
Check-In System in Highschool DxD

No synopsis. I claim nothing aside from my OC. All rights reserved to their rightful owners! Profile picture found via Google

Boerky · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter 3


(A/N: A user by the name of Taro made me aware of the problem with the scar on Kakashi's left eye. I want to keep it, but I'll make up a proper reason for it during this chapter, probably during a flashback. Also, the MCs name will be Kakashi in honor of the powers he received from his template. Thanks for your understanding and have a nice day :D)



As Yasaka was rampaging on my clone, similar to how Naruto was during his chakra coatings, I set up a barrier around Kunou and myself to keep Kunou from waking up.

Mhm, what's that? I could feel remnants of space fragments lingering around us.

Thinking back Georg was probably present during the raid on Kunou which isn't all that surprising.

After all he is the Hero Factions second-in-command on top of being a well versed magician and the ticket out of most dicey situations with his Sacred Gear, Dimension Lost.

When I killed him the pocket dimension he created through the use of his Sacred Gear broke into countless pieces.

Since those pieces are just laying there I could use Kamui to absorb these fragments and strengthen my personal dimension. Hm.. Alright I'm gonna do it.

Feeling my eyes change into the all too familiar EMS (Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan).


A dark vortex formed behind my head. It was small and soundless as it sucked in all the fragments lingering around. As the shards disappeared into the dark hole I could feel my personal dimension gaining in stability but most importantly it gained its first breath of life.

In the future it might produce something very interesting making me look forward to it.


(POV Yasaka)

I couldn't hold it in anymore. All the frustration, fear and anger coupled with the corrosion through the unrefined natural ki I was taking in was making me explode. I held it in, so long.

All the abuse through the elder council, the attacks on me and my little girl, the disrespect of other factions towards me. Especially those perverted old geezers, Azazel, Odin and Zeus.

It was time to let it all out. I don't know who or what that man is but the way he is holding and caring for Kunou I know he means us no harm.For now, I'll just let go of all my restraints.

I could feel a mental switch shifting and next thing I knew I was letting out a beastly roar and sprinting towards the "Shadow Clone" whatever that was.


"HAHAHA" I couldn't help but laugh. No matter how much I pummel this clone physically, nothing happens. It feels as if I'm hitting a barrier instead of the clone's body.

Since that doesn't work let's try foxfire.

My nine tails spread outwards and a flame lights up on each of them.

If someone were to take a closer look at them they'd feel as if their very soul was burning. It's one of the special features unique to my clan's foxfire. I wave my hand forward commanding the fireballs to burn that clone into oblivion.

What happened next was very confusing. As the fireball was hitting my target I could see it disperse before it could even hit the skin.

Something like that should be impossible since my fire is soul-based, not physical which would render every barrier obsolete. Even spirit-based barriers shouldn't be able to block my fire as if it's nothing.

This silver haired man is flipping my common sense upside down but for some reason I'm not bothered by it.

No, I find myself exhilarated. For most faction leaders the unknown always equals danger. More often than not they mark the unknown for elimination but I'm different.

For me the unknown represents a chance; a chance to rise.

We, the Youkai Faction, need him at all costs. Looking at how he was playing with my daughters ears, patting them and making them twitch with a seemingly amused smile (I couldn't really tell through his facemask) but my motherly instincts told me he was having fun spoiling the little kitsune.


My rampage came to an abrupt end when the clone suddenly started to go on the offense. I found myself on the receiving end of a chain of attacks starting from the ground, throwing me into the air and not even allowing me to land.

It hurt, like really hurt, but every punch was helping me calm down the churning ki inside me and give me enough clarity to fight the ki corrosion to allow me to refine the natural ki in my system.

The hits from the clone were carrying some sort of special aura that was seeping into me not only healing me but also changing me on a deeper level.

It was as if my bloodline was getting refined with every punch I was suffering; something unthinkable.

Not only that, as I was getting beaten up and refined my ki at the same time I noticed the efficiency spike to a nearly one-to-one ratio.

Usually if I take in 10 units of natural ki, I'll only get to keep half a unit permanently, now I was keeping 8 out of 10 units. Really, how outrageous is this man gonna get.

We haven't interacted at all but I'm already feeling tired.



Watching my clone beat the ever living shit out of Yasaka to help her was both funny and painful.

After all who would like to watch their waifu on the receiving end of such a beating. Knowing the benefits this little play of mine brings her helps with the guilt.

While my clone and Yasaka were "dancing" as Madara would say, I was playing with little Kunou.

She was really a sweet thing. I couldn't stop myself from playing with her hair and nose. To watch those ears twitch was really cute and soothing.

I have already made the decision to take care of her regardless of my relationship with her mother or the Youkai Faction.

As far as I'm concerned the latter are just a bunch of arrogant and conceited clowns.

Might as well help Yasaka grasp the power. Since I'm already giving her a hefty power boost half the work is done.

After all, Yasaka was lacking the absolute power needed to control her people. She might be a peak ultimate-class being, but that wasn't enough to lead the entire faction.

The only reason things have worked out as they did till today was the fact that she is the priestess of Amaterasu thus having her backing. But it wasn't enough to unite all youkai under one banner.


After half an hour of getting beat my clone dispelled signaling me that work's done.

Yasaka was lying on the ground, sweating. As she was breathing heavily her bountiful chest was heaving up and down. Averting my eyes from the fantastic view I drew closer to her.

She saw me coming but remained unmoving because of the sheer exhaustion she was feeling. She probably noticed my little stare since she had a smirk on her face.

"Do you like what you see?" She totally saw that. Crap.

"Yup" In times like these, being shameless is the key to avoiding further embarrassment. It seemed to work since her smirk turned into disbelief, before turning into a wry smile.

With Kunou I drew closer to her. Once I got close enough to her I could clearly see strands of her beautiful blonde hair cling to her face looking rather sexy. I could also smell a sweet scent unique to women coming from her.

I must admit, Yasaka was really beautiful with delicate facial features. She looked like a young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair matching her eyes.

Her hair is tied in a loose ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs that ends in a spiral, with taut bandages to keep it in place. Though the beating she received ruined her hairdo. She was wearing her iconic shrine maiden attire. It did get roughed up quite a bit though.

Unlike the light novel she didn't have short and round eyebrows even though they are a symbol of nobility. My luck since I always found them ugly.


"Sooo… how are you feeling?" Smooth, real smooth. Now I feel like slapping myself but that's gotta wait.

Seemingly catching my awkward behavior, Yasaka's smirk resurfaces. I could feel her scheming gears turning in that pretty head of hers. Well, not surprising considering that she has to have some political skills in order to keep her faction going.

"I like straightforward women the best." That got her eyebrow arching. She seemed to catch my drift though.

"Who are you exactly?" Fair enough, introductions are in order.

"My name is Kakashi. As for my background it's not something that can be explained with a few words, neither is it something I'd tell someone I've met for the first time.

As for you, I know that you are Yasaka, current leader of the Youkai Faction in Kyoto and mother of this little bundle of joy." I had to smile at the last part.

I could see Yasaka gaping like a fish at my forward behavior. It was really funny watching her shift through many different expressions, especially when I said I like her daughter.

Yasaka wanted to say something but seemed hesitant. After a couple of times opening her mouth without anything coming out she finally decided to speak up.

"Thank you! Thank you so very much for saving my baby girl. I don't know what I'd do if anything were to happen to her." She suddenly sprung up and carefully hugged me trying not to wake up Kunou who was asleep on my shoulder.

Using my free hand I gently go through her hair.

"Don't sweat the small stuff. It was a matter of lifting my finger and not some noble duty that led me to help her."

Probably due to my frankness she snuggled into me. I could feel her tears wetting my clothes but didn't bother to mention it and just continued stroking her head.

This continued for a few minutes until we heard a cough coming from the woods.

Right, Yasakas guards arrived 5 minutes after her. Since I set up another barrier they couldn't do anything other than watching.

I could see the annoyance on their faces. As well as fear and a small amount of curiosity. Probably because of the beating my clone gave Yasaka.


(POV Yasaka)

"We are happy to see you and the princess in good health, Yasaka-sama." Urgh, Spoilsport. I reluctantly let go of Kakashi, who by the way smells a lot like nature which I find very soothing.

After a bit of pouting and getting annoyed stares by my retainers I finally switched into business mode.

"What happened to the traitor?" My voice had a near palpable edge to it. After all, this guy not only betrayed me, but also sold out my daughter! The nerve he had!

Oh, did I see them shudder. Good! Looks like my natural suppression towards other youkai went up a notch. Whatever Kakashi did was already doing quite some work.

Despite them being my shadow guards I don't really have the best relationship with them. That's probably why I have to deal with so many traitors.

Kakashi's look shifted between us.

"Don't worry Yasaka. Once I'm done with them, they'll worship you like a goddess."

This time their shudder was even worse. Hehe, an evil grin was making its way on my face.

Wait a moment. Why am I accepting everything he says and does so quickly? Is it because of his presence? He is a walking embodiment of nature; a true sage.

But that shouldn't be enough to sway me to such an extent.

Is it charisma, or some sort of passive charm like Lady Freyjas?

Regardless of what it is, now that I'm aware of it I find myself slightly creeped out.

Seemingly noticing my discomfort he tried to explain himself.

As I suspected he has a passive charm working for him since he is both a sage and a "higher being", whatever that is. According to him "lower existences" like myself feel a natural attraction of different kinds towards them. Some feel worship, others trust.

But the emotions can also be more extreme, like love and obsession. It's a good thing all I'm currently feeling is like a slight physical attraction.

Now that he's aware of it he is containing it even more than before giving me a massive sense of relief.

Not my best work but meh. I hope you can still enjoy it.

I'm still having issues with motivation but I'm doing my best keeping up the 2k minimum.

Have a nice day everyone~

Boerkycreators' thoughts