear in its eyes as I appeared. Standing beside its dead partner, I knocked his ass down as well just as quickly with a high leg stomp. The wolf didn't have time to react slammed its body into the ground creating a deep round crater as it lost consciousness.


I didn't stop there, disappearing again, I headed toward my last targeted werewolf that was still standing not far away as it was trying to back stepped away in fright. Unknowing to myself, the first werewolf I had brought down somehow re-awoke from its slumber and it soon joined the fight again. The girls that were standing behind me in the beginning noticed that two of the werewolves were already down and permanently incapacitated.


Surprised and awed at how well I fought against four werewolves, when they found out I was Spector, they were more interested in me and my secrets wanting to know more. Back with me, now there is two wolves to fight, and I was getting excited at what more they could do, because I was disappointed on how they fought. Together they attacking me from two different directions, I dodged, ducked, and jumped away from many of their attacks.


But that didn't mean that I was not attacking them as well. Again the Culle's were amazed at how easily I was dancing around the two wolves as their claws missed me by meer inches. I had everything under my control from the start, I was just testing their skills at this point. After I became bored with the fight, I got complacent and was attacked from behind when the third wolf awoke from the crater it created earlier.


'Now this is a fight!! I want more!! I thought to myself as I started attacking them as they bunched up in a group. When I was about to slice an unprepared wolf in half, another wolf attacked me from my right side, somehow it hide in the forest and waited for the right time to attack me, it created the right distraction as I lost the momentum of the downward stroke of my long sword. Missed its mark.


I got kicked in the chest by the wolf I had missed and was thrown a few meters towards my mates as I back flipped in the air and killed the kicks momentum and making me slide on the ground as I landed next to my girls. Now I was pissed, my blade started to glow as I disappeared from the wolves view and appeared again behind the four wolves.


I had sliced one of the wolves in half as it was in mid-transformed state as its large claws and head fell on the ground ending its life. If not for the other wolf besides moving back a foot, it would have been dead as well, if I had not missing its head by a few inches. After landing behind the three that were left, I kicked the one that came out of the forest in its abdomen as it tried to claw at my leg and failing to connect.


The wolf flew a few meters back into the woods hitting a large tree, breaking it in half as the wolf went through it. And the two wolves that was still standing tried to flee as I disappeared again and passing my blade through both their hearts and separating their heads from their necks, ending their lives as blood splashed all over the Cullens yard. After their death, I pulled out my sword of the last dead wolf, as it fell to the ground lifeless.


Suddenly, the girls turned around as they heard Edwards jeep at a distance as they saw a large dust trail barrel down the road heading to their home. Not two seconds later, all the Cullen's had appeared next to their parents as they watched the last wolf life ended, and me walking slowly towards the last unconscious wolf. It woke up quickly as it started snarling at me and showing its sharp fangs wanting to transform as I stepped closer to it.


I approached the downed wolf that lay across a broken tree, as I was on top of it, I grabbed it by its neck, and started reading it's mind as the Cullens made sure the other wolves were either secured or dead. I never left an enemy alive for any reason, better dead than come back with reinforcements making their actions moot. "So, you were sent here specifically to finish this Coven of vampires off, but why? Why them specifically?"


It just snarled at me and said nothing. I only shook my head at it, not even getting mad. As I said, "No matter, I'll know soon everything you know. Now, let's see who sent you here and why target these vampires specifically. Ahh, Justine the Nomadic Witch sent you, but why now?, Why them? Ahhh, okay. So, somehow she saw glimpses of my future and she also saw them engaged in my life in the future."


"Well, that just means I have to destroy her attempts then. I'll have to go witch hunting again and very soon from the looks of what she has planned for me. HHMMM... She's already gathered a few other Super's to fight me, that's not good, for her. Well, thank you little wolf, now go with god and go join your fellow wolves in the afterlife." I must have talked a little too loud talking to the wolf, the vampires around me looked worried again.


By the looks of it, they heard me talking to myself as I interrogated the wolf. I stunned the wolf in my hand with three stunner spells and then threw him next to the other three dead wolve bodies. After a few seconds, I walked at the front of the Cullen's home, only for Carlisle and Esmée to walk towards me, and they looked pissed for some reason, as they looked at all the damage I had caused to the front yard.


Soon three girls came running towards only to see me standing in front of their parents and four werewolves on the ground and all the Cullen kids surrounding me. When a soft voice was heard getting everyone's attention, "Edythe, Alice, Jess what is going on here, and who is this next you? Why are there children of the moon attacking our home? Please would someone explain."


Esmée asks her three daughters first because they were standing next to the mysterious armored person, of course that was me and they didn't know yet. As soon as the fight was over, Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie walked closer to Carlisle and Esmée, hugging them, glad that they were safe. Thanking the all mighty that they were all right. "Cough, cough, Edward, who is this?' Carlisle asked as he pointed at me.


"I'm the guy who just saved you're two lives from getting attacked by them." I say pointing at the wolves on the ground. Then I continued explaining, "That's who I am. You do know that I don't need tell you anything else." I said to the Cullen patriarch because he always acts like he should be told everything, like it's his right to know. The parent Cullens looked at me in a disappointing manner as if that would work on me.


Then looked elsewhere for answers from the others. Other than the three girls that came with me looking ok and unworried at what I said, the rest of the Cullens stared at me as if I was going to attack them. "Good now, time to finish the last one off and go hunting for some witches that need to die, quickly and painfully." I said as I caught the fist that aimed at me by the downed wolf that somehow managed to awaken again.


How are they doing that, shaking off my stunners? As I grabbed the wolf by its neck, and it struggled in my grip. "Ugh, d-don't think this is over hunter. The others will come and kill you including them." Mr. wolf spoke surprising me at the same time, then I smiled and said, "Oh, the others, well, let them come. Gives me a good reason to get stronger and end your little group too while I'm at it."


"Well, as for you, let's remedy that shall we." I fired a cutting curse at its neck and separated it head from its body as it fell to the ground. Doing the same to the other as well making sure no other was unconscious, ending their lives. Finally done, I turn around and said to the girls, "If you want to meet me again, you three can look for me at school on Monday, I won't be around until then." As I look to the forest checking on something.


I used my senses to search the forest for any more werewolves and found none. Then I continue, "For now, I need to finish a few things with some pests that came looking for something they shouldn't have, and maybe I'll explain some things that have been happening around these parts. So, if you three care to see me again, Alice knows where the location is, or the place I usually disappear too. Good BYE!!"


As I look at each one of them for a few more seconds, then look up and fly off into the distance. After I left the Cullen house, Father Cullen wanted an explanation as to why their family was getting attacked by the children of the moon, and in broad daylight. How were they able to transform to their wolf form during the day? Or without the help of the moon. Soon they both looked at Edward for answers and as he nodded in acceptance.


Third POV...

Edward tried to explain what happening but got nowhere other than explaining who Chris was. Neither he nor Alice knew why they were getting attacked, Alice only said that she saw the attack in a vision that she shared with Chris, a few seconds before it happened. Alice explained that Chris saw it as well and he rushed them over to save you without asking him too.


"and that was where we are now." Said Alice as she finished her side of the story. The Cullens were confused and wanted to know more, all their explanations just left out to many things, but there was no one to give them any more answers. "So, what do we know of Chris and his powers. And does anyone know how he got powers and when? Why was he here? How did he get here faster that any of you?"

(To be Continued...)