

It was just another day in the daily life of a young man by the name of Hoshitsu. On said day, a turn of events happened that ended up changing his life completely. As he was going back home from his studies at his school he saw something that captured his sight. — I have to do something! —he said as the scene passed his eyes Yet, when he tried to prevent what he say, he ended up failing. And now, with failure at his hand, his life has changed in the blink of an eye. Now he finds himself on a completely different place to the one that he once called home. How will this end up affecting him and the days that are yet to come?

Shironemi · 奇幻
17 Chs

The Seven

I could hear them whispering to one another, they seemed to be talking about what I just said. Soon after the king began to talk. By his tone I could tell that he was somewhat furious.

— Impossible! Don't you dare ruin her holy name by spouting such lies —yelled the king furiously

— Why the hell would I lie about that...? Like it or not, such is the truth -I replied somewhat annoyed

There was a awkward silence after what transpired. It wasn't until a couple of minutes passed that the king broke said silence.

— Ahem... That would be everything for now. I hope that you, heroes of this world, can protect it from all evil. May Lophis' blessing be with you.

Once he was done speaking, everyone began to leave the throne room one after the other and we weren't the exception, I really didn't want to stay anymore there. When we left, we moved from the castle to the town square to then sit near the border of a fountain that was in the middle of the city.

— At this point I think I have just accepted the fact, we aren't going back to our houses —said Kaeri while looking at me

— Perhaps... maybe dying once again would be better -I joked ending with a small laugh

After saying this I looked upon the sky, even in a different world filled with magic I could still see the sun and the clouds staying high above us.

— The king wants us to become the guardians of this world. Meinu, Wisteria, Akai, Raejin, Shineri, you and me will have said responsibility —she said while taking a small pause — We might need more money for better equipment if this will be our job; the tavern near here offer's job to adventurers.

What she said was actually true. Even if we had a ton of money as of now, we would need more as it seemed that equipment was quite expensive.

— Well, we don't have much to do... let's go now -I said while standing up — I know I can't do much thanks to that useless goddess but I'll try my best to help

Without wasting more time, we ended at the tavern; just looking from the outside made us see how busy the place was. Upon entering, various men and women alike found themselves feasting on various meals, while others drank. Not trying to bother anyone, we made a beeline to the receptionist of the tavern. Kaeri being the social butterfly she was began talking to her.

— Good afternoon! We would like to take a simple mission. Any mission that we can take?

— You need to pay a small fee to register you on our system. 100 nelis per person.

It wasn't much so we just paid without thinking much about it.

— Thank you, but before you can continue, I would like if you could put your hand on this crystal you see here it's our way to know what rank you're —explained the lady

Before I could even say anything, Kaeri had already placed her hand on the crystal. Said crystal then began to shine on a blinding white light, almost as if we looked directly at a star. Upon seeing this, the receptionist seemed to get shocked to the point of falling on her back.

— Oh my... I wasn't expecting seeing someone with your capacity with so soon! Without a doubt you're an A ranker -dijo la mujer sorprendida

— Another A ranker!? —said one of the men drinking

— And she's a beauty at that! —added another man

— You should join us! —said a group of girls on a corner

It seemed that being an A ranker was something big seeing their reactions. Yet, with all of the praise that she was getting she ignored all of them. And without giving it much that, Kaeri simply removed her hand from the crystal. Once she said I stepped forward to do the same that she did.

Upon touching the crystal, no light was emitted. On the contrary, the crystal seemed to be devoid of any light or color, almost as if a black hole was inside of it.

— Oh? This is unique... I never seen the crystal reacting this way... —she said while giving a closer look to the crystal — I guess I can't do much, without a proper grading I can only give you F rank... I might speak with our leader to make a new grading and give a check to the crystal...

— Don't worry, we just want anything simple, a quest befitting his rank is okay too —said Kaeri while standing next to me

— In that case... —she said while looking at some papers she had next to her — I'll give you a extermination quest, it's pretty simple so you could even do it alone young lady. It's pretty simple, you just need to go to a small town called Dreihald —she said while taking a map and placing it front

— And what do we need to exterminate there? —I asked curiously

— I was getting to that —said the lady annoyed — Back to around 3 days, a group of goblins, small humanoid green creatures, are attacking and stealing said village. If this keeps going on the village will die of hunger during winter.

— Thanks! —said Kaeri while grabbing a paper with more details and running off the building

— Wait, there's mo-

— I'm sorry, she's always like that —I said while quickly following her

And with this, our first quest officially began...