
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · 奇幻
37 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: Dragonsteel Ironworks

Dealing with the gang that had taken over the old smithy was no difficult task for Dayn, after roughing a few up they essentially surrendered, that didn't stop them from the typical 'You'll pay for this' line they spouted off before running away.

The smithy wasn't in as bad a shape is it had looked from the outside, the worst problem he had would be that part of the roof had caved in and he'd likely have to get the whole thing redone. He spent the day cleaning out the cobwebs and sweeping the floor, some of the floorboards were cracked and he knew enough about carpentry to replace those himself.

While cleaning up Dayn managed to find himself a fair supply of old tools, the outer storehouse had completely collapsed and buried some wrought iron, he sifted through it and came to the conclusion that most was still usable.

People gathered around to watch as he went to work over the next few days, he brought in some workers with the help of Sabrim's connections, he had to pay the greedy man a finders fee however. After the first week his pouch had become significantly lighter but he was ready to open, he had no intention of working permanently as a smith he did need to earn some coin so he could replace his armor.

He spent his time over the next little while fixing damaged pots and sharpening kitchen knives for a few copper or a silver at most, in the meantime he had begun hammering the iron he found into new material. By the end of the month he had various items the common folk would need on display in the shop window and had even earned a few commissions.

Dayn was getting ready to close up shop for the evening when a well dressed man rapped on his door with an exquisite cane. "Hello sir, I was just closing up for the evening can I help you?" The man entered the shop without saying a word taking a look around. "Well, you've done quite well for yourself young man" he stated after taking a look around. The man was tall, but thin, he had neatly trimmed black hair and a well waxed mustache, his tunic was longer then normal going down passed his waist. It was deep crimson in color and was embroidered with a silver vine pattern extending from the shoulder to the chest on both sides, the buttons appeared to be cast in gold.

Dayn had managed to purchase a few new outfits from a small tailoring shop called The Copper Needle but he still portrayed the image of a pauper. Despite his appearance the man treated him with a measure of respect, "I hear the entire west side slums patronize your shop of late." Dayn nodded, he was proud of the fact he had manage to acquire a loyal customer base in such a short time.

"Well, where are my mannahs, allow me to introduce mahself" the man lifted a hand, Dayn took his hand for a firm shake, "I'm Vincent Stalrad owner of the Osaran Expanse, a merchant guild here in the city." Dayn swore mentally, of course the city would have guilds, he had undercut most of the other smith's in the city on pricing in order to turn profit so quickly. "It's come to mah attention that you're costs are low, almost criminally so, do you have any guild affiliation?"

Dayn admitted that he didn't, "Well sah, I must inform you that all manner of issues can come a knocking at your door without the protection of the guilds." "Why just the other day a new merchant was robbed in broad daylight walking the streets by one of them nasty gangs." This had started to feel more like a shakedown to him then a demand to join a merchant organization. "I have good news for you howevah, my guilds fees are low and won't cut much into your profit."

He let the man continue on his long hard sell speech for another hour before it came to an end, Dayn promised he would consider the benefits and get back to him post haste. He felt relieved after the man had left, seemed there was no legal issues with not being guild affiliated it simply made you an easy target for ruffians. Dayn didn't fear the rough folk of the city but decided it would be best if he found or forged himself some armor as soon as possible.

That night Dayn sat in thought at the bar in the Silver Chalice, a stein of ale sitting near to hand, "Rough day?" the owner asked. Dayn had come to know the man well over the passed month, his name was Phil Bartley, his family had owned this establishment for years, it had fallen on hard times since his fathers passing.

Dayn looked into his cup of ale, the taste had improved recently "Had a run in with a guild master" Phil nodded a knowing look on his face, "Which one?" "He called himself Vincent Stalrad" Dayn responded still staring at the brown liquid. An ominous look crossed Phil's face, "I'd steer clear of that one, man has an unsavory reputation for gang connections" Dayn didn't doubt it, the man seemed like he was racketeering.

Phil thought about it a moment, "Family used to have connections with the Tanarok Export Company, might be able to get you an introduction, the fees are fair and the organization is above the board far as I know." Dayn thought about it, even if it cut into his profits he should probably do things right, didn't want to stir up any unnecessary trouble if it could be avoided. "If its possible would definitely help me out" Phil muttered to himself about wanting to renew that connection anyways.

Dayn had given him a few tips about how to bring his business around, he didn't know much about running one but he knew no one wants to drink or eat in a dirty establishment or be served by a dirty man drinking to much of his own stock. Since he had cleaned up and stopped drinking so heavily he had begun to bring in more customers and had been in a significantly better mood.

While I was writing his dialogue I got the image of a man from the deep south, a well connected land owner with lots of cash, I came back and tried to alter his dialogue to have a nice southern drawl to it, let me know if you think I accurately captured it. Suggestions are always welcome thank yall :D

Yamashita_Kaitocreators' thoughts