
Cosmic Judgement

In a fateful night, marked by love and sacrifice, a story unlike any other began to unfold. Lily Potter, facing the death of her infant son Harry at the hands of Lord Voldemort, made an extraordinary plea that echoed across the cosmos, reaching the ears of three powerful cosmic entities - Death, Dormammu, and The Living Tribunal.

Imperias · 电影同人
9 Chs

Chapter 1

Lily Evans Potter was a woman of remarkable bravery and strength. She had lived through countless hardships and seen too much suffering in her short life, but never had she felt such fear as the cold presence that lurked in her home this night. The darkness outside the nursery windows seemed darker than usual, as if the stars themselves dared not to shine.

At her feet lay the broken remnants of the crib that once cradled her baby boy. Harry, only one year old, lay motionless on the floor, a faint, ominous light glowing from his forehead where a sharp, distinct lightning-shaped scar was etched. Lily's heart was an amalgam of grief, fear, and desperation, as the lifeless form of her child was the epitome of everything she had fought so desperately against.

In the face of this ultimate despair, Lily Potter's maternal instinct and latent magic exploded in a burst of emerald light that seared through the ancient walls of Godric's Hollow. It was a plea, a call, a desperate prayer for any entity that might listen.

Unknown to Lily, her plea echoed not only through the mortal realm but also through the astral dimensions. In the distant cosmos, the echoes of Lily's desperate plea reached the ears of three extraordinarily powerful beings: Death, Dormammu, and The Living Tribunal.

Each entity felt the echo differently, as they existed beyond human comprehension. Death, the cosmic entity that personified the end of all things, felt a shiver of intrigue. It was rare for a mortal's plea to reach its realm, rarer still for such a plea to pique its interest. Yet the essence of sacrifice was unique, for it was both a beginning and an end.

In the Dark Dimension, Dormammu, the Lord of Chaos, felt the cry as a flicker of potent energy. Dormammu was always on the lookout for opportunities to extend his dominion, and this ripple of magic sparked an interest in him. This power, he realized, might just be the key he needed.

The Living Tribunal, standing as the ultimate judge of the Cosmos, observed everything that transpired. It felt the plea, analyzed it, and determined its potential implications on the cosmic balance. The Tribunal was not known to meddle directly in the affairs of individual realms, but if this event could disrupt the balance, it would be compelled to act.

Back in Godric's Hollow, Lily clung to Harry's small body, her tears falling onto his cold skin. She felt an incredible wave of energy surge through her, before it abruptly vanished, leaving her weak and empty.

Despite the eerie silence that followed, Lily held onto a sliver of hope, her mother's heart refusing to accept the reality of her son's demise. She held her breath, waiting for any sign of life, for the world to right itself. But as seconds turned into minutes, her hope began to wane. For now, the only world she cared for remained silent and still.

Unbeknownst to her, the plea she had sent out into the cosmos had not fallen on deaf ears. As the entities pondered their course of action.

The room became colder, the creeping frost snaking its way across the worn wooden floor, up the walls, and onto the ceiling. A shiver ran down Lily's spine as the chill seeped into her, but she was barely aware of it. Her entire focus was on Harry, the small form still cradled in her arms.

Then, as if emerging from the shadows, three figures materialized in the room. They were towering and imposing, and their presence filled the room with a sense of awe and terror. One was a skeleton, clad in a robe as black as the night itself, a large scythe resting by its side. Another was a towering figure of imposing might, its three faces looking in all directions, embodying fairness, necessity, and revenge. The third figure was a fiery specter, a blazing silhouette that seemed to warp and distort reality around it.

Lily's heart pounded in her chest. The pain of her loss momentarily forgotten, she rose to her feet, positioning herself between the intruders and her son.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she asked, her voice shaking.

The skeletal figure, Death, lifted its head, regarding Lily with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. "We are entities of the cosmos. I am Death, the end of all things."

The fiery figure, Dormammu, pulsed with a malicious light. "I am Dormammu, the Lord of Chaos."

The last figure, towering and commanding, spoke in a voice that echoed throughout the room. "And I am The Living Tribunal, the cosmic judge."

Lily blinked, struggling to process their words. "Why are you here?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"We heard your plea," the Living Tribunal answered, its voice resonating with an otherworldly echo. "Your sacrifice has reached us, Lily Potter."

Dormammu's fire crackled with what might've been laughter. "Interesting indeed. Such potent magic from a mortal."

"What do you want?" Lily demanded, her voice gaining strength. Despite her fear, she stood her ground.

Death answered, its voice chilling. "A decision must be made."

The Living Tribunal continued, "The balance of the universe may have been disrupted by your plea."

Dormammu added, "And disruption, Lily Potter, presents opportunities."

Fear for her son rekindled in Lily's heart. "What does that mean?" she asked, her voice straining. "What does that mean for my son?"

The three figures fell silent, their attention turning to the small form of Harry. As they looked at the child, the room seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the echo of the cosmic entities' words.

"Your plea, Lily Potter," Death said, breaking the silence, "was a call for the impossible. But we," Death gestured around the room, including the other two entities in its sweep, "are beings of the impossible."

And as the entities began to discuss their course of action, Lily felt a flicker of hope once again. Because even in the face of cosmic entities and the impossible, a mother's love could be an immovable force.

Lily, despite being overwhelmed by the magnitude of these cosmic entities, regained her composure. Her eyes, previously teary, now shone with a defiant glimmer. She took a step forward, her voice echoing through the chilly silence.

"What do you want? I will give you anything," she declared, her voice resolute, "Just bring him back."

The fiery specter, Dormammu, flared up with a chuckle, the flames around him dancing menacingly. "Give us anything, you say?" He paused, mulling over Lily's words. "Intriguing, but do you comprehend what you're offering, mortal?"

"I do," Lily affirmed, her gaze unwavering as she stared into the swirling, chaotic flame that was Dormammu.

The skeletal figure, Death, inclined its head, the hollow pits that served as eyes studying Lily. "Bold words, Lily Potter," it said, the voice cutting through the silence like the chilling wind of a winter night. "But words are air. Actions... actions carry weight."

"But what can a mortal offer to beings of our magnitude?" the Living Tribunal questioned, the voice echoing through the room, highlighting the reality of the gap between their existences.

"I am a witch," Lily responded, raising her chin, meeting the gaze of the cosmic entities. "My magic, my knowledge, my life - whatever it is, I am willing to sacrifice."

For a moment, there was silence. Then, Dormammu's fiery figure flickered, a hollow laugh resonating through the room. "Ah, sacrifice. A word so carelessly thrown around by your kind. You speak of it so lightly, but do you truly comprehend its gravity?"

"I lost my child tonight," Lily retorted, her voice laced with sorrow and determination. "I comprehend sacrifice."

"Why me?" she asked, her voice a mere whisper against the silence of the room. "Why Harry? Why...why have you come?"

The Living Tribunal's three faces turned towards Lily, an unseen, contemplative silence enveloping the room. The answer to her question was not simple, not something that could be expressed in terms understood by mortals.

And yet, the Living Tribunal spoke, its voice carrying a deep resonance, a sound that seemed to permeate the very fabric of the room. "Not all moments in time carry the same weight, Lily Potter. Your sacrifice, your love for your son, these are not ordinary feelings. They resonate with a force that echoed through the cosmos, reaching even us."

Dormammu added his own explanation, his voice carrying an undercurrent of dark amusement. "Chaos and imbalance attract us, Lily Potter. The act of your son's murder, the sheer imbalance it would create - it caught our attention."

Death's hollow voice filled the room, the final piece of their collective answer. "And you, Lily Potter, stood at the center of it all. Your willingness to sacrifice your life for your son resonated with us. It was a call we could not ignore."

Silence fell once more, as Lily processed their answers. Her sacrifice, her love for Harry, had called to them. The cosmic entities had intervened because she had been willing to give everything for her son. It was a thought that brought a sad, but peaceful smile to her lips.

The room fell silent once again, the entities digesting Lily's words. The Living Tribunal finally broke the silence, its echoing voice conveying a sense of deep contemplation. "Indeed, you do. Yet the balance that your plea disrupts must be preserved."

"Preserve the balance then," Lily challenged, "Just bring back my son."

"Careful, Lily Potter," Death warned, "All choices come with consequences."

"I understand," Lily said, her voice barely above a whisper. But her resolve didn't falter, her eyes still determined. "I'm ready to face them."

uddenly, Lily fell to her knees, her legs giving out beneath her. She stared at the prone form of her baby boy, his tiny chest still, his cherubic face pale and lifeless. A sob tore through her, echoing around the room, filling it with a raw, primal grief that the beings in the room had seldom witnessed.

"I beg of you," Lily pleaded through her tears, her voice shaky yet filled with desperation. Her hands were clasped tightly together, her knuckles white with the intensity of her grip. "Please... save my son."

Death, the embodiment of the end of all things, watched the grieving mother. The entity had been a silent observer to countless ends, to countless expressions of grief, but something about Lily's desperate plea reached out, tugging at something that was perhaps the closest to emotion that an entity like Death could feel.

Dormammu, his fiery form casting eerie shadows across the room, seemed to revel in the chaotic emotions that filled the room. There was power here, power born out of desperation and love, a chaos born out of the imbalance between life and death. It intrigued him.

The Living Tribunal observed, its three faces expressionless. Yet there was an almost palpable sense of contemplation surrounding the entity. The balance had been disrupted, and it was within its duty to restore it. But at what cost?

The room seemed to hold its breath, the tension hanging heavy. Then, breaking the silence, the Living Tribunal spoke.

"Your plea does not fall on deaf ears, Lily Potter. But we must make you aware of the gravity of your request. To restore life to your son, we would need to take something in return. Balance must be preserved."

"I understand," Lily responded, her voice barely above a whisper. Her body trembled, and she clutched her heart as if trying to hold together the pieces. "Take what you need. I am his mother... I would give anything... everything."

Her words hung in the air, a testament to a mother's love. The cosmic entities absorbed them, considering their weight and their worth.

The room remained silent for a moment, as the words of Lily Potter echoed through the room. Then, the atmosphere seemed to shift, becoming heavy and charged. The Living Tribunal was the first to break the silence, its voice echoing in a solemn tone.

"We understand your resolve, Lily Potter, and your sacrifice is acknowledged."

Death's skeletal hand extended towards her, an ethereal glow emitting from its fingers. "We will take you now, Lily Potter. Your life for his."

The fear that had been lingering in the back of Lily's mind surged forward. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as she stared at the outstretched hand, but she swallowed down her fear, nodded, and bravely extended her own hand towards Death.

"As for the one named Voldemort," Dormammu's voice rose, a gleeful edge to it. His flames flared brighter, casting an ominous glow around the room. "We will claim his soul too."

Just as Death was about to claim Lily, she mustered up the strength to speak one last time, her voice filled with a desperate hope. "What will happen to Harry?"

The Living Tribunal, looked down at Lily. Its three faces, forever impassive, held a strange sense of calm. It spoke, its voice reverberating through the room, carrying with it the weight of eons.

"Your son will not just live, Lily Potter. He will become a new force in the cosmos. A force borne out of the ultimate sacrifice, and of the universal balance disrupted and restored tonight."

Lily's eyes widened as she processed the Tribunal's words. "You mean…"

"Yes," it continued, its voice echoing the finality of its judgement. "Harry Potter will become a new cosmic entity. One that will bridge us all together. The balance he will bring may not be immediately visible, but his influence will be far-reaching."

In her last moments, Lily gazed at her son, his small chest rising and falling with newfound life. She could see a glow around him, a tangible representation of the cosmic power he now held. A cosmic entity. The bridge between death, chaos, and balance. Her Harry.

The room seemed to hold its breath, the atmosphere thick with anticipation and tension. Lily, her heart pounding painfully against her chest, turned her gaze towards her son. Tears welled in her eyes, not out of fear for what was about to happen to her, but out of love for her child.

"Goodbye, Harry," she whispered, her voice breaking on her son's name. "Mummy loves you. Always."

Then she turned back to the entities, her gaze meeting Death's hollow eyes. She gave a single nod, and a tremulous smile bloomed on her lips. "I'm ready."

Without any further delay, Death reached out, its hand brushing against Lily's. A jolt of cold, bone-deep and startling, passed through her. Her vision blurred, her body feeling weightless as if she was being pulled away from the reality she knew.

Meanwhile, Dormammu's form seemed to expand, his flames reaching out and passing through the walls of the nursery as if they were mere illusions. The Lord of Chaos was reaching out, passing through dimensions, his fiery touch seeking out the soul of Voldemort.

As the room began to dissolve around her, Lily took one last look at her son. Then, as her world faded to black, a singular thought echoed in her mind.

'I love you Harry.'

As Death claimed Lily and Dormammu reached out for Voldemort's soul, The Living Tribunal moved forward. Its three faces turned to gaze upon the small, lifeless form of Harry Potter. Reaching down, the cosmic entity gently lifted the child into its arms.

The Living Tribunal, the embodiment of balance, was aware of the gravity of the act it was about to perform. Bringing a life back from the brink of death, even for entities of their stature, was an act that resonated with profound consequences. Yet, the sacrifice offered, the balance of the equation was irrefutable.

"We acknowledge your sacrifice, Lily Potter," The Living Tribunal's voice echoed in the still room, the words hanging in the air like an ethereal mist. "And in the spirit of balance, we honor your wish."

With those words, it laid a hand on Harry's forehead, just where the lightning-shaped scar marred his skin. A surge of energy, immense and otherworldly, flowed from The Living Tribunal into the child. It was not just pure life force but something more profound and cosmic, a testament to the extreme sacrifices and decisions of the night.

The room pulsated with raw, cosmic energy, the air crackling with intensity. The power was immeasurable, stretching the boundaries of reality and nudging the threshold of impossibility. The child in The Living Tribunal's arms shuddered as the energy coursed through him, filling his lifeless form with a bright, thriving force.

At the same time, far away, Voldemort felt a tug on his soul. A feeling of dread, unlike anything he had ever experienced, overcame him. His connection to life itself was being severed, his soul being claimed by a force beyond his comprehension.

Back in the nursery, as The Living Tribunal removed its hand from Harry's forehead, a soft sigh echoed in the room. Harry's chest rose and fell in the steady rhythm of life, his cheeks gaining back a healthy color. His bright green eyes fluttered open, filled with confusion and a spark of something else, something too complex and profound for a child of his age - the mark of cosmic power.

The deed was done. The sacrifices had been made. Lily Potter's life, Voldemort's soul, and in return, Harry's life was restored, forever altered by the touch of the cosmic entities.

The Living Tribunal, with one last look at the newly awakened child, disappeared from the nursery, leaving behind a slumbering baby with a legacy and future that stretched beyond realms and realities. The silent room echoed with the faint remnants of cosmic power, a testament to a night that had forever altered the course of the universe.