

The story involves a 19 year old named Jake who has been born as the Death Celestial, a powerful being able to command the powers of death he is accompanied by his girlfriend Abbie, their actions cause a Celestial Imbalance to the very universe itself.

alex_wind · Fantasy
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20 Chs


The ground began to rumble and the air became cold, the Celestial Balance has be thrown off due to Abbie's decision. Ben fully bit down on his own teeth and shouted "You have no idea what you have just caused child!" The very universe in which we reside will fall apart!". The rumbling began to worsen and the mall started to fall apart and crumble "This will not be the last time we meet Celestial of Hope." with a snap of his fingers his soldiers disappeared with the only remnants of their existence being short cuts of grass trailing off in the wind. Ben started to walk away out of the exit, Abbie tried to go after him, but he disappeared within the sunlight, so she turned to me and said "C'mon you rat, we gotta get out of here." rat or rat-boy was a nickname she gave me almost a year ago now because my hair was always messy and my face resembled something close to a mouse. I got up and realized that using that much of my Celestial rage had taken more out of me that I had originally thought, the last thing I head was "Jake, are you oka-" and then everything went black.