
Card System In Naruto.

Novel in English, if you read in Spanish, look at my profile where you can read the novel in Spanish!!!. I'm new to writing and this will be the first fan-fic I've ever written and I hope you like it. Synopsis. After the death of our protagonist, he found himself inside a white room, where he was allowed to reincarnate, but he did not want to reincarnate, but due to some inexplicable event he is reincarnated in the Naruto anime, not understanding how it happened. Luckily he got a card system, They offer abilities from different worlds ¿How you face your enemies and what decisions you make in this new life? He will decide whether to change the course of history or stop interfering in the events that marked the anime's history or discover the mysteries of his reincarnation and the problems that may appear for his future. Disclaimer: The photos were found on the internet and I took the liberty of editing them a bit. The original images do not belong to me, as does the content of the original manga, anime, and novels. All belong to their respective creators and owners, I just took ideas from different works to create the skills of the main character and develop a bit of the plot for his fan-fic. ... .. .

Tuyomi · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Collision between Shinobi.

"The same song already bored me, switch to the next one," Genji said walking to the last test, while he covered his eyes with his scarf and pressed the last timer.

🎶 🎵The snail started playing the music. The drums began to sound along with the drums and for a short moment a flute sound was heard, mixing very well with the different sounds 🎶 🎵

(Note: I think you must know the song, but if you don't know which one I'm talking about, it's Strong_and_strike).

"It was worth every coin to recreate really good music," Genji said walking confidently. While he listened to the music he took a little jump back, followed by rolling on the floor to avoid five water balloons 🎶 🎵

🎶 🎵While avoiding the water balloons, he got up using his hands and feet like a spring, he took quick steps while rolling for a short moment avoiding a slope, and used his two hands to hold on to a small metal bar that was in his path without falling through the small cliff. 🎶 🎵

🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵

As he climbed up the metal tube he descended through one of the nearby tunnels while using one of his shoulders to somersault and avoiding water balloons on both sides 🎶 🎵

He continued his walk while he jumped and avoided water balloons, even performed various acrobatic movements, finished most of the test, and was only a few meters from the end.

🎶 🎵 He took a step forward like that and at that same moment he carried out different steps, avoiding the sack. Genji always thought that the last part would help him avoid blows and he thought this by remembering how boxers train to predict blows 🎶 🎵

With only movements of shoulders, neck, waist, and feet. Genji dodged epically every bag that was activated, he even imitated boxing punches to hit several bags several times 🎶 🎵

Genji made it to the front of the goal and removed the scarf from his eyes to press the stopwatch. He sat by the side of a tree while he noted the time of each stopwatch on the papers while he rested.

"So ... 30 minutes in the first test, 18 minutes in the log, and finally 25 minutes in the last part. If we add everything together it gives us 1 hour and 13 minutes. It was not so bad, I just beat Naruto by 13 minutes, but I still think it could improve. " He said he while he got up and went home for a good bath.





Three months later.

Genji was outside his house, watching as the last part of his food hall was being placed.

- Well, nobody will care if I use the name of a famous brand -. He thought as he looked at the sign with the name Carl's Jr.

(I don't know about you, but where I live Carl's Jr. Prepares the best hamburgers, a bit expensive, but they are worth it ( ̄¬ ̄)).

Things have gone great for Genji, the training has made a lot of improvement about his physical condition and increased his chakra a little. The snails were given to all Genji's acquaintances, he even had to give one to the Hokage to call the whole group, he also gave one to Ayame and Iruka so they could be in contact with Naruto while he ate Ichiraku ramen, and finally, he gave them snails to Naruto's apprentices.

"Bero bero… Bero bero bero…. Kachap!". His snail was heard and Genji came out of his thoughts as he answered the call and the snail transformed, taking the form of Kakashi with his white hair and a mask hiding his left eye.

"Well, what's wrong Kakashi-sensei," Genji said waiting for the other party to speak.

"Genji * Yawn * could you tell Sakura and Naruto that there will be no missions today * Yawn * I order you since I'm too busy," Kakashi told him in a quiet voice from the other side of the snail as he ended the call.

- It is not supposed that you have to do it that is the teacher -. Genji complained as he called Naruto and Sakura about what Kakashi said, but by calling Naruto he found out that Sakura was with him, so he asked him to pass the message to her.

"Well it's noon, I think I could hand out some flyers to announce the opening of the restaurant," Genji said as he happily took out the brochures.

"HEY GENJI DON'T FORGET SOMETHING!" Anko yelled at him from the sale of her room, as she watched him walk to the center of the village.

Genji stopped short while he felt sorry and with a little red color on his face he stopped to go back to the house and get something else out. Genji had lost a bet with Anko, with a few small wails he left his house to distribute the flyers.

"I feel so humiliated!" Genji said as he walked through the village handing out flyers to the people.




Meanwhile in another part of the village.

Naruto and Sakura were walking back to the village, as Kakashi told them that no more missions would be carried out.

"Hey, you and I can… You know how to train as a team all day and possibly go out for something to eat." Naruto said a little red and with strong hopes.

"Not in your dreams will I go out with you here or now Naruto," Sakura said cutting off all hopes of the blonde.

Naruto deflated as they continued to walk beside Sakura. Several minutes passed and Naruto met the trio of children who were following the same steps as him.

"What is Konohamaru doing?" I ask the trio of friends.

"Nothing we just played and as you promised to play ninjas with us," Konohamaru told him.

"Haha, I told them that," Naruto told them, doubting what to say to the children.

"It's not a bit silly to play ninjas when you're already one," Sakura said as she stopped to look silly at Naruto.

The group continued talking until Konohamaru said something that made Sakura quite angry and without warning of her hit Naruto like Konohamaru the group felt terror from her that instinctively escaped the farthest from her.

* Shock * Konohamaru who was the most veiled of all collided with someone and fell to the ground from the blow.

"What's wrong brat, look where you run." He annoyed Kankuro as he held him by the scarf around his neck and lifted him to bring him closer to his face.

"You know if you continue like this, he will be upset." He warned Temari to his brother.

"Come on Temari we have a few minutes before he finds us, maybe we can have a little fun," Kankuro told him.

"You know I don't get involved with this for obvious reasons, but if you want to piss him off it's your decision," Temari said.

"Stop and put it down or I'll crush you, you clear piece of shit!" Naruto said angrily placing his hands to create the shadow clones jutsu.

"You are the idiot Naruto because you are provoking him when he could hurt Konohamaru," Sakura claimed as she held Naruto by the neck.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan is that sometimes the language of Genji dattebayo sticks to me," Naruto said struggling for breath as he was hanged and pulled by Sakura.

"You're giving me a worm." Kankuro said as he tightened his grip on Konohamaru "I don't like dwarves and much fewer weaklings like you, so I'll just split this brat into two parts."

As he prepared to attack Konohamaru. Naruto ran to interrupt Kankuro's blow, but as Kankuro readied himself he was hit on the hand, causing him to let go of Konohamaru and go on alert.

"That team only has losers, don't compare the other shinobi to them," Sasuke said scornfully as he practiced with two stones in his hand and leaned on the top of the tree.

"SASUKE OHHH IS SO GREAT!" Sakura yelled excitedly as her eyes had hearts and she would not stop moving.

"How nice another worm meddling in my affairs." She said as she stared at Sasuke.

"You waste my time." She told Sasuke to then focus his gaze on someone else.

"You could interfere before but you didn't, I wonder why, maybe you got distracted by the stones while juggling." She told Genji that he was a few meters from the group with you mocking.

Minutes before Genji was on the main street handing out flyers and to his surprise, he met several shinobi from different villages, but he didn't care so much about them and he even gave them the flyers to see if he was lucky and caught new customers for his little food restaurant. fast that would open today.

Some shinobi took them while laughing a bit at him. Over time the flyers were disappearing and while he finished the first part of the flyers, he walked through different streets with the luck of finding some lost ninjas in the village.

While Genji was walking he came across the scene where Konohamaru collided with Kankuro and he could notice Sasuke's snot watching, but he did not make any moves until he approached the group and extended his hand to use telekinesis on Konohamaru preventing him from falling from rear to the ground.

Going back to what happened, they all looked at the new person who approached them without being noticed.

"Hahahaha But what the heck is that suit? Genji hahaha!" Naruto said as he laughed and pointed his finger at Genji and the same moment clutched his stomach for not being able to stop laughing.

Naruto was not the only one because his laughter only caused Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon, and even Sakura to laugh out loud about Genji who was wearing a full suit of a smiling yellow star.

Sasuke, Kankuro, and Temari had different thoughts in his mind, as he looked at the new idiot.

"Is that the damn idiot who humiliated me by pushing the fool?" -. Sasuke thought as he felt great hatred towards Genji.

"This village has only meddlesome worms in hideous clothing." Kankuro thought as he lowered his guard a bit from the new clown that arrived.

- It has a good body -. It was the first thing Temari thought as she watched his shirt stick to his abdomen marking some pictures - What the hell is wrong with me, he's just a brat with a slightly cute suit -. Reflection in his mind as she absentmindedly looked around - It's not so bad to look one more time, is it! -. Temari's gaze returned as he gazed once more at his body.

While each was in the thoughts of him Genji using telekinesis on Konohamaru who was dying of laughter, she dropped him on a small stone protruding from the path.

"ARGHHH!" Konohamaru could only let out a small cry as he rubbed his butt on the ground.

Everyone put little Konohamaru aside. Kankuro stopped looking at Genji and his horrible costume as he looked at her from him he focused on the tree.

"Hey silly, what if you come down from the tree and repeat what you said to me." Kankuro said to Sasuke, but he just ignored him as he focused on Genji, which only annoyed him more "It seems like you are just a brat with an attitude that is nothing but words". He said as he loosed some bandages.

"Seriously, you will use your techniques just for this," Temari claimed him.

As Kankuro dropped the bandaged body on the ground, Genji unzipped his yellow duckling star costume, his face was seen by Temari and he couldn't help but gnaw on it.

- The handsome boy from the tree has a handsome face and an attitude that annoys me a bit, but this one is not as handsome as the one from the tree, but his face is not so bad and he makes up for it with his developing body, showing a toned body and marked -. Temari thought.

Genji ignored Temari's stares and focused on Kankuro "How about we finish the matter here? We all have things to do and the kangaroo doesn't try to leave for Konohamaru, his partner may stop releasing his killer instinct." Genji said as his gaze went to the new person who arrived.

Kankuro swelled a small vein on his forehead when he heard how he changed his name to the kangaroo, but when he looked in the direction Genji was looking, he was frozen by Gaara's gaze.

"Th-is." Kankuro tried to speak but stopped himself from saying another word, with only Gaara's gaze on him.

"Kankuro you are embarrassing our village, you already forgot why we are here," Gaara told him.

Kankuro recovered a bit and tried to act normal "E-eh, I know, but they made fun of us first. They started all this seriously!"

"Shut up or ...". Gaara told him while he didn't finish his word, but just by looking Kankuro knew what Gaara was talking about.

While the situation felt tense, Genji ignored it as he took out the brochures and handed them out to Naruto, Zakura, and the trio of children.

"Well, here you have friends, with the brochure you can have a discount on your first purchase and a free dessert for the opening while you observe the variety of food we serve," Genji said amiably to his team and the trio of children as things settled down again.

Gaara and Sasuke climbed down from the tree as the two gave Genji an observation, each having different thoughts. Gaara looked at him wanting to kill him and hid it very well, as soon as Sasuke wanted to teach him a lesson.

Genji didn't think much of it and even approached the others to give them a brochure.

Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara took the brochure without saying anything as they thought it was a strange Genji person. Even Gaara who is not used to socializing a lot found it strange that a person would try to talk to other shinobi let alone give him a food-related brochure.

Sasuke received it and simply used his hand to form a ball with the brochure and throw it in Genji's face "What kind of stupidity is this, you prefer to play kitchen than training, that maybe you are an idiot and I wonder what it took to give him a lesson for the humiliation you put me through. " Sasuke told him.

Genji bent down to pick up the brochure, but Sasuke stepped with his foot and crushed the brochure preventing Genji from taking it "I heard your useless team performed a mission that was above range and I want to see if your skills are among the best That is why he fights me. " Sasuke said.

Genji stopped grabbing the brochure and stood to be face to face with Sasuke "Sorry, I'm short on time now and I don't feel like wasting my time with people like you, maybe on the Chunin exam." Genji told him as he walked to distribute the missing brochures.

"Are you afraid? I am not surprised that you only hang out with the devil, the useless and a cripple who was born of a whore." Sasuke said with you mockingly.

Genji didn't understand why Sasuke's mucus acted like that, just because of a simple accident that happened. But he stopped when he heard the words of derision that he offended not only his companions but also offended his mother.

He may not have met his mother in this world yet he was grateful for giving her life.

"Repeat one more time, what you said?" Genji told him in a more serious tone as he turned to look directly at Sasuke.

Sasuke noticed that he touched a sore spot and smiled "That you are the son of a whore ...". He didn't finish speaking as a fist hit him in the face.



