

Broken but not Broken is about a young strong woman who inspite of being disappointed by men in having a perfect relationship decides to give love more chances until it works for her though she had had the desire to quit. She found love in Denzel, fought the battles that came with building a good relationship and won. The beauty of her love story isn't just because she found the perfect guy but the fact that, she was able to develop and build herself to achieve her dreams and help others to do same through her love for him and his love for her. For her, love became not just a feeling but a tool that equipped and empowered her to be a super woman to herself, her family and most importantly the world. This story would build the desire to be the woman you have ever dreamed of because it will push you not to settle for less especially when it comes to love. If it isn't building, equipping and empowering you to pursue your dream, then walk away from it. Love isn't to be ENDURED, it is to be ENJOYED.

sylina · 现代言情
60 Chs


It's been six months after Phyllis' recovery and she decided to throw a party in honour of her husband because he couldn't celebrate his birthday due to her medical condition at that time and besides he had managed her Foundation and other responsibilities well and had been a good husband to her and a responsible father to Beryl. The party was also to celebrate their four year marriage anniversary. She asked Amelia to help her with the organisation because Amelia was good at events planning and organisation since that's what her mother was into.

Amelia invited everyone on Phyllis' guest lists and attached a note that requested them to keep it a secret from Denzel. The program was organised in the Richards mansion because they wanted to surprise him and having any other venue would make him suspicious. On the day of the program, Phyllis wore a beautiful white cashmere dress designed with a bright African wax print and asked Denzel to wear a matching kaftan which he had sewn. Denzel had forgotten about their wedding anniversary so he therefore couldn't suspect anything. Besides, Phyllis loved to wear matching attire with him and Beryl. Phyllis asked Melanie to dress Beryl up and bring her to the Richards mansion to avoid raising Denzel's suspicions because she was to bring her present prepared for him.

Few days to the scheduled date, Phyllis fell sick and she drove to the hospital for consultation. The doctor informed her that she was three months pregnant and had given her some medication and precautionary measures to prevent her from experiencing an ectopic pregnancy again. She decided to keep it from her husband and reveal it to him during their anniversary because that would be the perfect gift to give him. Denzel wanted her to have at least two more children but he didn't want to interfere with her dreams.

When they were about entering the Richards mansion, he saw many cars parked in the mansion and he noticed most of the cars belonged to people he knew. He even saw her parents and parents in law's cars there. He pretended he hadn't seen anything so that he wouldn't ruin any possible surprise that had been arranged for him. So he quietly walked hand in hand with her and she led him straight to the garden. Lo and behold, there were lots of people they both had relationships with and they all were dressed in white or at least an attire with a touch of white and the place was very beautiful. As soon as they walked in, they all happily shouted "surprise" and Denzel in his confusion smiled. Mr. Jones noticed that he was lost and had no idea of what was going on and quickly walked to them, blessed them and asked to be excused with his son. "You're a dead man today and I can only start weeping for you. How on earth could you forget your wedding anniversary? Son, may God have mercy on you." Mr Jones laughed hysterically and tapped his shoulders and left him in his confusion.

Denzel and Phyllis exchanged pleasantries with almost everyone present and took a seat. The party had already started even before they got there because that was how Amelia made the arrangements. Some of their family and friends were given the platform to give testimonies about the couple and blessed them. Their parents sat back and were impressed by the beautiful testimonies and blessings these people poured on ther children. They were proud parents not only because of their beautiful relationship but the impact they had created in the lives of people. Their parents took the platform together and Mr. Jones was made their spokesperson for all the families. Beryl rushed to the platform because she had seen all her grandparents there. She stood in their middle and held Mr. Jones' hand.

" We couldn't have prayed for better partners for our children. They so much complement and respect each other and haven't just been able to build a beautiful marriage but have been able to build each other up. They have helped transformed and developed other people who have also become a blessing to this community and country at large. They have also united our families and make all of us feel like we're one big family. We're so proud of both of all of you. And to our beautiful granddaughter who lights our hearts everyday, we love you." Mr. Jones joyfully said and they hugged them.

Phyllis took over the platform and first thanked everyone for making time to celebrate them. "I would also like to thank our parents for their support and love towards us. They have empowered and complimented us and have really been our anchor. They have built us in integrity, love, compassion and respect for others and this has shaped us into the people we have become and we're so proud of you and we're also grateful for helping us. Thank you very much. Ame, I would always be grateful for your friendship and love. A sister like no other who's been there for us through thick and thin. People believe that friends destroy lives and I don't doubt that but you have also proved that some friends also help to build their friends lives and you're a proof of that. Thank you, Ame!" Beryl happily rushed to Amelia and asked her to carry her. " See the bond between my daughter and you. She really loves you because you have been more than a god mother to her. I love you dearly, Sis" Amelia blushed with joy knowing how she's appreciated by Phyllis.

" I have been in relationships and had experienced three different kinds of men. The first type of men I encountered was the "hunter" type of men. They do whatever they can do in their power to get a woman doing well and when they get their attention, they crash the life out of their prey after they have gotten them and leave them lifeless. It takes these women long to get back on their feet and to even have trust in men again, if they ever do. These women lose their self esteem and the desire to even live not to talk of pursuing their dreams and if they do, they become heartless especially towards men. I have also seen the scavengers. Those who only go after women with low self esteem and women who are desperate to be loved and make them feel like they're doing them a favour. They make the women feel responsible for every wrong thing that goes on in the relationship and also leave these women with low self esteem and the unending search of what could possibly be wrong with them and if care is not taken these women settle for less."

" I also met the kind called the gardener and that's who my dear husband is. These types no matter the kind of woman they meet, make sure they develop, support and groom the women to be better develop their potential to the fullest. My husband the gardener didn't only sow his support in me as a seed but he groomed and nurtured me to be this beautiful flower of a woman and i don't think you even need to ask the kind of flower I am. I am the queen of the garden, Rose. I really appreciate you as a husband and wife and I am grateful to be your wife. Happy anniversary to us. May we always blossom like a tree planted by the waters. I love you and cheers to us." Phyllis said this in appreciation to her husband. Denzel embraced and kissed her and they began to dance to Shania Twains, you're still the one. Phyllis leaned on his shoulders and whispered to him "we're pregnant and they're twins." Denzel kissed her and couldn't contain his joy but she asked him not to let anyone know for now.

The people present were all impressed with Phyllis' show of appreciation especially her choice of words. People congratulated Denzel and told him how lucky he was to have married Phyllis but she politely refuted that claim and would say that she was the luckiest to have been married to an amazing man such as Denzel. Denzel's love and respect for her increased because she showed maturity and respect towards him. When the party was over, the invited guests left and it was left with their parents. Their parents sat them down to wine with them for a while before they left for their individual homes.

Phyllis requested they also leave because the doctor had told her not to be stressing her self to protect the babies. Denzel drove them (Phyllis, Melanie and Beryl) home. Beryl insisted on sleeping with Melanie that night so she went straight to her room. She wanted to sleep with Melanie because she had brought lots of candies and chocolate home and her mother wouldn't allow her to eat them especially not that late.

"Baby, you know you're a blessing to me, right? You always awe me with your love for me and I am very grateful. You haven't ever lost respect for me and event though we've had our differences, you have always made sure this marriage works and I am so grateful. Thank you very much for being a good wife and mother to us. I love you dearly and I pray we go far till death do us part. He kissed her and made love with her. They showered and went to bed.