
Cade Evans (Harry Potter Fanfiction.)

Trying to be different from regular FF but there's probably a few out there like mine. I'm just trying something I haven't seen before, but who knows it might just end up being another Harry Potter FF. (If you like it read it, if you don't, don't read it.)

Uchiha_lover2 · 电影同人
3 Chs

Cane Evans.

(The first few chapters will be a prologue. Also ages of characters will be changed )

The Hog's head bar was known for attracting unsavory characters from all over the Wizarding World but today it was the secret rendezvous place of two 6th year students who had to keep their love affair a secret from everyone they knew.

One was a Gryffindor and he's not just any Gryffindor, he is the most popular Gryffindor in the school. He's a prefect on top of being the Quidditch team captain who lead Gryffindor to 3 inter-house cups, he's the number one student in his year boasting perfect grades, in fact he even managed to get 102/100 for defense against the dark arts, he's also known to be very kind and helpful to his fellow students, he doesn't hesitate to help those from Slytherin even though its students openly mock him and call him all manner of inappropriate names such as dirty mud blood being the most common. That's why he has fans from every house, even Slytherin house though they don't openly show it. Granted his fan base consists mostly of women given his prince charming like appearance. They all wish he'd sweep them off their feet, unfortunately for them he's already selected his princess Andromeda Black.

Andromeda is the pureblood princess of the noble house of Black, an ancient pureblood family part of the sacred 28, she's the reason their love affair had to be kept secret because if her family found out that she's dating a muggle-born she'd be instant disowned by them but her main worry was what they might do to Cane if they found out about their relationship, that's why she begged Cane to keep it a secret for now. That's why the two are now cosied up in a corner booth at the shady hogshead in. They know that practically no one from hogwarts would come here, especially the snobby students of Slytherin.

The couple are seated next to each other with hardly any space between them, Cane's arm is snaked around Andromeda's shapely waste holding her close to his side as they eat the crude looking chips in front of then. Andromeda lay her head shyly on his shoulder, her face slightly red from the position they're in and Cane's wondering hand feeling up body.

Andromeda's not used to such affectionate actions, all her life she's been taught that proper ladies don't act like she is now, that's why she gets slightly embarrassed whenever her and Cane act intimate. She's never once seen her parents act as intimate as her and Cane have, in fact she's never even been hugged by her mother or father since the day she was born but with Cane It's the complete opposite. Cane constantly showers her with the love and affection that she's missed out on and craved her whole life. When they're together Cane can hardly keep his hands off her which is one of the things Andromeda loves about him, she enjoys the feeling of being wanted by him, if it were possible she'd never want to be separated from him spending the day and night together. Sadly reality isn't that kind, they only get to steal a few hours together on their trips to Hogsmead or in some dingy corner within the walls of Hogwarts castle.

"I've missed you Andy." Cane says in a gentle sincere tone as he leans down to place a gently kiss on Andromeda's forehead.

Andromeda hums with approval as she feels his lips on her forehead.

"I've missed you aswell Cane." Andromeda replies her tone soft and filled with longing. She snuggles further into Cane's arm wishing this day would never end.

The two haven't seen each other since the last hogsmead outing because Cane was busy preparing for the Quidditch match against Slytherin, it left him with hardly any free time to meet with Andromeda.

Cane starts to gently stroke her long silky brown hair. Andromeda closes her eyes enjoying the feeling of his hand in her hair.

"I'm sorry love, I should've made time to see you." Cane admits a guilty smile on his face.

Andromeda shakes her head. "No, I know how much Quidditch means to you. I don't want to be the reason you lose."

Cane smiles at how considerate his girlfriend is. "Are you kidding, you're my good luck charm after all we haven't lost a match since we started dating."

Andromeda chuckles. "Gryiffondor haven't lost since last year before we started dating." Andromeda reminds him.

The two started dating at towards the end of their third year.

"True, but you had already captured my heart by then, whenever I saw you in the stands you motivated me to destroy whoever our opponent was that game." Cane says smoothly still gently caressing Andromeda's hair.

A sweet warmth spreads throughout Andromeda's chest and her pulse quickens hearing his words but then she remembers something that instantly sours her mood. "Aren't you just trying to show off for all your fan girls?" Andromeda asks looking up at Cane with a raised eyebrow.

Cane grimaces at her question, it's not his fault yet he has to pay the price. Cane can't help but find her jealous expression utterly alluring so he leans down and gently places his lips on hers. Andromeda's stunned by his actions but her shock is quickly replaced with giddy. She eagerly responds to his actions and starts kissing Cane back, gently sucking on his full lips. A few seconds go by and Cane decides to take it further, he opens his mouth slightly and locks Andromeda's lips telling her to open her mouth. Andromeda doesn't hesitate after getting Cane's signal, she opens her mouth allowing Cane's sweet tongue to invade her mouth. Cane wastes no time and invades Andromeda's mouth with his tongue exploring every inch of it. While snogging Cane slides his hand up from her waist towards her breast. He cups her breasts in his hand and gently knead it causing Andromeda to moan seductively. Andromeda instsntly pulls away from Cane and glares up at him for causing her to do something so immoral in public. However Cane can see the hint of desire in her eyes, telling him that she actually enjoyed it. "What are you doing?" She scolds half heartedly. If they weren't in public she would have welcomed his touch but they're in public and she prefers to do such things in private. Honestly she should've known her perverted boyfriend wouldn't be able to hold back, he seems to have an obsession with her body, especially her breasts not that she minds in the slightest, she just prefers that they do it in private.

An apologetic smile spreads across Cane's face. "Sorry, my hand seems to have a mind of its own."

Andromeda rolls her eyes. More like it shares a mind with your thing down there. Andromeda thinks to herself. "Well if your hand doesn't behave, then I'm afraid there'll be no more snogging." Andromeda says with a challenging smirk, her head tilted slightly to the side making her look quite alluring.

Cane examines his girlfriends face feeling memorized by how beautiful she is. Her face is the definition of perfect with her beautiful long eye lashes, sharp tiny cute nose and full red lips. She looks so much like her older sister Bellatrix, boasting the beautiful noble features house Black is famed for minus the maliciousness, instead Andromeda's face is kind and warm making it easy for others to like her. That's why Cane had fallen for her as quickly as he had, he saw how kind she was to the younger kids, even helping the 1st year Gryffindor's after they had been bullied by that idiot Lucius Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins. After that he would continously run into her whenever she was on her own, he also started an inter-house study group hoping she'd show up and to his joy she did. Eventually he bit the bullet and asked her out, not really sure he'd succeed but to his surprise she said yes and from then on they started dating. It's been just under 3 years since they started dating and Cane doesn't plan on letting her go anytime soon, if ever.

Cane gently caresses the side of his girlfriends face. "There's no need for that love, my hand will be on its best behavior I promise." Cane smiles charmingly at her causing Andromeda's brain to shut down for a few seconds.

"You alright love?" Cane asks getting no reply from the stunned Andromeda.

"Ahh...yes I'm fine." Andromeda recovers from her daze. She looks up at Cane with a stern expression. "You better not be smiling at other girls like that." Andromeda warns him.

Confusion quickly spreads across Cane's expression. "Love, what are you talking about?" Cane asks confused.

Andromeda rolls her eyes. Boys. She thinks to herself. "Just know you aren't allowed to smile at other girls anymore." Andromeda forbids.

"Wait what, why not?" Cane challenges.

Andromeda glares angrily at Cane, daring him to continue challenging her. She knows she's being childish but she doesn't want others to see the beautiful smile he showed her just now, she wants that to be reserved for her and her alone.

Cane sensing her anger immeadiately starts sweating. "Of course, no more smiling at girls. I promise love." Cane reassures her.

"Good boy, I think you deserve a reward." Andromeda says her eyes slowly drifting towards Cane's lips.

Cane noticing where her eyes drifted to doesn't hesitate to lean forward and claim Andromeda's lips again.

Andromeda's heart leaps as their lips connect once again but before they can really get into the kiss a disgusted groan interrupts them. "You two should get a room." A gruff old man's voice interrupts their moment.

Cane pulls back looking up at the intruder with anger in his eyes. "Way to ruin the mood Uncle Abe." Cane says annoyed.

The old man is Aberforth the owner of the Hog's Head, he's also Dumbledore's brother.

Cane and Andromeda have been in here alot, and Cane had stirred a relationship with the old man, even going as far as to call him uncle Abe. Even though the old man pretends not to like it, Cane knows he enjoys it.

Abeforth looks away. "I'm not ye uncle." He grumbles.

"Here, the butterbeer you ordered." Abeforth groans and places two mugs of butterbeer on the table.

The mugs themselves don't look to be in the best condition or the cleanest but that never bothered Cane or Andromeda.

Cane picks up his butterbeer and takes a big gulp. "Ahhhh, that hit the spot." Cane puts down his mug again.

Andromeda can't help but chuckle seeing the foam mustache on his face. She lifts her hand and wipes the foam off.

"Thanks love." Cane kisses Andromeda tenderly on the cheek.

A smile spreads across Andromeda's lips. "Honestly, you should be more careful, you're always making a mess." Andromeda scolds lightheartedly.

"That's why you can't break up with me, I'd be hopeless with out you." Cane says while pouting.

Why does he have to be so cute. Andromeda complains to herself looking at his adorable pouting face. Andromeda still struggles to believe how lucky she is, she knows Cane can have his pick of girls much prettier then her, yet for some reason he chose her and she'll forever be thankful he did. She can't imagine life without him just the thought of it causes her heart to ache. Sadly though, she might not have much of a choice in the matter. The thought of her family instantly ruins the happiness she was just feeling.

"What's wrong love?" Cane asks noticing her soured mood.

Instantly a smile appears on her face. "Nothing's wrong love, I'm just a little sad that our time together is nearly finished." Andromeda lies, even though it's not entirely a lie since they will have to leave soon to go meet their friends, lest people get suspicious of them.

Cane sighs, desperately wishing they could spend more time together but she's right, they'll have to leave soon before people get suspicious.

"You're right, after we finish our butter beer we should leave." Cane says withca hint of melancholy in his tone.

Andromeda places her hand on Cane's cheek and looks into his beautiful sea green eyes which are usually filled with light but is now gloomy filled with dejection. "I'm sorry my love. Once we leave Hogwarts we won't have to hide anymore, I promise." Andromeda says with sincerity.

She can't wait to graduate, that way she won't have to be under her family's thumb anymore, she'll be free to live her life as she pleases. She knows what'll happen, she'll likely be blasted off the family tapestry but Andromeda doesn't care, her love for Cade far outweighs any family ties she has. She has no love for her family who've done nothing but treat her coldly her whole life

Cane pulls him closely towards him as if he's afraid to lose her. "Alright, I'll trust you Andy." He says after which he gently kisses the top of her head.

The two stayed glued together until they couldn't any longer having no choice but to part from each other with a sorrowful ache in their hearts, an ache that would last until they met once again.