
Changed by fate

....today, her hair was neatly tied into a bun revealing her long flowless neck that he so much wanted to kiss and sink his fangs. In his eyes, she was perfect and her face revealed it all before she could open her mouth to talk and just by looking at her, all he would think of was to shed that innocence that was in her brown eyes and occupy every single thought in her mind. But he also wanted something else. He wanted her to also feel as intoxicated as he fell everytime he thought about her....

Rityshah · 奇幻言情
28 Chs

Birthday preparations

...."Come in." Andrea who sat in front of the mirror at the dressing room said and in an instant, a young girl who wore a dark blue maid's dress and an apron that was tied around her waist got inside the room while holding a box in her hands.

"Milady, I was told to give you this." The girl said while putting the box at the table. "You can leave." Andrea said coldly while looking at the girl who was behind her through the mirror. With a small bow, the girl left the room and Andria who had been sitting stood up so that she could check the box that was brought in by the maid.

As she slowly and delicately unwrapped the box which contained a beautiful golden neckless, there was a small note that was inside the box and sha hurriedly opened it so that she could read it. "My sweet daughter, I hope that you'll have more birthdays to celebrate. I love you."

She didn't need a name to know from whom the gift came from as it was from her father and even though she wanted to smile and be happy about it, she couldn't because she well knew what that neckless meant. It was an heirloom that was passed from generation to generation and it was now her turn to have it around her neck...not just because because she was a Dawson, but because she would be getting married to some man she didn't even know.

Andrea was a beautiful woman with dreams and ambitions just like any other girl and she had always wanted the best, but it was never enough for her as her eyes were set on just one man....,the king, and the thought that he would attend her twentieth birthday made her smile as she continued to play with her long brown hair that was let down to rest on the right side of her chest.

.... ... .....

"Roselyne....Roselyne...." The young maid who had just come out from Andrea's room heard someone calling her from behind. It was her aunt who was also a maid in Dawson's mansion and she quickly turned on her heels so that she could meet her aunt halfway. "Rose..., we were informed that there will be special guests later in the evening and that you are one of the servants who will be needed to serve them, you will be given clothes that you will use so make sure you are done with all your tasks before that time arrives." Her aunt informed her. "Thanks aunt for telling me that. Will you be there too, being around these arrogant people makes me sweat behind my knees." Roselyne said with a hushed tone. "Shhhh! You might get yourself into trouble with that tongue of yours...and I was not chosen to work at the inner side of the mansion." Her words made Roselyne worried but her aunt lightly patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, Eric will be there with you. Now go." With her words, Roselyne turned around and left while her aunt took the path that was on her right.

Most of the servants were busy with their tasks. Some were busy scrubbing the pavements, others were washing the windows and others were working inside the mansion, and so was Roselyne who was at one of the guestrooms changing the sheets. She had been working for Dawson's since she was eleven and had gotten used to all the hard work and being told to wash and change the sheets was an easy job for her in which she did excitedly while humming a song.

When she was almost done with her last room, a boy who seemed to be the same age got in the room. "Roselyne, hurry up we are been called by lady Louisa." Roselyne who had not heard a person enter the room almost jumped out of her skin because of how shocked she was. "Eric...if you ever sneak up on me like that, I'll srangle you. Her words made the boy smile. "Let me help you with that before you kill me." He said with a laugh as he helped Roselyne in straightening the top blanket.

As they walked through the corridors which were empty that headed towards the servant's quarters, Eric broke their comfortable silence. "I hope that lady Andrea gets married soon. She's the only person that I genuinely hate in this family." His words made Roselyne laugh but she did not reply until they were near where all the servants gathered. "I'll be so happy for you if that happens."

Roselyne who was slightly shorter than the small group of people who gathered around tried to crane her neck so that she could see lady Louisa who had not given any instructions yet and when she began to speak, everyone keenly listened to her.

"A few number of you will be assigned inside the mansion and if your name was not included in the list, don't try to get inside there, unless you want trouble for yourself.

Roselyne being one of the servants chosen went to her small room which they shared with her aunt and took a quick bath. After getting dressed she tied her hair in a messy ban and walked out of the room as the guests had began to arrive.

With a tray that had glasses of wine, Roselyne got inside the living room where ther were only a few people inside. I hope I won't cause any mishap. Roselyne said internally as she walked towards a small group of guests near the window.

"Thank you." A man in his forties said as he picked a glass from the tray that she was holding and Roselyne who was somehow nervous walked away from the man's presence.

... .... ....

Andrea who was now fully dressed could not help but smile back at her reflection. She had worn a dark green gown that had silver embroidery at the edges and the golden neckless that she was gifted rested on her neck hence enhancing her beauty.

Once her personal maid finished doing her hair, she got up and her maid followed her outside her room without uttering any word.