
Can True Love be Found from Online Dating?

True love...could it be possible in online dating? In the world today, we are surrounded by many people who are either just pretending to be good or with wrong motives. It's hard to really pinpoint who are the pretending to be good, the bad, pretending to be bad, and the genuinely good people. How can you possibly find your true love in online dating, when it's even harder in her real world she's in? That's the delimma our MC is experiencing in her life while she's even being pressured of when would she get married when she's already in her 30's... She couldn't help but doubt herself of finding her true love online... Finally, Karl decided to pop up the question to Mj. Karl's facial expression became serious all of a sudden. "Mj, I love you so much and I can't continue to live a life without you. Will you marry me?" Mj was in a great shock. Wait...What did he say? Her heart skip a beat. How is this possible online? Questions bombarded quickly in her mind. What will she answer then? "Mj?" She snapped out of a daze when she heard him calling her name. "Will you marry me?" "Yes!...But how? We are thousands of miles apart, Karl, you know that!" "I'll come there to your country to marry you! But I'll have to save up yet for maybe 2 years so I can come there." "Promise?" "Promise!" "You will have to promise me that you will wait for me until I come there." "I promise, I will wait for you Karl, because I love you very much too!" As we unfold her story and her struggles she's experiencing in between, will she be able to really find her true love? we shall find out... This is my original story and not translated. this book cover is all credits to valeriex thank you!

marjzach2012 · 综合
140 Chs

Kinda Stucked

The next days, truly indeed Mero was with KM everyday in her promotional tours. Be it in radio or tv station or on every place they were promoting KM's albums, Mero was side by side with KM.

Mero felt like starstrucked of KM's popularity and at at the same time he felt kinda stucked and don't know what to do since this was his first time being exposed to the tv, and radio stations, and to the big crowd fans of KM in different places they went.

There were moments that he became silently observing, and there were also moments that he could not help but exclaimed "Wow!" or "Whoa!" in his amazement. He was really in a mixed emotions and kinda stucked feeling.

KM have noticed his reactions so she decided to give a tap on Mero's shoulders quickly and then encouraged him, "Shh, just relax, be calm, be cool and then smile. And don't worry, nobody's gonna eat you among my fans. He he he. Sooner or later you will have your own fans as well," at this KM released her beautiful smile towards him and then turned her face to her fans still smiling, and waved her hands up in the air.

The moment the crowd saw her smiles and waving her hands, they responded to wave their hands as well and then shouted in chorus, "KM, we love you so much, and we love your songs. And your duet song with Mero was so inspiring, we're so in love with your songs. Yehheeeeey!" Applaused, tweeting, whistling and shouting in joy could be loudly heard from the crowd.

At this KM waved her hand signaling to silence them and then spoke in the microphone, "Thank you very much my beloved fans. You're my inspiration in doing my songs. Also, as you might have already known, I'm officially introducing to you, Mero, my duet partner in the remake of the song "Truest Love" which was originally written and sang by my Dad Karl. Mero here was a band vocalist and at the same time guitarist, back in his country of Peru. We met online and he was recruited by me. In fact, he just signed his contract yesterday to be one of the promising rising singers of our Music Industry. I hope, you would as well support him, as you have continously supported me," KM ended her introduction of Mero with a wink and a smile to the audience.

"Yes, we will support him. Why won't you sing us a solo song then, Mero?" someone from the crowd suggested and was immediately agreed by the crowd.

"Sing, Mero! Sing Mero! Sing Mero!"

Mero was shocked on the response of the crowd and once again felt kinda stucked. He looked at KM trying to get an approval from her which she in turn nodded and said, "Go on, sing any song that you're familiar with or you've been singing with your band before." KM winked at him in approval.

At this, Mero slowly got his microphone and began speaking to the crowd... While KM went to the side of the stage to give the floor to him.

"Oh okay then, I'll be singing "Sweet Child of Mine. Hope you will like it."

Upon hearing him, the Musical Director that were with them on the background, signalled his crews to play the accompaniment of the said song. And after hearing the intro music, Mero began to sing...

"She's got a smile it seems to me

Reminds me of childhood memories

Where everything

Was as fresh as the bright blue sky..."

Upon hearing his beautiful voice, the crowd was amazed and exclaimed, "Wow!" and "Whoa!"

"Now and then when I see her face

She takes me away to that special place

And if I'd stare too long

I'd probably break down and cry"

As he approached to sing the chorus, the crowd began to wave their hands and then sang along with him...

"Oh, oh, oh

Sweet child o' mine

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Sweet love of mine..."

After he finished singing the whole song beautifully, the crowd applauded him and cheerfully asked him, "More! We want more!"

Upon hearing the crowd, KM stepped at the center of the stage. Seeing Mero felt nervous upon the request of the crowd, KM spoke on her microphone, "I'm sorry, but Mero is like a newbie here yet and he's not yet accustomed to such big crowd as you are. He needs yet to be trained further in his exposure, so let's just give him a break for now, okay?"

"But we want more. Why won't you sing with him your duet song "Truest Love" instead, since you two were promoting it?" said the one person sitting in front among the crowd.

"Yes, yes, sing in duet for us please!" the crowd agreed in chorus.

At this, KM looked to her side to Mero's eyes asking him in an almost a whisper voice, "Will you be okay, for this?"

"Y-yeah, I'll be fine. I'm more relaxed now compared to earlier seconds ago. Thanks." replied Mero in an almost a whisper too but in a more relaxed voice.

KM nodded at him and then turned to the front and once again spoke to the crowd, "Okay then, as per requested by you my beloved fans, this song is for you. For you are our Truest Love."

"Yeheey!" the crowd applauded in joy.

As they began to sing their parts of the song, they were both facing the crowd. But as the chorus approaches, KM decided to put an act to give more meaning to the song. She reached his left hand and held it intertwined like a lovers would do.

In a split seconds, Mero was in shock at the sudden act of KM, but then when she faced him and guided his hand to face her as well, he understood and went along with her act intertwining their hands tighter and they both looked at each other eye to eye while singing the loving lyrics of the song...

And the crowd went like crazy upon seeing them singing with love for each other. Although that was just an act for both KM and Mero, but in the eyes of the crowd, it looks like they are really real lovers.

So again, someone shouted, "Wow, KM-Mero loveteam! We love it!"

"KM-Mer! KM-Mer!" the crowd cheered joyously.

Hearing the crowd cheering their loveteam names made KM smile and so was Mero smiling as well as they ended the song with 'love stare' to each other and then turned to face the crowd and bowed.

Dear readers,

From now onwards, I'll be updating 2 chapters per day daily with 1000-1500 words each chapter. Thank you very much for all your votes comments, rates, reviews and support. Please continue to support my novel. ?

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