
Crazy Kaiju Evolution

The birth of the tiniest kaiju! Dr. Lucian Gray has lived for eons and wished for nothing but to transmigrate to another world, to the point he created his own Transmigration Machine to do so --- the gods, however, have other plans for him. Warning: MC is clinically insane due to being alone for millions of years.

Romeru · 奇幻
66 Chs

Chapter 43: Not Dark Lucian, but Gangster Lucian

"You… why do you move like a human?"

Exterminators are trained at a very, very young age. Some are even pulled from their mother's arms as a baby, but most willingly let go of their child as soon as they find out that they have the special trait to become Exterminators — after all, they would never have to worry about money again.

For Sugar, she doesn't even know, like most Exterminators, their earliest memory was already living in the Exterminator Camp; an academy where children with talent eat, sleep, train, live, and train some more until they are ready to hunt Kaijus in and outside Murcana.

Most do not really have a fond memory of the Exterminator Camp, but Sugar does. His mentors and trainers, specifically one who trained her in the art of hand-to-hand combat and defense against human enemies.