
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · 漫画同人
55 Chs


Later, as the group and Tazuna's family gathered around the dinner table, the delicious aroma of the meal filled the room. Naruto, with curious eyes, noticed a framed family photo on the wall and pointed to a man in the picture.

Naruto: "Hey, Tazuna-san, who's that guy in the photo?"

Tazuna, his expression tinged with sadness, replied, "Ah, that's my late son-in-law."

Sakura, aware of Naruto's unintentional bluntness, quickly chimed in, "Sorry, Naruto, didn't mean to pry."

Tazuna, however, offered a warm smile and began to share a touching story about his son-in-law.

Tazuna: "It's okay, Sakura-chan. You see, my son-in-law was a remarkable man. He saved my grandson Inari and even the whole village, and became a beloved member of our family."

Naruto sensed that Tazuna was open to talking, so he continued, "How did he... you know, pass away?"

Inari, the young grandson, spoke up, his voice filled with a grim tone.

"He was... killed by Gato, the ruthless man who's brought so much suffering to our village. We're all living in fear, and it feels like... we'll meet the same fate soon."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of Inari's words hung in the air.

Naruto, his patience wearing thin, exploded at Inari, demanding to know what was wrong with him. "Why can't you see that we're here to help?"

Inari, his emotions running high, responded with a bitter tone, calling them spoiled and sheltered people. "You don't understand anything! You've never had to face real pain and loss!"

Naruto, not one to back down, retorted by calling Inari a weak crybaby. "You think you're the only one who's suffered? We've all been through tough times!"

This exchange of heated words only ignited Inari's anger further. His eyes welled up with tears, and he turned away from the group. With a quivering voice, he muttered, "You don't get it. None of you do."

Tazuna, realizing the need to provide context, sighed deeply and began to explain the story of his son-in-law's heroic sacrifice. He recounted how Inari's father had given his life to protect the village from gato tyranny, becoming a hero in the process.

Tazuna told Naruto that Inari doesn't believe in heroes anymore, which added weight to the situation. "He lost not just his father that day, he also lost his faith in heroes."

"What a man ! " Naruto, his determination fueled by this revelation, loudly proclaimed his will to prove Inari wrong. "I'll show him that heroes are real, and that their sacrifices, even in death, are meaningful. Just watch, Inari, you'll see!"

Inari, hearing Naruto's passionate declaration from outside the room, felt a mix of emotions surging within him. He paused for a moment, torn between the anger and frustration he had expressed earlier and the determination in Naruto's voice. 

However, the weight of his own doubts and pain proved too much to bear in that moment. Without saying a word, Inari turned and quickly ran away, disappearing into the house.

Naruto's determination led him to leave the house quickly, leaving his team surprised as he announced his intention to train. Haku informed Tenzo that he would follow Naruto.

"I'll go with Naruto. We'll catch up with you later."

As they arrived at the beach, Naruto started training again, spitting fireball toward the sea. Haku observing his passionate training took the opportunity to question Naruto about his dreams and the reason behind his intense training.

"Naruto, what drives you to train so hard? What are your dreams?"

"Huh ? My dreams ? Well…if i have to say which dream drive me most..its to be become Hokage ! "

"The Hokage ? The leader of your village ? "

Naruto, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Haku, opened up and shared the reason for his dream of becoming the Hokage.

"Growing up, i never received attention, getting ignored by the whole village. So thats why I want to become the Hokage, the strongest ninja in the village, and earn everyone's respect."

"Ignored by the whole village ?...what a sad thing, to be alone, in a place full of people "

"I dont care about it now, i made some precious people there. " 

"Precious people?... I understand. You know, you remind me of Zabuza. before everything "

"What ? Of eyebrow fre—...hum, i mean, of Zabuza-san ? "

"... I will ignore your obsession with my master eyebrows. And yes, i mean him. You both share the same dream "

"He want to become the Hokage too ?! "

"...haaa, well, not exactly. He wanted to become the Mizukage to be exact. "

"Mizukage ? That's the Hokage of the mist right ? "

"I guess you could say that, haha. Thats why i think you are someone with great aspirations. to become hokage, a very noble dream " Haku commented on the nobility of that dream and mentioned that it reminded him of Zabuza's old aspirations.

"Zabuza too, had his own dreams, before he lost himself "

"Haku-chan, you…"

"It's alright. We will save him. That's something you told me right ? To persevere until the end. " 

"You got it, Dattebayo ! We will do it together ! "

"Dattebayo ? What a cute expression. "

"Haha really ? Girls love to hear it in the academy. Sasuke has always been jealous of my popularity back then, hahahaha "

"Really ? He doesn't look the type. "

Sitting on the sand, watching the Stars together, Naruto and Haku were having a heartwarming discussion, where Naruto kept bragging to Haku about his supposed successful academy, under Haku's warm eyes. 

"Hey Naruto, do you have people you really cherish ? People..you will give your life to protect. "

"People I would give my life to protect?.." watching the Stars shining, he suddenly gave a grin " Yep ! I totally do. They may be fews..but I would give my life to protect them ! "

"You think so too ?...haha, what an amazing guy you are "

looking at the sky too, haku continued "You know, Naruto, I believe that those who protect the ones they cherish are the strongest of all."

"Hell yeah ! I totally agree with this ! That's why, one day, I'll be the strongest! Do you believe that ?! " looking at haku with powerful eyes.

Haku, smiling at him, turned away, and told him "I have a feeling that you really would. " 

Naruto's heartfelt words and the connection he felt with Haku made his determination shine even brighter. He nodded in appreciation and expressed, "You're also one of my precious people, Haku-chan!"

Haku, feeling a bit flustered by Naruto's straightforwardness, chuckled and responded, "You... Don't hit a man with such straightforward words, you know! It's making me blush..."

Naruto, with a puzzled expression, asked, "A man? Ara? You're not a girl?"

Haku playfully teased, "You didn't know? I'm a boy. Teehee..."

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise, and he exclaimed, "Ehhhhhhhhh???!!! Don't teehee me, you ass! "

" Give me back my feelings...mother, the world is scary…." 

"Hahaha, I'm sorry about it. I didn't mean to hide it from you. Hey,stand up. Let me teach you a wind jutsu"

"Why wind, Haku? Thunder and fire sound cooler, don't they?"

Haku chuckled in response and began to explain the appeal of wind jutsu "Wind jutsu can be incredibly versatile, Naruto. And when combined with fire jutsu like the one your friend makes, it becomes even more powerful."

Convinced by Haku's explanation, Naruto agreed to learn the wind jutsu but was curious about why Haku was so sure he could master it.

"Alright, I'm in! But why are you so sure I can learn it?"

Haku smiled warmly and replied, "I just have a strong feeling about it, Naruto." With that, they embarked on their private nightly training sessions.

Meanwhile, not far away, Sasuke observed their interaction with an expressionless face, silently taking in the scene.

'Naruto…i hope you don't attach yourself too much to him. this man, His soul is already empty. thats a man ready to die at any time…'

"Idiot, who the hell was the popular one and who was the jealous one. "At this, turning away and going back to resting.

Days later we can see the fully healed Kakashi, in the midst of doing push-ups, suddenly receives an urgent message from Tenzo through Pakkun. He quickly stops his exercise, grateful for the message, and gets up.

"Thanks, Pakkun. I'll check it out immediately."

"Kakashi, you need to rush on this one,tenzo looked worried "

"This…shit ! "

Without wasting any time, Kakashi heads to the Hokage's office, his senses on high alert. He arrives at the Hokage's office and knocks on the door.


Kakashi steps inside and quickly reports the urgent request for help from Tenzo and Team 7. The Hokage listens intently, his expression growing serious.

"I see. The red cult…i didn't expect those rats to hide so near. This situation requires your immediate attention, Kakashi. Take this with you, just in case."

The Hokage hands Kakashi the mysterious object, and Kakashi's eye narrows in recognition.

Kakashi: "Is this…..?"

The Hokage shakes his head, denying Kakashi question.

"I haven't learned any such technique, sadly. I still require the help of my guards. But there's something unsettling happening in the Land of Waves. I need you to support Team 7 and investigate."

"Kakashi. If you cant help it…i want you to burn the place to the ground. Those guys.. they're too dangerous and difficult to kill. " showing a very cold face

"Understood ! "

"Now go ! " Kakashi accepts the mission with a sense of urgency and rushes out of the Hokage's office, the mysterious object in his possession, and determination in his steps. He knows that Team 7 may be facing a danger they're not fully prepared for, and he intends to provide them with the support they need.


At the same time, Naruto and Sasuke dedicated themselves to mastering the art of synchronizing their chakra. Their training sessions were intense, but the results were evident. They had become a well-coordinated duo.

"Katon : goukakyuu no jutsu! " X2

One sunny afternoon, under the watchful eyes of Haku, Sakura, and Tenzo, Naruto and Sasuke decided to put their newfound skills to the test. With a synchronized rhythm, they unleashed an enormous, scorching fireball that roared to life before them. The blazing inferno illuminated their faces, showcasing their improved abilities.

"What an amazing synchronization…you would think they were born for that"

"Yamato-sensei, i also learned what you teached me ! "

Sakura, eager to demonstrate her progress as well, turned to Tenzo and confidently showed him her mastery of the mirage genjutsu. Her skills had grown exponentially under Tenzo's guidance.

"Excellent, Sakura-chan"

With their training sessions coming to a close, Haku felt it was time for Naruto to show what he teached him. He taught Naruto the basics of manipulating wind chakra before and encouraged him to demonstrate it to the team.

"Come on Naruto, show them that jutsu "

"Alright Guys ! Let's show you my suuperrr duper cool jutsu! "

Bird - monkey - horse - dragon 

"Futon : wind gale! "

Naruto couldn't help but grin as he felt the wind chakra respond to his commands, creating a powerful gust that rippled through the water below. His team's astonished reactions were music to his ears.

"Amazing!" Sakura exclaimed, her emerald eyes wide with admiration.

Tenzo, while not one to easily show excitement, nodded in acknowledgment. "Excellent jutsu execution," he conceded. "It looks like it fits you even more than the fire jutsu, seeing the time it took you to learn it."

"Hum. It look like you become less of a dead weight. "

Naruto's chest swelled with pride at their words. He had always been determined to prove himself, and this moment felt like a significant step forward in his journey to becoming Hokage. With newfound confidence, he turned to Haku and thanked him for the valuable lessons.

"Thanks, Haku! Your guidance has been incredible, and I'm grateful for everything you've taught me," Naruto said with sincerity.

Haku smiled warmly at Naruto's words, appreciating the bond that had formed between them during their time together. "It was my pleasure, Naruto. I have no doubt you'll continue to grow stronger."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the evening sky with shades of orange and purple, Naruto stood by the sea, determined to hone his newly acquired Wind Release jutsu. Haku stood beside him, offering guidance and advice as Naruto practiced diligently.

With each attempt, Naruto's control over the wind chakra improved. He could feel the power of the jutsu flowing through him, and his determination to master it burned brightly. Haku watched with a smile, impressed by Naruto's rapid progress.

However, as the hours passed, Haku noticed that Naruto was pushing himself to the limit. He saw the signs of fatigue and knew that rest was necessary. Haku gently placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder and suggested that he take a break.

"Naruto, you've made incredible progress today, but even the most dedicated shinobi need rest," Haku advised.

Naruto, beads of sweat on his forehead, reluctantly nodded. He knew Haku was right, but his determination often drove him to push his limits. Still, he trusted Haku's judgment.

Just as Naruto was about to sit down and catch his breath, Haku's keen eyes noticed Inari, the young boy who had been observing their training from the shadows. Inari had witnessed their determination and teamwork, and it had left an impression on him.

Haku turned to Inari and called him over with a warm smile. "Inari, would you like to join us ?"

Under the red glow of the sky, Inari and Naruto sat by the beach, their conversation unfolding slowly, like the gentle ripples on the water's surface. 

Inari, still hesitant, finally gathered the courage to ask Naruto about his life and the reason behind his unwavering determination.

"Why do you train so hard ? What's the point ? "

"Inari " Naruto began, his voice carrying a mixture of strength and determination, "I train hard because I never want to feel weak again. When I was young, I was alone, and nobody cared about me. I didn't have parents or friends, and it hurt."

Haku, who had been watching from the side with a gentle smile, listened intently to Naruto's words, recognizing the pain he had endured.

Naruto continued, "But then, I realized that I could change my life. I decided that I would become someone strong, someone respected, and someone who could protect the people he cares about. That's why I want to become the Hokage, the strongest ninja in my village."

Inari listened to Naruto's story, his heart heavy with empathy. He had felt the pain of loss and loneliness himself, and Naruto's words resonated deeply with him. 

"It hurt to work so hard, it feel scary to hope again " Inari's voice quivered with emotion as he spoke those words, his eyes glistening with tears. 

Naruto, who had faced his own struggles, understood the pain behind Inari's words.

"Yeah, it does hurt,and its scary sometimes. " Naruto replied softly, his gaze filled with empathy. "But you know what ? that pain is what makes us stronger. It's what pushes us to keep going, to never give up, even when things seem impossible."

Haku, who had been listening silently, nodded in agreement. 

Inari wiped away a tear and looked at Naruto with newfound determination in his eyes. "I want to be strong like you, Naruto. I want to change and protect the people I care about."

Naruto grinned, his trademark determination shining through. "Then let's work hard together, Inari-chan. We'll help each other become stronger, and we won't be alone anymore."

Haku, touched by the sincerity of their conversation, couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart. He knew that these two young souls were finding solace in each other's company, and in doing so, they were healing their own wounds.

As the night wore on, the trio continued to talk, sharing their dreams, fears, and hopes. It was a night of connection and understanding, a night that would leave a lasting impact on Inari's life, as he began his journey toward growth and resilience, inspired by Naruto's unyielding spirit and Haku's silent support.