
coiling Dragon Fanfic: Thunder Dominion

I’ve read few coiling dragon fanfics but they never did justice to the wonderful story, I at least wanna come close to it. I’m gonna finish this fic so stay for the ride. Watch how Lucas Draper dominate the four highest planes. Just to clarify my story take place trillions of years before the main story!

Aleksic · 作品衍生
16 Chs


I went to Welkins place to say goodbye, he's been very helping, I can feel it, it won't be long before the two mysteries completely fuse together. He came forth and greeted me and asked "are you leaving"? "You know me I can't really stay on the same place for long" I answered. " before you leave I'll tell you this" Welkin said with a mysterious grin on his face. And continued " I'm actually part of a sovereign family" Lucas was shocked, some random planar overseer was actually from a sovereign's family. " to be more precise our family's sovereign is the Chief Sovereign of Thunder Hurlei" Lucas was once again shocked, a Chief Sovereign is a powerhouse that stands on the peak of the universe. "Anyway I have a god clone in thunder plane if you ever want to meet, come and see me before you go to the higher planes I have something for you" Lucas didn't think much of it and left.

He came to Alfheim city, where he saw Moritt sitting alone in his courtyard drinking. "Who!!" Moritt jumped up, then he saw Lucas standing there only then did he relax, " You're drinking your finest stash, it must be a good occasion then?" I said to Moritt and sat down beside him and poured my self a glass, I swear I could see a twitch in Moritt when I filled the whole glass

" It's noting much I've finally reached the last step to become a god, hopefully in few years I can take that step" Moritt continued. " Anyway congratulations you freak, becoming the youngest god in history and all that not bad" "haha thanks man…" before I was about to continue our talk. I felt the power of heaven and earth descend! someone has made a breakthrough.

I heard Erza the elf queen sending me a message: "King Bolan water god clone has made a breakthrough and he has now two god level clones". 'Dammit' couldn't he wait a few years. Then I flew to her place I saw two other demigods on Erzas side and my grandfather. "If push comes to shove let's just ascend" one of the demigods said " and leave everything I've for ages?" Erza was really unwilling to leave like this. " hmm I have suggestion, I have two god clones and I'm confident to be able to occupy Bolans Water god, I may not be able to defeat him but I at least could make him busy" Lucas said, his grandfather sent him a frantic message "No! It's too dangerous, absolutely not" " Believe in me grandpa I would not do something I'm not confident in" I sent him back " Are you sure?" He asked "Positive" " alright then, just take care of yourself"

You! a little demigod want to go head to head with a god, have you a death wish boy? Elf queen looked at me with cold eyes, i honestly didn't care she's next on my list after I breakthrough anyway. "I'm positive to stay alive, so I can keep him occupied" I answered " she looked at me for for a while and nodded.

Just then an powerful aura was released, Bolan was high in the sky with three other Demigods. "Erza are you just gonna hide in your little palace" Bolan taunted " No need to taunt me Bolan I'm here" Erza flew out accompanied by 4 other demigods. Both of Bolans Fire and Water god clone faced off with Erza, but just then A spear came at the water god clone, this spear was a god level artifact gifted to him by Welkin. The moment of attack both of Lucas god clones released his special domain, it inflicted heavy pressure on Bolan who was shocked.

He couldn't believe a demigod was this strong, even his fire god clone who was fighting against the Elf queen was shocked, but couldn't afford to get distracted so he put all his focus on her. After Lucas released his domain on Bolan it started to rain lightning everywhere in 100m radius and it was pitch black. Although Bolan had a god level material defense and it took most of the lightning but the pressure was still unbearable, and Lucas kept attacking from every angle. It was really hard to get through his defensive artifact Lucas thought, while he was attacking Bolan he felt something when he looked at the red lightning that kept hitting Bolan from everywhere he felt something stir inside of him.

Then his two mysteries has finally fused together perfectly, The power of heaven and earth descended. A black gemstone with purple light was floating infront of him.

At the same time that the power of heaven and earth descended, Bolan Bolan stood infront Erzas corpse after all these years he devoloped a soul attack and that's what killed her, he looked at Lucas who have recently become a god and had a cruel smile on his face. For him a newly advanced god didn't hold much of a threat, and he has two god level clones so he felt confident. All of sudden he felt that his water god clone die, he was shocked 'how!!' He thought and then a spear made of lightning penetrated his skull. He didn't even have time to react and died just like that.

Lucas stood there and held the belongings of Bolan in his hand, indeed a person who has fused different mysteries together is much more powerful than a person who hasn't. Lucas didn't bother the spare Bolans minions he killed them all, after a while his grandfather came to him and asked " you broke through Lucas?" " yes, I got an opportunity, alright grandpa let's go back home"

After they returned to EastCalm city his parents and saints of the Draper family came and greeted them, Leahmann asked "Dad is everything okay?" Axel laughed out loud and said "Everything is fine thanks to Lucas, he broke through to god level slaughtered Bolan and his minions" everybody in the crowd was shocked god level already how old was Lucas? Only 52 this but he's already a god, what a monster! His mother came to Lucas side asked worried " you're absolutely fine right?" Lucas smiled and took his mothers hand and said "I'm fine mom, everything will be okay from now on"

That night he and his grandpa met in his hut, " I don't really need the faith in this plane and soon I'm going to the four high at plane anyway, you should use it grandpa" Axel thought for a moment and answered alright but after I manage to fuse two mysteries together I too will go to the highest plane. " I'll be off then" Lucas spend a whole month with Moritt and his parents before he'd set of the arctics to meet Welkin

When he landed in the artic Welkin was already there and waiting and had a beaming smile on his face. "Hahaha I watched the whole battle, you could probably kill me with a single swing of your spear " Welkin laughed out loud and said. " Senior thank you for everything" Lucas said, he truly ment it Welkin has been a big help to him. Welkin threw a bottle to Lucas and in the bottle was a purple drop of liquid floating there 'is this what I think it is?' I thought to my self. "This is a drop of sovereigns might Lucas, it can save your life in dire times so only use it when you have no other way out" Welkin said. "Alright let's go to the teleportation it will take you to the infernal realm" Welkin continued " i bid farewell and good luck and don't die"

After Lucas went through the teleportation circle, far away in divine thunder plane a place where thunder rang all year around, In a black castle there a man with purple hair was sitting in a throne where he was looking at a man who was kneeling on the floor " the kneeling man said "Patriach here is the dossier I've gathered about Lucas" the kneeling man was non other than Welkin water god clone who was facing the Patriach of the Hurlei family. " The man was reading the dossier and nodded satisfactorily then said " at the age of 52 years old he managed to fuse 2 mysteries together, I've only seen few handful of geniuses like him, keep a close watch on him and don't interfere with with" The man said 'hmm he is a good candidate to become fathers messenger' the man thought.

Lucas finally arrived at infernal realm.