

Richard Cooper and his family were always seen as a good people. The Coopers were a loyal family you could trust and enjoy having around. They would go to church, go on trips, and have a barbecue during the weekends. One day I remember going to play with their son named Robert who always preferred Rob. Rob had been excited for so long because his mother was pregnant. It was such a surprise that we word was passed around quickly in the whole neighborhood. Everyone was happy, but Richard wasn't happy about it he was upset about it. I remember seeing them fighting or arguing at night because they were so loud that only kids woke up to them, but not adults. I remember as the months go by the family was starting to fall apart and that the relationship wasn't going to last. Eventually the family decided to get a divorce. Robs mom Clare took all the kids away and went to live with her parents. As weeks go by my dad had drove me to Clare's grandparents house to hang out with Rob. Rob was still himself and was still very happy. I remember asking him where his mother was because I hadn't seen her all day. He looked at me and said, " She's with my dad, there discussing about either about how they are gonna be having turns with taking care of us, or try to fight over child custody."

He looked sad but he brushed it off and we continued to play. When nightfall came I returned home with my dad. I woke up in the middle of the night to something weird. I crawled out of bed and looked through the window as I saw what looked like Clare get in a car and drive off. But that wasn't the weird part, the weird part was that she was wearing her purse in her right arm instead of her left like usual and she was wearing shades at 4:37 am. I brushed it off and went back to sleep. In the morning everything was going the same, but Richard had invited all of us to his place for a feast he was preparing. He looked tired that morning, but said that he had been drunk and had been crying all night wishing that his family never got separated. We comforted him and helped him get the feast ready. Richard was in charge of cooking while the others sat up the tables and brought other food or decorations for the feast. The other kids and I went outside in the backyard to play with the dogs that Richards family owned. I remember that day we had been playing outside when I followed a dog who when to a rock and began to whine and started digging the floor. I would have kept paying attention but Richard grabbed me and told me that I shouldn't get close to that area because there were snakes. I nodded and went back to play with my friends. When night came we all sat down and talked about our lives and hobbies. Richard came out with a big pot filled with something that smelled very good and we knew what it was. He smiled and told us that he made some Birria that my family taught him and he decided to share this amazing food with everyone. As soon as the plates were given out, everyone began to eat. People were smiling, laughing, talking, and eating the birria that Richard made. I smiled and began to eat my birria, but something was off, it didn't taste the same, in fact it tasted way different. My family were also reacting the same way I was. They shrugged it off but me being a picky nine year old refused to eat it. After that we cleaned up and went home. Four days pass when Clare's grandparents call us asking us if we knew where Clare was, we didn't know. Before long people put up missing persons signs and people began to have search parties to try and find her, but they couldn't. Years passed by and we couldn't find Clare. I was 15 when Richard had been in the hospital and asked me to take care of his house. I did everything he had told me like clean the house, clean his garage and attic, and water his backyard. However when I was in the backyard the memory of what Richard told me had once again happened when the same dog now nine years old went to the rock and began whining. Richard wasn't there to stop me, so I pushed the rock over and screamed my lungs out. In the whole was a skull, spine, and ribs of a person. The police had arrived at the scene and with forensic testing they concluded that it was Clare's remains. Days passed we waited for a trial to happen, and we learned the whole truth that day. On the night Clare was alive, they had gotten into a fight and she had enough and told him that she would never let him see his kids ever again and that she wished she had never married him. This caused him to snap and he grabbed a blunt object and struck her in the head, killing her instantly. When he realized what he had done, he took the body into the bathroom and left her in the tub. As he was trying to figure out what to do next he realized that people might have heard them arguing so he looked around and found a dress that his wife owned, grabbed a wig and put it on, and grabbed her purse, ID, and car keys. He went into her car and drove it away into a secluded area where he had drove the car into the lake. He then burned the clothing and took a bus. When he had returned he had cleaned the blood and got rid of her body. Then came the worst thing that made me vomit and scream.

" There were only a few remains of the victim. Where are the rest of her remains?"

He smiled and said, " Have you ever had Birria? It tastes good when you use the good type of meat. The last batch I made a few years ago was...........DELICIOUS..........."