
coiling Dragon Fanfic: Thunder Dominion

I’ve read few coiling dragon fanfics but they never did justice to the wonderful story, I at least wanna come close to it. I’m gonna finish this fic so stay for the ride. Watch how Lucas Draper dominate the four highest planes. Just to clarify my story take place trillions of years before the main story!

Aleksic · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Planar overseer

In a deserted mountain in Abaskus continent a man with yellow eyes looked up to the sky when he noticed that someone has become a god. Every god-level figure can sense when someone's becomes a god, so the man could sense when Lucas broke through. " One of Erzas subordinate broke through? hmm it's just a demigod it won't change much in the status quo. The moment my water god clone breaks through to god level (mid god) I will go on a killing spree and unify this world and gather all the faith on me, with this much of faith I'm certain my fire god clone will breakthrough to highgod. I've been stranded in the fifth mystery for hundreds of thousands years now I don't see a way out except to gather faith power"

In the elemental laws to become a Demigod it requires that you fully comprehend one mystery, to become a God (mid god) it requires that you fully comprehend two mysteries and to become a High God it requires that you fully comprehend all six mysteries but that will only make you the most basic High God out there. A god that has fused two mysteries together could easily kill you.

Back to Lucas who was chatting with Axel " You're saying the orc King bolan wants to dominate the whole plane for power of faith" Lucas asked " indeed he's been stuck in a bottleneck for a long time so he sees no other way out and the elf queen is no better too, both of them wants the power faith for them self but the plane is divided into two parts so neither of them gets the full power of faith, one of them must die" Lucas thought for a moment and asked " Why don't they go the higher planes?" " they are content with the little power they have here, and don't want to risk dying in the higher planes where gods and high gods die everyday" " maybe that's the reason for their stagnation" Lucas said. " Anyway don't think much about it now, our only focus is the other demigods from King Bolans side. Though don't push your self, I'll break through soon at least then we can protect ourselves better"

I chatted bit more with grandpa and got general knowledge about the other demigods, and one of them caught my attention. A demigod who majors in Edict of death, Millions of mortals die every year and this guy is the reason so he should have some stack of soul beads after he refines and give more than half to king bolan he should have some left. But the risk is big he's after all King Bolans supplier if I kill him I'll be in deep trouble, well im not far becoming a demigod with Edict of destruction by the I'll be no weaker than Bolan, me and elf queen should be able to kill him if we join forces.

I went to the arctic mountains, I wanted to meet the planar overseer and get a general timeline in the four higher planes. I came to a castle and bowed slightly and said "Junior Lucas have met senior" Then a man with long black hair and black robe came out and spoke " So you're the genius who recently became a deity not bad indeed, you would be considered a genius even in the higher planes" you praise too much senior…?" Lucas asked "I'm Welkin, come let's have a chat" they took a seat and Welkin took out some special herbal tea. " this is a special tea i came across in my travels in the four higher planes, it has an amazing effect to soothe and calm your mind so you can better understand the mysteries" Welkin said. Lucas took a sip and felt like all his worries disappear" unfortunately only saints and demigods can feel the effects, it makes no difference to gods (middle god)" " Senior please tell me about the four higher planes?" Lucas asked "First let me be clear, I advise you not go the four higher planes or seven divine planes now, at the very least not until you become a god and can protect yourself better" Welkin said in a solemn tone 'at least he has my best interest' Lucas thought. And Welkin continued to talk about the dangers and how that it is a better place to Cultivate.

" when you are strong enough you should consider joining the fiend castle and become a fiend" Welkin added. " what's a fiend Senior?" Luca pretended to be confused "it's an extremely dangerous job! They do missions that are really dangerous, heck just the assessment mission kills off more than half of those that have a applied, it's a job only for the strong, that's why those that wear the fiend castle emblem on their chest are highly respected and feared. But only take the assessment if you're sure of your strength otherwise don't, you would be just sending yourself to death" Welkin said. After that they talked more and Welkin expelled most of Lucas doubts. " Senior i major in Edict of destruction but I don't seem to get anywhere" Lucas could help bitterly laugh his thunder law has caught up and even surpassed it his understanding in destruction rules. Well I'm not so versed in Destruction rules but I can tell you this, your Thunder law and Edict of destruction have both one thing i common they are ment to pass out judgement and punish, your heart and mind must be firm otherwise you will not go anywhere in both Destruction rules and thunder law" Welkin said. Lucas sat there, a shock ran through him. ' yes!! How did I not see it, both these laws are ment for killing and destruction, you judge wether a person should live or die.' And Lucas shut his eyes and started cultivating he was in a state of epiphany, it's a miraculous state that a person seldom experience. After few hours, the power of heaven and earth descended and Lucas once again split his soul and a clone of Edict of destruction came forth, he looked just like Lucas in his original form. Blue eyes, blond hair and 2 meters tall with a black robe.

Welkin stood there kind of in a shock and thought ' I knew he was a genius but I think I've underestimated him, if he does not die he may became a six-star Fiend or even a 7-star, I really look forward what he can accomplish.

Lucas was really happy ' Finally I have the capital to have a say from now on' he thought.

Lucas choose a mountain in the arctics and choose to live in, sometimes he would cultivate and other times he would spar and chat with Welkin, even though Lucas divine power was on par with a God he fell short in the mysteries so he was defeated most of the time. And 16 years past just like that. Lucas opened his eyes, my fusion between mystery of judgment and lightning element has come to a bottleneck and the profound mystery of movement has also come to a bottleneck, though I want to become a god by having fused to mysteries together that would make me instantly the strongest god, basically invincible in god-level even ordinary high gods won't be my opponents, Lucas smiled when he thought about this.