
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Witch !

"Sakuuuraaaa-chaaaan ! Help me heal the pretty lady ! "

Naruto, with Haku slung over his shoulder, rushed back to Tazuna's house and called out for Sakura. She quickly appeared, a medical kit in hand, and was taken aback by the sight of the wounded Haku.

Sakura immediately began examining Haku's injuries, her medical training kicking in. "What happened to her ?"

Naruto explained the situation as best as he could, recounting Haku's plea to end his life and their intervention to prevent it.

Sakura nodded, her focus on her medical duties. "We need to stabilize her first. Tazuna-san, please bring some clean water and bandages."

As Sakura tended to Haku's wounds, Naruto couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He had just prevented Haku from taking his own life, and he didn't fully understand the circumstances that had brought them to this point. Haku's desperate actions had left a deep impression on him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story.

Eventually, Haku regained consciousness, his movements restricted by wooden vines that Tenzo had summoned to immobilize him. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and Naruto was the first to speak up.

"Okay, now that you're awake, care to explain what's going on? Who are you, and why were you trying to... you know?" Naruto hesitated, not wanting to mention Haku's suicide attempt.

Tenzo, nodding at Naruto's question, added "I agree with naruto. Who are you ? You seem familiar to me " suspecting him as the one who saved Zabuza before

Haku sighed, realizing that he had to trust these strangers with the truth. "You are right, we met before. I'm the one who saved Master Zabuza from you. My name is Haku, and I'm not your enemy. I came here to stop a witch who's controlling Zabuza and a group of strong shinobi. They've been causing chaos and breeding desperation in the heart of the people of the land, the one supporting Gato in the background, and I'm trying to free Zabuza from their control."

Sakura, still cautious, asked, "But how can we trust you? We don't know anything about you, and you could be involved in all of this."

Sasuke, who had been observing quietly, voiced his suspicions. "It's quite convenient that you appeared just after Zabuza was controlled. Are you sure you're not part of their plan?"

Haku shook his head. "I understand your doubts, but I promise I have no ties to them. The way your blond friend found me was because I have been fighting against them alone."

"Zabuza and a group full of skilled shinobi? It seems that you are quite strong. Couldn't you save Zabuza by yourself? "

Naruto, wanting to give Haku a chance, spoke up. "She did seem genuine, I didn't feel any bad intention from earlier, and we can't just leave his friend like that. Let's hear him out."

"Hey you, are you with her or with us? You seem a bit too smitten by the lady "

Naruto blushing, denied the claim "Wha–what the hell, no! It's just a gut feeling. I just can tell that Haku-chan is genuine with us "

Tazuna, who had been listening attentively, added, "If Haku-chan says she wants to help, we should consider it. We can't afford to let Gato men run wild. They already hurt the people here so much ! "

As they continued to discuss the situation, a sense of uncertainty hung in the air. They weren't completely convinced of Haku's intentions, but the urgency of the situation demanded that they at least listen to what he had to say. 

"I also need to add one thing. That witch.. she's a Jashinist! "

"Jashin cult! Are you sure ?!! "

Tenzo's face turned pale as Haku explained the involvement of the cult of Jashin in the situation. He had heard whispers of this notorious cult during his time as a member of the Anbu, and the thought of encountering them filled him with dread. The cult's gruesome rituals and fanaticism were infamous among the shinobi world, and few dared to cross their path.

He couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "This is worse than I thought," Tenzo muttered to himself.

Seeing his team's reaction, he knew he had to warn them. He gathered them together, Sakura, Naruto, Tazuna, and even the restrained Haku, and spoke with urgency in his voice. "Listen carefully, all of you. The cult of Jashin is a dangerous and fanatical group. They worship death and chaos and have been responsible for unspeakable acts. We need to be extremely cautious."

Sakura frowned, her concern evident. "Yamato-sensei, are you saying we should back off and let these people and the witch control Zabuza-san and the wave ?"

Tenzo hesitated, torn between his fear for his charges and the need to stop the cult's nefarious plans. "No, I'm not suggesting we back off completely, but we must be prepared for the worst. This is not a typical enemy we're dealing with."

Naruto, his determination unwavering, spoke up. "Yamato-sensei, we can't just let them run wild. Zabuza might be under their control, and we have to save him and release the wave country. We'll find a way to deal with these cultists together."

Sasuke nodded in agreement, Sakura also looked determined 

Tazuna, who had faced the threats of Gatou and his mercenaries before, added, "I've seen my fair share of dangerous people, and I won't back down either. We can't let them harm the people of this country any longer."

Even Haku, who had been their initial source of suspicion, pleaded, "I'm willing to do anything to help you stop them. Zabuza is like a father to me, and I can't stand seeing him under their control."

Tenzo sighed, realizing that his warning had fallen on determined ears. "Very well, but remember, we have to be vigilant and careful. The cult of Jashin won't hesitate to resort to extreme measures. Stay on your guard at all times."

As the situation grew increasingly dire, Tenzo realized that they were facing an enemy beyond their current capabilities. He reluctantly admitted defeat and knew that they needed reinforcements to stand a chance against the cult of Jashin and the witch controlling Zabuza. With a heavy heart, he decided to summon Pakkun, one of Kakashi's ninken, to seek help.

Tenzo performed the summoning jutsu, and in a puff of smoke, Pakkun with sunglass appeared before him. The small, talking ninken looked up at Tenzo and barked, "What's the deal, Tenzo? I was busy having a good time with my side mate "

"I'm sorry pakkun. I'll even present you to some gorgeous bitches later. It's a bit urgent "

"Bitc..Hum. what are you talking about, I've always been ready to help a bro "

Tenzo quickly explained the predicament, the cult of Jashin, and the witch controlling Zabuza. He emphasized the urgency of the situation and the need for backup.

Pakkun nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll get the message to Kakashi right away. He'll know what to do. Hang tight, Tenzo."

With that, Pakkun disappeared in another puff of smoke, leaving Team 7 and Haku to wait anxiously for the arrival of reinforcements.

Meanwhile, the team decided to release Haku from his restraints but kept a watchful eye on him. The young shinobi had proven his willingness to help them, but there was still an air of caution around him. They knew that their success would depend on their ability to work together, even with a former enemy in their midst.

As the moments passed and they awaited the arrival of reinforcements, Team 7, along with Haku, learned more about the witch's sinister plans and the cultists' involvement in their actions. Haku shared what he knew, explaining that the witch aimed to perform dark rituals using Zabuza's body and the sacrifices offered by the cultists.

They realized the immediate threat that the witch posed not only to Zabuza but also to the Land of Waves itself. It was clear that they couldn't wait for outside help; they needed to confront the witch and stop the cultists from carrying out their dark rituals.

Tenzo, with a grave look, urged him "Tell me more "

Haku added that instead of the usual life sacrifice, this witch preferred death to hunger and starvation, one full of despair. He explained that the witch inscribed cursed seal symbol all over the land, and he only knew the place where few of them are found, to their horrific expressions at what he revealed

"Dear god…" exclaimed sakura

"It seems like our own effort won't be enough..tazuna-san, we may need your help to communicate with the people of the land "

"I will do my best to raise awareness "

"What the hell..haku-chan, what is a witch? "

Naruto, curious and eager to understand the situation, turned to Haku and asked for more information about these witches.

Haku, looking at Tenzo for approval, began to explain further. He described witches as unique individuals who lived in the Far East and had their mysterious ways. These witches, he continued, had become increasingly isolated from the mainland after being hunted by both the faithful and shinobi, hired by the daimyo long ago.

"Witches are a rare and enigmatic group of individuals in our world. They possess a unique power called 'mana,' which sets them apart from traditional shinobi. Unlike shinobi, witches are exclusively women, and this power, mana, is something they're born with. Mana is like a special kind of chakra, but it's external and connected to the natural world. "

"Witches can absorb and manipulate mana and mix it with their mental energy, which allows them to perform spells, rituals, and other magical feats. This power is different from the chakra used by shinobi, which relies on a combination of mental and physical energy. Mana, on the other hand, is purely mental energy, and it flows through everything in the world, connecting them to nature and magic."

"Something particular is that mana seems to be unique to those women, so witches are a rare sight in our lands. They were once hunted and persecuted, which led them to live in more secluded regions, like the far eastern lands. Over time, they developed their traditions, magical practices, and a deep connection to esoteric arts. "

"So they are strong like shinobi? "

"While witches and shinobi both have extraordinary powers, they operate in very different ways. Witches are known for their curse spells, rituals, and the use of mana to interact with nature and the world, while shinobi use chakra and practice ninjutsu. It's a fascinating contrast between two worlds of extraordinary abilities."

"Wow, they sound strong! "

"Excellent description. And yes, witches are strong, so be careful and train more! "

"Yes ! " x3