

The story involves a 19 year old named Jake who has been born as the Death Celestial, a powerful being able to command the powers of death he is accompanied by his girlfriend Abbie, their actions cause a Celestial Imbalance to the very universe itself.

alex_wind · 奇幻
21 Chs

Two Holy Daggers

Life looked at Abbie while gritting his teeth "This choice is not yours to make weakling! Join me..." there was a pause as he raised his Celestial weapon Excalibur once more pointing it at Abbie's head "Otherwise I'll just have to wait for your next reincarnation.". Abbie let out a giggle which surprised both myself and Ben, she followed by saying "You think you can take on two Celestials at once by yourself? Even if we are newly awakened we will still overwhelm you.". I admired Abbie's faith in me to fight alongside her and her hope in that I could still fight, but I may not be able to age, however my bones can still be broken, and right now I have two broken ribs and a busted leg, they take atleast an hour or so before they fully regenerate and I have a feeling Ben won't want to "discuss" this matter with her as peacefully as he has much longer. Abbie looked at me for a second realizing I was in no condition to fight, she let out a sigh and claimed "Well then..." a shimmer of light began to glow in Abbie's palms, but they didn't hurt to look at, actually it felt peaceful at a glance, "I'll have to fight you off until my boyfriend here recovers, even if it kills me." the light began to fade and two twin daggers took their place, they where golden by the hilts and they had pearly white blades, they almost looked like mini-Excaliburs... Wait did she just say boyfriend?! "I won't fight alongside you Life, not in this reincarnation and not in the next one either!"