
Changed by fate

....today, her hair was neatly tied into a bun revealing her long flowless neck that he so much wanted to kiss and sink his fangs. In his eyes, she was perfect and her face revealed it all before she could open her mouth to talk and just by looking at her, all he would think of was to shed that innocence that was in her brown eyes and occupy every single thought in her mind. But he also wanted something else. He wanted her to also feel as intoxicated as he fell everytime he thought about her....

Rityshah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

arrival of a special guest

Though the darkness had started to cover the land of Sitian, Dawson's mansion was occupied by a large number of rich people who had come to celebrate Dawson's only daughter's twentieth birthday and the room was full of chatter as people in there were catching up for the long time that they had spent without meeting but Andrea kept on looking at the entrance with the hope that he would show up.

"I don't think he's going to show up." A girl who stood next to Andrea said with a low tone while staring at the people who kept on moving in and out of the room. Before Andrea could give any reply, he finally walked into the room. But he was not alone; he was in company of a woman who had her arm hooked up around his..and with his entry, the chatter in the room reduced significantly as everyone turned to look at the pair that had just arrived in the room.

Other than the status he held, the man who had entered the room was handsome to capture any heart that came across him and he exuded an aura that made everyone around him nervous but they tried to maintain their composure around him.His black hair was combed neatly reaviling his dark eyes that did not miss anything around him. His features were sharp and his pale pink lips did not even give a smile as he made his entrance.

The woman who walked next to him was not left behind. Her dark brown hair was tied into a ban which was messy.letting some strands to fall on her temple and her lips were tinted pink making her more beautiful and when Andrea saw that woman, jealousy sipped into her mind and soul but she could do nothing but throw a glare.

Mr Dawson was the first one to go towards the couple and gave a bow to the man while giving a nod to the woman next to him as an acknowledgement. "Your highness, it's a pleasure to have you here in our humble abode." The man said with a graceful smile to the king who had been good enough to attend his daughter's birthday.

"Well...,what can I say Edward..it is always good to be close to your subjects so that you get to know if they are doing something good orr...bad." The king said to the man who had an unwavering smile. Their conversation was a short one because everyone in the room was trying to get every possible chance to speak with the king.

The birthday celebration was going on smoothly and the servants knew well not to cause any problems as they continued to offer drinks to the guests who were present.

In the higher Society, celebrations like these ones came with a price, and so was Andrea's birthday. She was a fine young woman who had been raised with proper etiquette and during her celebration, her parents were hoping that they'd get a suitable spouse for their daughter since they knew very well that Andrea did not like the man that they had chosen for her.

"Why don't you go and talk to him now...he's got no company." Lady Louisa who had noticed how her daughter kept on staring at the king said to her and Andrea who did not want to miss an opportunity gave her mother a small smile and walked towards the king who was leaning against the wall while holding a half filled glass of wine.

"Good evening my king." Andrea greeted with a bow and though she was nervous, she tried to conceal it with a smile as the man who was in front of her seemed to be very intimidating. "You must be Andrea." He said after taking a sip from the glass and Andrea nodded.

"Yes, my king." Her words were short as she could not predict the man's mood since his expressions were passive. "Happy birthday to you milady." With those words, the king took her left hand and kissed it at the back making her skin tingle.

"Would you care for a dance?" His voice was deep and beautiful and Andrea who seemed to be hypnotized as she continued to admire the most handsome man she had ever come across got out of her trance when he asked him for a dance.

The king held her hand delicately and when they reached to the dance floor, one of his hands moved to her petite waist and though his touch was simple, it could do wonders to any girl. Her movements were elegant and careful and even though she had danced before, this was different because she was dancing with the person who ruled the lands.

As they continued to dance, some people at the sidelines could not help but admire the two people in the dance floor and though there were other people dancing, they had grabbed all the attention. Andrea herself was a looker, and so was the king and other than that, both of them came from the higher Society and as Mr Dawson continued to watch her daughter dance with the king, a satisfactory smile adorned his face as he could see a suitable man who was worthy of his daughter.

As the people continued to enjoy the celebration, time came for Andrea to cut the cake and all the guests who were at the ballroom moved into the living room which was not far from there.

"Louisa must be counting her stars right now." Said a woman who was walking next to her husband as they continued to head towards the living room. "She is a lucky woman to have a daughter who caught the king's eye. I'm sure that she would make a good queen." Their conversation turned into whispers as they entered the room where people had started to settle down but the king who was not far behind them while speaking with the duke had not missed their secret gossip.