
Chapter 25: Louder than thunder

“Nik?” Fable called out in the crowd, standing up.

They couldn’t have gotten far.

“Kenzie? Violet?” She called out, turning in circles to spot them, but there was nothing as far as she could see. Hundreds of people were moving through this path, all heading to see the fireworks.

But the people were moving too quickly for her to see. So, reluctantly, she followed the crowd, hoping she’d find them down the line.

The lake was in an eight shape, with two small islands identical to one another on the middle of either side. All around the lake were thousands and thousands of people, their lightsticks and cellphones glowing in the night.

Lanterns lit the paths all around, but there was no telling how far it went or which side her friends went to.

Fable bit her bottom lip, a sick feeling in her stomach. She didn’t even know the way back to the hotel.

She decided to change the right path. Most people went right, right? she thought, a little panicked.