

Genji approached the box and lifted a small lid, to better see his companions who accompanied him for almost two years.

A large number of snails came out to greet him as they slowly moved off the lid.

About two years Genji only had 2 different snails but over time, they reproduced like rabbits reaching more than 300 snails.

The Den Den Mushi were delivered by the system but they were state-of-the-art snails and were as smart as people.

The first five communicated with Genji to make a contract since when they arrived in this world they acquired new knowledge from the system so that the small creatures would better adapt to their environment, this caused an improvement in their brain to such a level that they could speak for themselves but only those who reached maturity.

The contract only worked by marking them with his blood to create a bond with him and this helps him to have better control of his abilities and Genji has to give him a safe place and food for his colonies of little slugs.

"How are you, little friends?" He told them as he placed some vegetables and fruits in the box for the snails to enjoy the food.

While the little snails gathered around the fruits and vegetables. 2 snails of a larger size came out of the box.

Soshiro was the size of a tennis ball, had a pink body with large eyes and a white shell with pink dots. Kokuro was the size of a soccer ball with a brown body with a black shell with some white lines.

"How are Soshiro and Kokuro?" Genji asked them.

"Hello Genji-sama, we are very well and everything is done as he requested. "They both said at the same time.

"That's good, it seems like little snails develop fast, I remember when they were little slugs moving for the first time in just two weeks," Genji said as he looked at the little snails devouring the fruits and vegetables with delight.

"Yes Genji-sama, these little ones are just developing their shell so they are hungrier than usual," Soshiro said.

"Genji-sama these little ones would be ready in a year to work," Kokuro said proudly as he tried to puff out his chest.

"That's great and how many snails can you start working?" Genji said excitedly.

"Well, we have 250 who are ready to work and some who excel in other areas because when we formed our colony our abilities came together so that our children have a great variety of different abilities," Kokuro said.

"That is correct Genji-sama we have 180 of our children with calling ability with a range of more than 1000 Miles, record images or sounds, and can project what they see through the use of our slime that works as a screen. Then we have to 50 snails that apart from having the said basic skills also have a sixth sense that allows them to feel people's feelings and the remaining 20 have basic skills but their shell is longer that allows them to amplify the sounds ". Soshiro said fondly as he looked at his sons.

"Great I can try the call with some of your children," Genji said.

"Genji-sama doesn't have to ask about your use, we signed a contract and we are very happy with you," Soshiro said.

"If Genji-sama our children are ready to work, he just has to say let's work and we will," Kokuro said.

"Thank you Kokuro and Soshiro. Then I will receive seven snails to start working with my acquaintances." Genji told him.

Kokuro and Soshiro closed their eyes as they communicated with seven of their older children who were hidden underground. Before long, the older sons who would start working for Genji were reunited.

Genji bent down to pick them up, placed them on his shoulders to make them more comfortable. I place his hand on the first snail to give him his blood and create a better bond with him.

"Genji-sama does not need to give more blood to our children, from the moment of making the contract, you can ask the little snail to take their appearance and if you transfer them to an acquaintance, they will have to give a small drop of blood to take on the appearance of your friend. " Kokuro told him.

"Right! I almost forgot Genji-sama my little children have a number that allows them to connect with different people, they just have to dial it to call a specific person. From their right side to the left side they are numbers 1 to 7 The blood that each snail eats is stored in our minds and the moment it receives a call, the snail will transform into the appearance of the issuer. " Soshiro said.

"To call someone you only have to ask my children and they will stretch a part of their body where they have a marker to call someone you know," Kokuro said.

"Thank you I will remember, I could also put a small roll so that they could write their numbers with names and know who they are calling," Genji said as he placed more food in the box for Kokuro and Soshiro's little hatchlings.

Genji arranged everything in the box as he said goodbye to Kokuro and Soshiro. He climbed down the hatch and headed for a bath.





The next day he got up early to meet his team and have a mission. He left his house at 8 am to meet his team and grabbed the little snails that he would give today to have better communication with everyone.

"I can't wait to see their faces as my little snails transform," Genji said as he walked.

In no time he arrived where Naruto and Sakura were.

"Good morning Naruto and Sakura," Genji told them.

"How are you, Genji," Naruto said as they high-fived and laughed.

Genji and Naruto consider each other in the little they have as a team, good friends to the point that there are times when the two of them make some jokes together to annoy the people who abuse Naruto a little.

"How about Sakura," Genji said as he greeted her.

"Hello, you seem more cheerful than normal," Sakura said with a small smile.

"That's good because today I have a gift for you both," Genji told them.

"Did you find jutsus with the air element ?!" Naruto said with you with excitement and Sakura became a little more interested in the practice.

"Hey no! It's about something completely different." She said as he pulled a small snail out of one of her pockets.

"This is the gift." She said she while showing them a snail that had a small smile and well-combed hair back like Genji with a light green scarf around his eyes.

"You adopted a dattebayo snail," Naruto said with an idiotic face not understanding anything.

"Did you dress a snail-like you?" Sakura said with the same expression as Naruto all over her face.

"It will be better if I show him," Genji said as he pulled two more snails out of his pocket and showed them to both of them.

"These little snails have a contract with me and only I can give them to my friends or acquaintances, depending on the needs," Genji said as he gave one to Naruto and the other to Sakura a little disgusted by the snail.

"They need a drop of blood to have the appearance of one and when the drop of blood is delivered you can make calls with their contacts that you have. Mine has number one, Naruto's has number two and your Sakura has the number 3 ". Genji noticed that they were not so convinced about the snails.

"How about they try and it's not like I'm lying to them to make one of my pranks." He told Genji that he explained by the different faces the two made when doubting Genji.

The first to speak was Naruto "And you see the one when you changed the bathroom signs and I ended up beaten or you see the one when you gave me a powder that caused me allergies, too ...".

"Ok, but that was due to accidents where you showed up without warning and they ended up bad for you, maybe it's your bad luck." Genji said interrupting Naruto "Anyway put some of your blood in the snail and you will understand."

Naruto bit his finger to give the snail some blood and Sakura used her kunai to create a small minor wound on one of her fingers.

With the blood on the two snails, they transformed into the appearance of Naruto and Sakura. Naruto's had her blonde hair, blue eyes, and some Fox markings on her cheeks while Sakura's had her long pink hair and green eyes.

"Ok, remember his number and when the snail starts to sound, press it on one of his eyes, okay!" He told them as he walked a few meters away.

Genji placed his snail in his hand and the snail expanded a piece of his skin where there were small pictures painted from 0 to 9. I dial the number 2 and wait for him to respond.

Meanwhile on Naruto's side.

"Sakura-chan don't you think Genji would go crazy over this snail thing ?!" Naruto asked Sakura.

"I don't know, but when we were in the land of hello Kakashi used a summoning jutsu, where several dogs appeared that helped him fight Zabuza and the demon brothers."

"Bero bero bero bero… .Bero bero bero bero… Kachap". Naruto placed the snail in front of him as his snail changed into Genji's appearance.

(Note: I think that's how snail sounds are written, just that some produce a different sound, but for now I'll leave it that way ehehehe).

"Hello". Naruto said.

"What do you think of the snail, with the snail we won't have to search the whole village for missions". Genji said for the snail and a big smile formed as he continued speaking "Imagine that with this you could talk more with your beloved Sa-ku-ra-chan."

"With S-Sakura-chan, talk to her all morning and afternoon or possibly all day hehehehehe." He said as he began to imagine various thoughts in his brain as a small line of blood came out of his nose.

"WHAT ARE YOU IMAGINING IDIOT!". Sakura yelled at her as she threw several blows at Naruto.

Returning to Genji.

Genji heard the massacre that Naruto and Sakura were having. He cut off the call as he returned with the pair before he slaughtered his poor friend.

"What a good start hahaha," Genji said as he returned.

After Sakura placed several bumps on Naruto's head, Genji convinced her to try the snail, at first I doubt but accept and keep Sakura and Naruto's number.

A few minutes later Kakashi arrived to carry out the mission of the day and in the same way, as with his companions, I gave him the snail for calls. Kakashi seemed in awe of the little snail since with this he could arrive later telling the team about him.

With the snail in his hands, I save everyone's number for future missions. The mission we had today was only to collect the garbage from several river channels that passed through the village, preventing the water from becoming contaminated.

Right after completing the mission, we were given the next one of the days to cut down a citizen's weed.

At the end of the day's missions, Genji said goodbye to his team, while looking at how his friend felt sorry to talk to Sakura to ask her for a date that he might reject severely.

Genji traveled to the training ground they had built to train a bit. He yesterday he left a clone to set traps and completely forgot to do the obstacle course.

"I think I have 2 hours before it gets completely dark," Genji said as he stretched his body and performed some light warm-ups before heading back to his house.

In his hands, she held the stopwatch ready to start.

"In 3 ... 2 ... 1" Before starting the race he stopped in his tracks "Rays almost forgot the music motivated". Genji said as he took the snail out of him to put one of his songs stored in advance and placed it on his shoulder.

"Done, play the music of 'Gonna_fly_now'". Genji said as he began to listen to how the trumpets sounded slow and little by little the volume of the song increased and he ran away, while the sounds of violins sounded rhythmic.

🎶 🎵 Genji ran through a large number of logs and jumped one by one trying to avoid the traps, there were times when he had to run through the sandy ground putting up great resistance while dodging metal bullets in front and his back, with a little bit of Haki on his left foot performed a spinning kick, kicking the bullets and at the same time with his right hand appeared several shurikens that he threw at the target on the top of a log 🎶 🎵

The music rose in volume as the musical instruments of the violin and drums along with small rattling sounds increased the intensity.

🎶 🎵 The music continued to repeat itself at different times while Genji used chakra in his hands and feet, to climb a trunk while he struggled to concentrate on avoiding four attacks from the ground using his two arms as a shield 🎶 🎵

🎶 🎵 Anxiety was what he felt when he felt the bullets hit his arms and some parts of his chest, he could feel his arms a little numb. While he was distracted for a few seconds, he was again attacked by two traps throwing two logs that in the last second he narrowly avoided by moving his body in the middle of the two logs 🎶 🎵

🎶 🎵 "Ahh, this is getting a bit complicated ahh!" Genji said as he inhaled and exhaled for some air "Switch to the next song ah, the name is Jet_set_run". I speak as he thrashed a log on the right side of him.

🎶 🎵 I hold a small log that was thrown at him, when I stop it I use it like a baseball bat to hit the metal bullets. He spent time jumping logs, avoiding bullets or logs, and throwing shuriken 🎶 🎶

When he finished the first part, Genji took out a second timer that he pressed and accelerated his steps to finish as soon as possible. In the first part, Genji used his physical resistance a lot so as not to consume too much chakra or the same thing that Sakura would happen to him.

🎶 🎵 The music kept playing as he remembered the Boku no hero anime and couldn't stop his mood from being affected 🎶 🎵

🎶 🎵 "You can, damn SEA!". Genji shouted as his chakra faded and in just half the way he had lost almost half of his chakra but with perseverance, he managed to complete the second phase of the race 🎶 🎵

🎶 🎵 "Aahhh I-I made it ahhh, this test is deadly for me, I'm at the limit of my chakra ahhh". Genji said wearily as he caught his breath a bit.

He pressed one of the timers he was holding in one hand as he approached the last test.



