
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (10)

Bernice was selecting people from his team to join Xyler's research group, and asking for volunteers.

"Let me join. I've had a few patients recently, and they are all in a state of recovery, I have a lot of free time to help Xyler with research," Cabot, whose qualifications are even higher than Bernice's, offered to join.

"I'll join too. I can try to arrange my time to assist him with research."

"Me too, let Judah take over my patients. I'll go to Xyler's research group to focus on helping him with those special projects."

"I also want to join. I can pause my current research since you have already applied for these specific projects, we should prioritize them."


The first to volunteer was all military doctors with decades of experience. Whether they had time or not, they all wanted to join Lu Jingqian's research group. The other less experienced military doctors stood silently, not because they didn't want to join, but because they didn't dare to compete with their seniors. They could only stand by anxiously, looking at Bernice with hopeful eyes, waiting for him to make the arrangements and hopefully be selected.

"You all with extensive experience are already in the research group. Should we just hand over all the patients to these young people?" Bernice said. "The medical department always needs some experienced people to stay. Otherwise, patients won't be able to rest assured."

"These young people have also reached the age to take responsibility on their own. They can't always rely on us to support them in front, which is not conducive to their progress," said Cabot, looking as if he was speaking for their own good.

Bernice was somewhat helpless. He had originally thought that whoever had the time and willingness to join the research group would be assigned a good work schedule. However, whether they had time or not, they all wanted to join. He could only say, "Okay, since we have applied for many projects this time, and Xyler has taken away many of them, I will arrange different personnel for different projects, and everyone can take turns. The medical department must not be understaffed."

During Lu Jingqian's process of treating Cliff, they could already feel how strong Lu Jingqian's ability was just by observing and assisting. Every time, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Talent is really something that cannot be obtained through hard work.

The reason they were eager to join Lu Jingqian's research group was that Lu Jingqian never hide from them, whether it was the process of treating patients or researching new drugs. He would even give them explanations as long as they asked and allowed these military doctors, whether new or old, to learn many important things again. So they all saw assisting Lu Jingqian with research as a rare learning opportunity and worked hard to seize it.

Because they were amazed by Lu Jingqian's extraordinary brainpower and admired his generosity and openness, Lu Jingqian was quite respected in Bernice's team. Not only did the young military doctors want to be his assistants, but the older military doctors with several decades more experience were also willing to assist.

The research on Lu Jingqian's team has officially started, and the people from Bernice's team were all energetic, while the people from Kraut's team were all waiting to pick up the pieces from their hands.

However, things were under Lu Jingqian's control regardless of their wishes.


"Umm~ Enghh~" Lu Jingqian held Reynold's shoulder tightly, waiting for the torrent of pleasure to pass before releasing his grab, breathlessly said, "Do not press me, you're so heavy, hmm."

Reynold refuses to move. Lu Jingqian patted his shoulder and said, "Hurry up and get out, it's uncomfortable."

Reynold moved his waist back and flip his body to lie to the side. Lu Jingqian felt a lot more relaxed for finally being able to close his legs after hours of being unable to.

Lu Jingqian turned sideways, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said, "Although your feet already can move, you're still unable to stand and walk for a long time, not to mention driving mechs. Can you not go to this practice match?"

"I'm just going to command in my wheelchair, I won't drive the mech." Reynold tilted his head and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Really?" Lu Jingqian said unhappily, "Who was the one who said he wouldn't leave his wheelchair the last time but ended up going up for body combat?"

"That time was a special situation…" Reynold stroked Lu Jingqian's face, trying to explain to him.

Lu Jingqian slapped his hand away and turned his body to the other side, "Was your case always a special one? I plan to stay in the hospital for the next year, preparing for my special situation at any time."

Reynold sighed and hugged Lu Jingqian from the back, "I know, I won't go to the practice match. Are you relieved now, hm?"

Lu Jingqian clenched his legs and complained, "Don't touch anymore. You rubbed it every day that the skin is almost broken."

"I've promised you not to go to the practice match, shouldn't you make it up to me?" Reynold said as he kissed his face."

"Stay, away~" Lu Jingqian wanted to push him away, but can't match his strength, he was soon pressed down unable to move.

Reynold wrapped his arms around his waist and lifted him until his whole body was pressed against him.


Lu Jingqian occasionally arrived at the hospital in the afternoon, which Bernice's team had grown accustomed to. In addition, Lu Jingqian had completed all of his research work at an astonishing speed, which shocked Bernice and made him feel that Lu Jingqian needed special protection to prevent any accidents. In reality, Reynold had already done this.

Because, after Kraut had insulted Lu Jingqian, Reynold sent a soldier who had studied medicine to be Lu Jingqian's assistant to prevent anyone from bullying him. Reynold had also instructed the soldier to physically discipline anyone who dared to bully Lu Jingqian, with the consequences borne by the offender. Lu Jingqian not only had a personal bodyguard when he left the General's Mansion but also had many disguised bodyguards around him. Therefore, safety was not a problem.

Bernice's team announced the completion of their research projects consecutively, which made Kraut's team felt cold. Seeing Bernice's team had now become the main force of the hospital, Kraut's team felt more and more inferior. Kraut himself was so anxious that he looked much older.

Lu Jingqian's reputation had also spread. Not only did the hospital staff know how capable he was, but even the medical department of the Imperial Military Academy knew that Lu Jingqian had achieved more in less than a year as a military doctor than most doctors did in their entire careers. The leaders of the medical department felt very complicated about this person who was expelled but still became a doctor and had such strong abilities.

The question of whether someone with such incredible talent would steal other people's research results was worth reconsidering. If their judgment was wrong, it would be a serious mistake on their part because they almost destroyed someone important to the empire.

The professor who had previously accused Xyler of stealing Yalin's research results was now living in fear every day after learning that Lu Jingqian had saved Reynold and had become his personal doctor. He was afraid that Lu Jingqian would retaliate against him.

Kraut summoned his team members to discuss how to escape the suppression of Bernice's team, but everyone remained silent and helpless. Bernice's team had been so strong recently, announcing the completion of special projects one after another, that they had been unable to cope with the situation.

Kraut couldn't sit still with anger, pacing back and forth in the meeting room. When he saw that no one was speaking, he slapped the table hard and shouted, "Are you all dumb?! Speak up! With so many of you, isn't there one person who can come up with a solution?!"

Although Kraut had become much more obedient in front of others, he still vented his anger on his team members. They had suffered more under his wrath, but they kept their grievances to themselves. Because now he can only let his anger out on his team members, so his team members can only hold their anger, but only they themselves know whether they feel bitter or not inside. They knew their situation would only get worse if Kraut singled them out. Some even regretted joining Kraut's team. Had they known they would suffer like this, they would not follow Kraut no matter how many benefits were given.

Recently, Kraut has become increasingly hot-tempered because of the excellent performance of Bernie's team, which made him feel a lot of pressure. He has been called for several talks, and those who supported him as Vice Director have given him the final warning. If his team cannot achieve achievements that surpass Bernie's team in a short time, they will consider replacing him.

"In medical department two under our responsibility, many patients have requested to be transferred to the medical department one for treatment. Although we have reassured them and told them that we will soon be able to allocate the treatment medicines from medical department one, some patients with special status have already been transferred."

"The remaining patients have been urging us to use the latest medicines for them, but we have already gone to the drug department several times. The people in the Medical Department said that the drugs in Medical Department one are not enough, and they have taken away all the new medicines every time because they have the priority to receive them. So we may have to wait for a while before we can get the drugs."

"Some patients think we have better medicines but don't give it to them and have complained to the hospital."

"I asked you to talk about how to get out of the situation where they are suppressing us! Not to tell me how difficult our situation is now!" Kraut slapped the table hard and yelled, "Do you think I don't know what you're talking about?! If I didn't know, would I let you sit here and figure out a solution?!"

After Kraut finished yelling, the conference room quieted down again, except for Kraut's footsteps as he walked back and forth, almost no other sound could be heard.

After hesitating for a while, Yalin finally decided to contribute the research results he originally planned to bring out at a more appropriate time to solve their team's current dilemma, "Vice Director, in fact, I have been working on limb regeneration research since a long time ago, and now it is almost complete."

"Limb regeneration?" Kraut looked at Yalin puzzled, wondering if the limb regeneration he mention was the same as what he had in mind.

"It's for some people who have to amputate their limbs due to viral infections, or soldiers who have severe injuries in battles and have to amputate their limbs. Under the circumstances where mechanical arms have many drawbacks and troubles, I have researched drugs and fillers that can make limbs regenerate." Yalin explained, "Not only can people regrow their limbs in a relatively short time, with exercise, the new limbs are no different from the previous ones."

"Is what you said true? Have you completed the research?" Kraut widened his eyes and looked at Yalin excitedly, waiting for him to give him a definite answer.

"I have no reason to lie to you," Yalin said with a quite certain and confident tone. "If you don't believe me, I can take you to my personal lab and show you the records of my research process."

"Let's go! Let's go now!" Kraut said immediately.

Others also followed behind Kraut and Yalin with a shocked expressions, heading towards the laboratory to see if Yalin's words were true. If what he said was true, it would be a significant breakthrough in medicine for humans, and it could be recorded in the medical history books.

Yalin pressed his fingerprint and entered the password, opening the automatic door to the lab and leading them inside. He took out an experimental white mouse to show Kraut and the others, "The two front paws of these experimental white mice have both grown back, and they can run and grab food normally without any discomfort or inconvenience."

Yalin opened the recorder's display screen and played the process of the white mouse's front paws growing back for them.

"That's great!" Kraut couldn't suppress his excitement and said, "I will immediately inform the Director and make a public announcement about this!"

"Although I have not conducted drug testing on humans yet, I think there shouldn't be any major problems, and the likelihood of success is very high," Yalin said.

Kraut nodded, "After I report to the Director, I will help you apply for funding and human testing approval. You should complete the testing as soon as possible and put it into use."

Yalin saw the shocked and incredulous looks of the others and felt proud. He realized it was the right decision to bring out this achievement now. He had helped Kraut out in a big way and felt like Kraut now owed him a huge favor.

The research on limb regeneration was based on the data and prosthetic results stolen from Xyler. Yalin then conducted his own experiments based on Xyler's research and successfully completed the study on white mice, turning it into his own achievement.