
Chapter 26: Her walls had come tumbling down

By the time Kenzie, Violet, and Dex arrived, everything had been handled. Nikos refused to let her out of his grasp, even as the men in suits carted off the unconscious boys. Fable didn't ask any questions; she was not sure she wanted to hear the answers.

“Fable!” Kenzie called, running over.

Fable pushed on Nikos’ chest to give her space, and he finally allowed it as she turned to her friend. But he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, burying his face into her neck as he clutched her like she was a lifeline and he was drowning.

“We were looking everywhere for you,” Kenzie breathed out, “We didn’t know where you went.”

Kenzie paused, eyeing Nikos, and his jacket wound around her arm with a questioning look.

Fale only shook her head. She wasn’t even sure what entirely had happened. It all went too fast. Instead, she focused on what was easy.