
Chapter Ten: The Bitch

Rian's POV:

I am currently lying in one of the beach bed, closed eyes with my shades, having my precious time to sunbath. Until there's a sudden movement in my right side. I didn't move an inch and I didn't open my eyes, I'm just feeling the movement.


Now I know it's Cari, but still I didn't move.

"Rian, I-I'm sorry."

Seconds passed.....

"I'm sorry for what happened-----"

"Are you falling for him?" this time I cut her off. I took off my sunglasses while getting up in a sitting position. I looked at her. I know she was taken aback by my direct question.

"Rian, I... I..."

"So, it's a yes, I guess."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Why do you keep on saying sorry? And for what is that sorry? For setting me up with my husband or by falling in love with Ryan?"

"Huh!" she gasped. I smiled a her and her face lightened up.

"Cari, you know I love you, right?" she nodded. "I just don't want you to get hurt. You're my bestfriend, you're more than a sister to me." I paused and looked at her directly. "But if you're going to be happy with him... no... if you're happy with him, then it's fine. I don't think I have another choice." I sighed.

She smiled and hugged me.

"I'm sorry for keeping this a secret to you."

"No, not really."

She looked at me looking puzzled.

"You're transparent! Silly woman!"

"Am I?" her eyes widened.

"Yes. Your eyes said it all. So, what's your status right now?"

"Dating. I guess." she shrugged.

"Cari, promise me that you will not easily give in for his charm. He still a womanizer, but if you can change him... you'll have me on your back."

"I'll promise." then she hugged me again with her smile.

"How did fall for him?" I asked after a while.

"Honestly, I don't know. We're just texting for the last three months-----"

"You're texting? And you didn't tell me?" I asked my eyes widened.

"Ahmm..." she scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah, but it's just a random message.. you know?"

"How did you two exchanged your numbers? You said you didn't give your number to him in the club?"

"Yeah, but we accidentally met in the mall again, two weeks after our night out."

"Accidentally? Cari I am not 5." I narrowed my eyes.

"It's true, I promised."

"How about your meeting in the beach-----"

"No. I don't know about that. I didn't inform him about our plans. That's why I was really shocked and surprised when I saw him! My God! I even asked him if he stalked us."

I laughed at her statement.

"So, how about you? What happened between you two yesterday? And you disappeared for almost 3 hours."

I told her what happened and our conversation even my encounter to a seven years old Jaime.

"Really? A seven-year-old kid gave you any advice?" she asked while laughing.

"Yeah, I know. That was exactly my reaction after we talked. I promise she was so adorable. And she even call me silly." I said laughing again.

"I won't do it again." she suddenly said.


"Setting you two... again. I mean, if fate has it's plan for you two... or maybe opposite plan, then so be it. But I won't do it again." she faced me. "But if you would just believe me... he acted like a sick jealous yesterday. Ohh... that bastard!"

I just shook my head and smiled at her. I didn't comment.

"Let's go swimming!" she took my hands and pulled me to stand.

"Wait! What about my things?"

"Just leave it there. Don't worry, no one will get that."

"Are you sure?" I asked with a slight doubt.

"Yes. Let's go and enjoy this vacation while it lasts. Because Gavin is not that generous to treat us every day with a get together like this."

"Fine." I give in thinking what she said was true. I'm still fully clothed but she's not stopping from pulling me.

I doubt I still have my right arm when we go back home.

We are in the middle of our half-run and half walk doing and almost near the water when someone bumped on me. I felt something hard crashed on my right shoulder, but I ignored the sudden pain as I was about to fall to the ground if not for Cari caught me on time.

"What the fuck!" we saw a petite blonde picking her cellphone from the sand while caressing her chin.

-'so it's her chin'-

She is wearing ta two-piece red bikini in low cut.

-'poor bikini'-

"Look what you've done, you bitch!" she yelled at me wiping her phone with her hand.

Cari's going to speak but I stopped her by pulling her hands slightly and shook my head on her. I raised my eyebrow looking at the petite blonde.

"Miss, you were the one who bumped on me and not the other way around." I said in my calmest tone.

"No! You're the one who's not looking on your way while walking!" she pointed her finger on me.

"What are you-----"

I stopped Cari again and pulled her behind me as I stepped forward to level my face to the bitch in front of me.

"Excuse me? As I remember correctly, you were the one who's not looking on your way. You were texting while walking that's why you bumped into someone, and that someone is happened to be me! And don't you dare pointing your finger on me if you still want to have 10 fingers on your hands! I am just going to cut that one by one and I'll make you swallow your own fingers! Bitch!"

She looked horrified by the idea.

"You're going to pay for this!" she said before walking away.

"I'm scared!" I shouted at her retreating form. We continued to walk again. I just let my hair cover my shoulder as the bruise is now turning to formed.

"Walking skeleton!" Cari also shouted. We both looked at each other before we burst into laughter.

"Really, Cari? Walking skeleton? How did you get that?" I asked her in between my laugh.

"That she is! Look at her, jeez! She seemed too proud of her body. Petite, skinny and flat boobs!"

"Hey, petite and skinny is almost the same! And that's a low blow!"

"I don't care. I mean, I don't have problems with skinny women and flat boobs.. but girl, her attitude! It sucks!" she rolled her eyes.

"Well, yeah. She's like walking whiteboard?" I shrugged.

"Walking whiteboard? what was that mean?"

"Walking whiteboard means flat!" and we burst out laughing again.

"Wow! So, happy. Care to share?" Gavin came and splashed water on our face.

"You're such a dick!" Cari screamed.

I told him what happened and he laughed so hard when I mentioned the word 'walking skeleton' and 'walking whiteboard'.

"Let's take a swim." Cari jumped on the water since she's already on her bikini.

"My God, what about me? I'm still fully clothed."

"Just get it off there!" she said and then take another dive.


"Yes. Where else?"

"No way. I'll go back to my chair. Can you go with me?"

"Jeez! Fine!" she walked towards me.

When we are about few steps from my things, Ryan and Jack, suddenly came from nowhere.

"Hi, girls." Jack greeted us first. But of course Ryan has something else to do. He kissed Cari's cheek which made her blush.

"Jesus! New love birds!" I muttered under my breath but I think Jack heard because he chuckled while looking at me. I just smiled.

"Where are you going?" Ryan asked facing Cari while his hand is on her forearm.

"Rian's gonna change her clothes. Ummp.. no, she's just gonna take off her cover-up."

"I see." jack nodded. "I'll just have to look for Alex."

I sighed. I know I can't really avoid him where we are in just a piece of land.

"Oh, no need for me to look for him. I think he saved my energy." Jack exclaimed looking from behind me. And when I turned around, I saw what he is looking about.

Alex... in all his glory with a woman in red bikini. The woman's hand is on his arm and they're walking close together.

"Nice view!" I said without thinking, causes the three to raised their eyebrow on me. I turned my gaze away from them.

"Hey! That is------"

Cari was cut off by Ryan.

"That is Melissa. Alex's slut of a secretary." he added the word slut with bitterness.

"That's not what I meant! And I don't care who she is!" she glared at him. Maybe if we are in a different situation, I am going to laugh at these two.

"Argh! That woman again!" she whispered-yell before she looked at me. I looked again to the pair who's is now a few steps away from us.

"Oh, yeah!" I know what she meant. It's the same blonde and petite girl we encountered earlier.

And I found myself laughing. Cari joined me and we laughed together like a maniac. I don't know what is her reason for laughing, but I just laughed to cover the jealousy that is creeping inside me.

As soon as we stopped, I looked around to find them looking at us as if we've grown in two heads. I looked at Alex and his face held with blank expression. What did I expect?

"My God! It's you again! Are you stalking me?" Melissa said in her bitchy tone. She even put one of her hand on her hips and the other is still holding Alex's arm.

Cari stepped forward ready to speak but like earlier, I pulled her again.

"What's with you woman always pulling me?" she turned to me annoyed. But I just warned her and shook my head. She got what I mean and she just crossed her arms while glaring Melissa.

"You know each other?" Jack questioned us--- surprised.

"Of course not! She bumped on me on my way to you guys earlier. And she didn't even say sorry for what she did!" the guys are now eyeing me.

"She didn't-----"

"Cari! Let her speak first!" I warned her again.


I shook my head again and this time I smiled and then turned to Melissa.

"What's your name?" I started to speak which took her by surprise even the boys except for Alex who has furrowed eyebrows.

"Why do you want to know my name? I don't give my name to some strangers!" she huffed.

I smiled.... sweetly.

"You know why I want to know your name? It's because I don't want to call you walking skeleton and walking white-flat board while I am talking to you, bitch!" she gasped and I raised my eyebrow.

I can be as intimidating this bitch wouldn't know.

"And what are you talking about that I bumped on you? For you and for everyone's information here, I am not as clumsy as you are! You're the one who bumped on me because you were busy texting and giggling to someone on your damned phone! So, why should I say sorry? Your fake chin landed exactly on my shoulder!" I turned my hair to my left side to show them the bruise that is now the color of an eggplant.

I heard Cari's gasped. And Alex... I don't know why he pushed Melissa's hands. The second I know, he's in front of me holding my arm and inspecting my bruise.

"Rian! Why didn't you tell me, you got bruised?" she's now on my side. I wanted to laugh. I also can feel the spark from Alex's hands.

"Cari, it's okay. It's just a bruise.!" and I didn't get why I got this while Melissa bitch seemed fine. Maybe I was right, her chin was fake.

"No! It's not!" Alex and Cari exclaimed in unison.

Everyone turned into silent. And I found Alex looking at me with narrowed eyes. I don't want to argue with him

I take my hands from his hold and stepped back so we can have distance from each other. I'm not sure if it's hurt that was written on his face when I did that.

"Babe... I just wanna go swimming." the bitch take Alex hand this time, but he didn't push her.

I smiled bitterly at him and shook my head. We're having starring competition when Melissa bitch spoke again.

"It's so hot! Let's go swimming, babe." I arched my eyebrow. Cari elbowed me and wiggling her eyebrows

"What?" I asked her confused.

"You forgot?" she just simply asked me again.

"Forgot what?" and before I can think of any questions...she spoke loudly enough to hear even in those of the middle of the ocean.

"Yeah, it's really hot!" she wiped her fake sweats on her forehead. "Rian, you forgot that I've invited you to join me to swim. You said you're just taking off your cover-up?" I now got what she meant.

"Babe..." she turned to Ryan with a little flirty. "Have you seen Rian on her swimsuits?"

Ryan widened his eyes and looked at me before he turned to Alex who now has a dark expression.

"Babe..." Ryan repeated."I don't think it's a good idea-----"

"Oh, you silly! That's not what I mean!" she punched on his arm. "Rian, come on. Take those clothes off so we can start swimming. Gavin is already waiting for us."

I narrowed my eyes on her but she just grinned.

Then... they were waiting for my next move, even Melissa bitch with an annoyed face.

"Fine!" I acted as if it's not a big deal.. because it's really not. Cari winked at me. I know her games this time.

And then in front of them, I started to take off my clothes. One by one, starting from my crop top then my white shorts. I can feel their eyes watching my every move. But there is just one person I care about to see me. And it's my husband. I looked at him while taking my shorts. I saw him gulped. His Adam's apple moving up and down.

I don't know where I got this idea.

-'yeah, that's right. Look at me and compare me to that bitch beside you!"

I am now wearing my black and red strapped-crossed crossed two-piece bikini. Showing my perfect fair skin, I raised my chin up.

"See? That's better." Cari proudly stated. "I really like your skin color. It's fair and not paled." she added emphasizing the word 'pales' towards Melissa's direction. "And oh my God! Don't forget your bo------"

"Oh, shut up! I know what you're about to say next!" I know her. She's referring again to my boobs.

"What I am trying to say is that your cups are real and especially not flat."

"Oh my God! Cari Sandoval! This is so embarrassing!"

"Why? It's true. All in you are real. Boobs and butt!" She said that without even blinking.

I glared at her, feeling the blush that is now creeping on my whole face down to my neck.

"You are my bestfriend and I love you. But right at this moment, I think I really hate you! Argh! I'm gonna kill you!" I almost screamed in her in embarrassment.

Does she really need to emphasize my body in front of them? My God!

"Just do it, babe!" and she smacks my butt with a loud thud.

"Ouch! Did you just smack me?" my eyes widened.

"Yes, I did. What can you do about that?" she giggle starting to step back away from me.

"Argh! That's it, I'm gonna kill you! Cari...!" I screamed her name as I run after her towards the beach. I can hear the boys chuckles from our scene.

Gavin approached us after a while, still not taking my revenge on what Cari's did.

"Hey, you two. What's happening? What took you so long?"

I told him everything including why I am running after Cari.

"Oh, I also wanna see that bitch." he said while laughing. "And I also want to tease you but I am afraid and I don't want to have a death wish." he said in the middle of his laughs.

"Death wish?"

"Yes. Because I can see your husband approaching towards us with a blonde skinny bimbo on his arm." and I glanced at where he was looking. Alex and Melissa the bitch, again.

"Is that the bitch you were referring to?"

"Yes. And I don't care." I grabbed his hand and walked to where Nick and Jenny having a moment together.

"You really forget us, do you?" I asked them loud, causing them to flinch and stepped back away from each other.

"Wow, honey... what a way to ruin their moment. Their kissing moment!" I laughed together with Gavin. Jenny's face turned to blush.

We spend our time swimming, running after each other, and splashing water while laughing. We even have a picture together. Cari stated this plan. And even though I hate her, I didn't had the idea to protest as all of them agreed to her plan. They had a picture together with Ryan. Nick and Jenny, Alex and the bitch, me and Gavin.

I thought it was finished there but Jack and Cari shouted that me and Alex should also have a picture together. My mouth hanged open when Alex take my hand and put it behind his waist as he put his arm over my shoulder. I saw Melissa's face crunched.

"Smile..1..2..3.." it's Jack and Cari's phone.

"Another pose."

I didn't have time to speak as I can feel again the same spark and electricity from Alex's body.

We made several poses until it's over. We were back again to what we are doing earlier.

As much as possible, I tried not to look at Alex and Melissa's direction. I felt a stub on my chest whenever I see them running and chasing each other.

-'My God. Why do I have to see this?'- I silently asked and closed my eyes... as the tears are now forming in my eyes.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" It's Gavin and he whispered. "You want to show them that you're not affected?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Well girl, you failed."


He shook his head and duck himself, his back is facing me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in wide eyes.

"I'll take you somewhere, come on ride on my back."


"But where? You don't need to do this."

"Yeah, I don't need this, but you do. We're going to give them a show. Just ride on my back."


"Go!" and I did. I squealed as he stand up and hold my thighs.

"Good girl. Now look at them and see how his reaction? Haha." I followed what he said but before I could speak, Cari and Jenny's voice filled my ears.

"Hey, where are you two going?" Cari asked first.

"How did they know that we're leaving?" he whispered to me. I just shrugged my shoulder.

Gavin turned his body so we're now both facing them.

"We're just going to have some quiet time alone. A bestfriend's time." he answered and I noticed Alex's eyes darkened as he can see our position.

"Can we join?" Jenny also shouted while nudging Nick to copy what we are doing.

"Sure." I smiled at Jenny. Nick grabbed her thighs as she hoped in his back.

"Are you going to leave me here?" Cari shouted.

"Yes. We don't need your presence as we all know, you're happy with your sweetheart." Gavin huffed emphasizing his last word.

"Your such a dick!"

"Oh yeah, I know. Enjoy your moment, as we enjoy mine. Bye."

We laughed at her as Gavin and Nick started walking while me and Jenny were on their back.

"Wow, Gavin! Your way to make Rian's husband to kill you!" and I can't help myself laughing at Nick's words.

He wouldn't dare.

- - - - - - - - - - -

I don't know why Ryan and Jack keep on hanging on our group. Well, let say.. we understand Ryan, but Jack?

I almost shrank on my seat when I saw Alex entered the restaurant with Melissa behind him. (take note--- behind him, not with his arm) He took a long step towards our long table and seated at the vacant chair which is exactly in front of my seat. The bitch also seated beside him.

As soon as the waiter came, we ordered our foods and eat silently... except of course with the bitch who's name is Melissa who always complained of the food in front of her. Whether it's kind of oily, high in cholesterol, lots of calories to intake, with fatty acids... blah... blah... blah... that is not healthy to our body.

"Forgodsake! I swear I'm just a holding a second before I shove my fork to the throat of this bloody bitch!"

Cari simply whispered in my ear through greeted teeth.  I just bite my lip and closed my eyes not to burst my laughter.

"We are on the same page, darling." I whispered back at her before I continue with my food. But I was interrupted again by Gavin who this time, whispered in my other ear.

"Look at her, she's pushing aside all the crunchy coat of her fried chicken." I looked at him as I don't know who's he referring to.


"The skinny-blonde-bimbo-bitch!" I almost choke on my food. I really wanted to laugh. I take a deep breath and bite my bottom lip as I try to compose myself. I spare a quick glance at Melissa and to her plate to see that Gavin was right. She's now eating her vegetable salad.

"That's why she has no fats and all bones." I whispered to Gavin's ear... which caused him to laugh out loud.

"Hey!" I touched his shoulder and glared at him. All eyes now are on us.

"I'm sorry, honey." he just smiled. I know he's just stopping himself.

Cari patted my thigh and I looked at her.

"Care to share?" she has an arched eyebrow.


And then again, Gavin whispered again in my ear.

"I wished I can get those... to put on your plate. I know it's your favorite part of fried chicken." I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Thanks! But no way!"

"But why? It's favorite!"

"I don't think I can eat those! Yucks!" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled. I didn't noticed that some pairs of eyes were on us again.

"You want some?" I nodded. Gavin knows me well, every time we're going to eat fried chicken, he will give all the crunchy coat of his chicken to me.

He now gets 2 pieces of chicken. Undressed it with coat and put the crunchy skin on my plate. I smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you. You're the best!"

"Hey, what about me?" Cari tried to get some of it from my plate but I managed to swat her hands before she can touch my food.

"No! this is all mine!"

"Such a kid!" she muttered then rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, bitch!" I replied back.

"Chicken skin is your favorite?" Jack suddenly asked. I know the question was for me but Cari answered her mouth for me.

"Yes. And she's going to kill just for that."

"Of course not!"

"Really? Then give me some." she smiled at me.

"No way!"

"See? Remember what Daniel did?"

"What about my brother?"

"When he visited you once and you chased him all over our apartment, because he ate your fried chicken and your favorite crunchy skin." she even put her hands on the air to give more emphasis on her story.

"Haha. funny."

And the group started to laugh. I don't know how did I get this two bestfriends in my life. Sometimes I love them.. but there were also times that I really want to kill them. Especially Cari... right at this moment.


Hi, Lovelies....please also see my other book.

"He Only Married Me To Show Her That He Already Moved On"

Thank you...😘😘😘