
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · 奇幻
65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (11)

Yalin has been enjoying great popularity in the hospital recently. His research on limb regeneration has received significant attention. There were even military doctors who approached him to see the video recordings of the white mouse's limb growth. This makes him feel proud and satisfied.

His funding application and human testing application were quickly approved under Kraut's urgent efforts, and human testing can now begin.

While Lu Jingqian was focused on analyzing data, his phone suddenly rang. It was a message from Reynolds, saying that he had come to pick him up. The car was parked downstairs, and he could finish his work and go home with him. Lu Jingqian was immersed in his research work and often only arrived at the General's Mansion when it was late, so whenever Reynolds had the opportunity, he would personally come to pick him up, preventing him from delaying.


Lu Jingqian sighed, put down his phone, organized the data, locked everything that needed to be locked, and then opened the door of the laboratory.

After stepping outside, Lu Jingqian saw Yalin standing there as if he had been waiting for him.

"Do you need something?" Lu Jingqian asked as he looked at him.

"No, I just happened to pass by and wanted to greet you," Yalin said, showing off. "You should know that I've been busy lately, so since I rarely have free time, I wanted to ask you about your thoughts on my latest research achievement."

Lu Jingqian looked at him expressionlessly and said, "You truly have no shame to a certain extent. This is not the first time you've stolen someone else's work and claimed it as your own. I'm not surprised. But stealing someone else's work and then flaunting it in front of them, your shamelessness truly impresses me."

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Yalin said, pretending not to understand, and said arrogantly, "All my research was done by myself. They are my own work, and of course, I want to show off if I want to. The more unhappy you are, the happier I am."

"You misunderstand," Lu Jingqian said. "I'm just surprised by the extent of your shamelessness, but I'm not unhappy. Your actions will face their consequences sooner or later, and that day will come soon. So, I advise you not to be too arrogant."

"Consequences?" Yalin sarcastically said, "If there really were consequences in this world, then only good people would exist without bad people. I thought you would have grown a lot during your two-year absence, but it turns out you're still so naive, expecting me to face the consequences. But seeing you like this, I'm reassured."

"Seeing you reassured, I'm reassured as well," Lu Jingqian didn't want to continue the conversation. He thought that soon he would experience the true meaning of 'happiness turning to sorrow,' and then he would see if Yalin still believed in consequences or not.

"I happen to be heading back to the General's Mansion. How about we go together?" Yalin turned and looked at Lu Jingqian's back, saying, "We can continue discussing your thoughts on the research of limb regeneration on the way."

"I'll be taking the General's private car back, and I'm afraid you don't have the privilege of riding in the same car with me," Lu Jingqian said without stopping, continuing to walk forward. If Yalin could see the smile on his face at that moment, he would surely wonder why he seemed so happy despite having his research stolen.

Upon hearing that Lu Jingqian would be taking Reynolds' car back, a hint of jealousy inexplicably arise in Yalin's heart. However, when he thought that his recent achievement might make Reynolds view him in a different light, his mood improved again.

As Lu Jingqian got into the car, Reynolds immediately pulled him into his arms and asked, "Are you tired?"

"Not too much," Lu Jingqian leaned against him and said, "I'm not very tired today."

"Then let's do some exercise before we get home," Reynolds said as he started undoing Lu Jingqian's pants.

This wasn't their first time being intimate in the car. Lu Jingqian didn't resist or object but instead responded with a kiss. After his pants were removed, he took the initiative to straddle Reynolds' lap.


Because the General's Mansion was large, Reynolds' three adopted sons did not live in the main building but in separate secondary buildings that were relatively far away. So unless they specifically arranged to meet, they could go a whole year without seeing each other.

During Reynolds' stay at the General's Mansion, he didn't dine with his sons every day. However, to show the influential forces behind his three adopted sons, he would choose one day each month to have a meal with them, demonstrating a sense of connection and care. Whether it was breakfast or dinner depended on his mood.

During the period of Reynolds' stay at the mansion for recuperation, he continued the tradition of having a meal with his adopted sons once a month. When Aubrey first brought Yalin along, he felt very anxious. But seeing that Reynolds didn't object, both he and Yalin believed that Reynolds, to some extent, approved of Yalin. They were both delighted and from then on, Aubrey would always bring Yalin to these meals, as if he had become part of the family.

Yalin's recent announcement of the success of his limb regeneration research shocked the entire medical community and garnered significant attention. Even the general public, upon learning about this, were eagerly anticipating the completion of the final phase of human testing.

During breakfast at the dining table, Aubrey couldn't help but boast to the other two about how talented Yalin was. He also described to Reynolds how many people Yalin could help once the final phase of human testing was completed, hoping to gain more recognition for Yalin from Reynolds.

Reynolds remained expressionless, listening without interrupting. It was only when Lu Jingqian put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and looked at Reynolds that he asked, "Are you full?"

"Hm," Lu Jingqian nodded. "Not only am I full from eating, but I'm also full from listening."

As Reynolds was talking, Aubrey, who wanted to keep talking, had to forcefully interrupt his speech. He quickly glared at Lu Jingqian, signaling for him not to continue. While bringing Yalin to dine with Reynolds made Aubrey very happy, the fact that Lu Jingqian was sitting closest to Reynolds made him quite unhappy. He felt that no matter what, it was impossible for a private doctor like Lu Jingqian to sit in a position next to Reynolds. Yet there he was, sitting comfortably without any reservations, which infuriated Aubrey.

In addition to Aubrey's dissatisfaction with Lu Jingqian's seating position, Yalin also felt very uncomfortable. Sitting beside Aubrey, he couldn't help but fantasize about being the one sitting next to Reynolds. But every time he looked up and saw Lu Jingqian in that seat, he gnashed his teeth with jealousy. Both he and Aubrey didn't understand why Reynolds would let Lu Jingqian, a private doctor, sit next to him during these family meals.

Reynolds felt that Aubrey's constant chatter was affecting Lu Jingqian's appetite. After giving Aubrey a cold glance, he gently said to Lu Jingqian, "I'll have the Butler bring you some food to eat on the way."

Aubrey's heart shivered from Reynold's stare, he was scared immediately and avoided Reynold's eyes, and lowered his head.

"No need, I'm truly full." Lu Jingqian stood up and smiled at him, "I'm going to the hospital."

Reynold took his hand and squeezed it, "I'll pick you up in the afternoon."

People present at the dining table simultaneously turned their heads to see the holding hands of the two, and they all froze in surprise. Aubrey and Yalin had bad feeling in their hearts. The level of intimacy between the two of them was not at all like that of a patient and a private doctor. Aubrey and Yalin suddenly thought of the reason why Lu Jingqian could sit comfortably next to Reynolds, but they didn't dare to dwell on it further.

The car that would take Lu Jingqian to the hospital was already parked outside, and Reynolds personally accompanied him to see him off. Although it wasn't the first time he had seen Reynolds personally sending Lu Jingqian away, this time, after Reynolds and Lu Jingqian walked outside, Yalin and Aubrey couldn't help but stand up and follow them.

The other two adopted sons exchanged glances and continued their meal, pretending they hadn't seen anything. They were much smarter than Aubrey, knowing that some things couldn't be obtained through effort and scheming alone, and there had to be limits to wishful thinking.

Just as Lu Jingqian was about to withdraw his hand and get into the car, Reynolds, sitting in his wheelchair, held onto his hand, pulled him closer, and kissed his lips passionately for a while before releasing him.

Aubrey and Yalin, standing in the corner of the doorway and witnessing this scene, widened their eyes in shock. They were unable to come to terms with the implications of what they were seeing, and it took them a while to regain their composure.

After arriving at the hospital, Lu Jingqian first went to his personal laboratory. After organizing the data that hadn't been sorted out the previous day, he returned to his office and reviewed the medical records of several patients he had been responsible for recently. These patients not only held great influence in the Empire but also provided substantial assistance to Reynolds. Therefore, Lu Jingqian dedicated himself wholeheartedly to their treatment.

Lately, there were too many patients specifically requesting Lu Jingqian's medical care. With new research to pursue and the need to treat patients, he naturally didn't have the capacity to take on more. Thus, the patients he treated were carefully considered by the hospital Director and Bernice. Furthermore, recently, not only did important officials supporting Reynolds' faction request his services, but even officials from opposing factions, who had been unable to recover, sought Lu Jingqian's treatment. Therefore, the choice of patients was significant.

The doorbell suddenly chimed, and Lu Jingqian turned his head to the display screen next to the automatic door. Upon seeing Yalin standing outside, he immediately knew why he had come.

After pondering for a few seconds, Lu Jingqian opened the automatic door and let Yalin come in.

"It's quite rare to see you finding time to visit me," Lu Jingqian said. "The human testing for limb regeneration must be in its final stages, right? It's surprising that you have spare time at this moment."

"What's your relationship with General Reynold?" Yalin stared at Lu Jingqian intently, cutting to the chase without beating around the bush. As Lu Jingqian said, he was extremely busy and didn't have time for subtle probing.

"What does my relationship with him have to do with you?" Lu Jingqian said with a smile, "But if you marry Aubrey, we do seem to have some relationship. For example, you should address me as "Dad" along with Aubrey."

"You're delusional!" Yalin trembled with anger and said forcefully, "The General will never marry you, absolutely not!"

"He won't marry me? Would he marry you then?" Lu Jingqian looked at him sarcastically. "It seems you not only set your sights on Aubrey but also on Reynold. You must have fantasized about Reynold falling for you, right? How about I tell General Reynold about your thought and let him personally tell you who's the one harboring delusions."

"You cannot be with General Reynold!"

"Why can't I?" Lu Jingqian chuckled, "And who gives you the authority to decide whether I can be with him or not?"

"You were married to Aubrey, the adopted son of General Reynold. How can you marry both father and son?" Yalin accused. "You'll make the General a laughingstock!"

"So according to your words, you also have no hope of being with Reynold." Lu Jingqian said.

"I haven't married Aubrey. After breaking up with him, I can be together with whoever I want. Yalin said indignantly, blurting out his true feelings.

"So you've made up your mind to break up with Aubrey in order to seduce Reynold." Lu Jingqian said, looking behind him. "The person you love doesn't truly love you. Or rather, compared to loving you, he loves someone else more. So, how do you feel now, hearing the truth with your own ears?"

Yalin turned his head, only realizing that the automatic door hadn't closed, and Aubrey was standing at the entrance. Yalin didn't know how long had he been standing there or how much he had heard. But according to Lu Jingqian's words, he must have heard Yalin's intention to break up with him.

"Aubrey…" Yalin hurriedly walked toward him and said, "Listen to me, let me explain."

Aubrey looked at Yalin with a wounded and devastated expression. He had also come to question Lu Jingqian regarding his relationship with Reynold but hadn't expected to hear such words from Yalin. Seeing Yalin approaching him, he turned around and walked away.

"Aubrey!" Yalin watched Aubrey's retreating figure in panic. He turned back to glare at Lu Jingqian and angrily said, "You did it on purpose! You're despicable!"

"Thank you for the compliment. I'll strive to surpass you on this despicable path." Lu Jingqian said calmly.

"You…" Yalin was too angry to say anything, he could only speed up to chase after Aubrey. He had to mend Aubrey's wounded heart because until he was certain that Reynold had feelings for him, he couldn't break up with Aubrey. Or else, he would lose both sides.

Lu Jingqian smirked and closed the automatic door, thinking to himself that the real drama was just about to begin.