
Chapter 5

Eclipse POV:


All around me is white as I turn in a slow circle with a moan. A familiar chuckle booms from behind me, causing me to turn and bow. I may be the best hero in the world, but even I'm not brave enough to look in God's face. Yes you heard right, I can speak to God himself. Usually it's just a few words in my head, although there are a few times that he or an angel with appear to me. This was one of those times I guess.

"Eclipse my child. You have done well." I hear the smile in his voice as he allows me to stand once more.

"Thankyou my Lord but if I may... I have been praying for guidance, but have been ignored until now. What is going to happen now that..." I break off.

Silence fills the air before he speaks once more. "My child, you of all people know that sometimes my answer means to wait. I know what is going on and what is to come. Be patient and you shall understand."

"Yes my Lord."

"Now about the young man... do you understand what Soulmates are?" I nod in response as he continues, "I created Derek to be your soulmate. He made the wrong choice when he felt the connection and now he is paying for his actions. When you return, he will offer you the choice to leave him and go back home. When he does, then I want you to ask him to join you."

My mind is reeling with this information as I stare at my feet before opening my mouth once more. "What if he does not offer? Or if he should refuse my offer?"

"If he does not offer, then I will give you back your powers and break the bond once you escape. If he refuses your offer, then once you cross the river I will break the bond and you shall both have a new soulmate." He replies as I nod. "And Eclipse... if he accepts your offer I want you to take the time to get to know him and try to make it work. I made him for you for a reason."

I sigh, "As you wish, my Lord."

Everything fades as I begin to wake up.

[End Dream]

A small groan slips through my lips as the early morning sun peaks through the window and shines onto my eyelids. I blink several times to clear my sight before freezing as the bed moves with the weight of another person beside me.

"I know you're awake." The husky voice says from behind me, his voice having a somewhat gentler tone to it than before.

I slowly sit up as I listen to him breath. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him frown as he looks at his hands in thought. Emotions flash through his eyes; anger, fear, and... regret? All those feelings flash through his eyes before he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He suddenly turns, catching me staring. I raise an eyebrow at him, showing no weakness just like I've done any other time in my life.

He stares at me for a minute before standing up and going to the door. He opens it slowly before turning towards me.

"I have made a terrible mistake... one that I am sure you will not forgive me for. You are free to leave and the marriage will be annulled by the end of the day."

My mouth drops open but before I can say another word, he steps away from the door and disappears into the connected bathroom. I look at the door, my mind running a mile a minute before I remember what I had promised to God. I sit and wait on his bed for a moment before getting up and shutting the door, making sure it is loud enough for him to hear.

Sure enough, as soon as the door shuts then the bathroom door opens and he steps out. I can see traces of tears on his cheek as he looks at the ground and turns towards the dresser. He freezes as I come into sight and his mouth opens and closes, but I put a hand up to quiet him.

"I am aware of what we are. So I will give you this option. Come back with me and I will help you clean your record. If you chose to stay then the bond will be broken." I say calmly as I watch his eyes.

Hope sparks for a moment as he gulps softly, thinking about my offer.

"I will come." He finally answers.

"Good. Then we need to get dressed and hurry out before anyone catches us." I move quickly to the dresser and his eyes widen as if he remembered something.

He grabs a set of keys from his nightstand and catches my wrist. Before I can question him, he has unlocked the bands on my wrist and then the one on my waist. He kisses my wrists before letting me go, and I feel the blood rush to my face before turning and quickly grabbing a pair of jeans and red shirt. I hurry to the bathroom as I ignore his grin. Leaning against the sink, I blink in surprise at my actions before splashing my face with cold water and getting dressed quickly.

Reentering the room, I find my boots along the wall and quickly slip them on before following Derek out the door and down the hall. We hurry outside and use the shelter of trees and the shadows from buildings to hide ourselves before crossing the river. I relax once we cross safely and run home. As I reach for the handle he grabs my wrist, making me look at him.

"The dry ice dust. It's all over your house." He explains as I make an 'o' shape with my mouth.

I grin slightly and open the door. Concentrating on the wind, I make a small tornado that spins through the house and collects all the dust before emptying it outside in the woods.

With a small chuckle, I leave Derek by the front door with his mouth wide open as I climb the stairs to my room. Reaching into my bathroom drawer, I grab my medicine and quickly take it before going downstairs once more. Derek is now wandering through the house while I find my phone. 20 miss calls and 50 messages each from both Warfalcon and Fiesta. I grimace as I realize that i have a lot of explaining to do. I press a button and call Warfalcon first, better to stop him from planning a raid before facing my irate protégé.

"WHERE THE HE'LL ARE YOU?!" Warfalcon screams through the phone, making my eardrum pop.

He must have been loud because Derek comes running into the room with a worried look. If only he knew how scared he should be right now...

"Long story, but could you refrain from yelling please? I almost lost my hearing in that ear and now it's ringing." I flex my jaw as I attempt to alleviate the pain.

"Explain... now..."

"Only if you swear to not go overboard when I do."

"Eclipse..." his voice has a warning sound to it.

I growl, sounding an awful lot like a lioness. I love lions and many times I will transform into one for fun or fighting. I also like to use their growls and roars to frighten my enemies and catch them off guard.

"Fine... I promise." He huffs.

I sigh, rubbing my nose as I tell him what happened and what God told me to do. I can see Derek's eyes go wide but I turn and ignore him while I speak.

Warfalcon is quiet for a while before he speaks again, "I don't like this, but I trust you. You'll do what's right but he'll have to work hard if he wants to earn my trust."

I smile as I look at Derek, "Oh don't worry. He understands."

Derek seems to get the implication as he gulps nervously.