
Chapter 5

After Buchi was done with the toast, he stepped down the makeshift podium while the guests applauded him. His demeanor suddenly fell when he saw the State governor, smiling at him. He worked his way towards the big man, while trying his best to hide the hate in his eyes.

Buchi resented the governor greatly. The bigman represented a clear picture of everything he despised and worked against. If dishonesty, corruption, embezzlement and any other thing that had to do with misuse of power was a person, it would clearly be the governor. He was a very greedy fellow who did not regard the opinion of the masses under his jurisdiction but acted only upon things that would satisfy his selfish interest; and it was for this reason that Buchi developed interest to run for governorship — to liberate the people. It was this goal that forced him to coexist with someone he despised.

"That was a wonderful speech there son" the governor spoke as Buchi approached him and the two men clasped their hands in a handshake.

"Thank you sir." Buchi replied, bowing his head slightly to show his appreciation towards the compliment. "I have a gift for you sir. A small token of appreciation for gracing this event with your presence" He added with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"A gift?" The governor asked, pretending to be surprised. "Son don't be stupid! You earned my presence through your loyalty" he added with a big grin on his face.

"There's truth in what you say... but I still feel it's necessary I get you something" Buchi argued, while making a sign to his secretary. The latter left immediately and was back almost at once, with a wrapped box.

"I guess I'm obliged to accept your gift" the governor replied with a grin, keeping his eyes on the box.

"Here mr governor" Buchi announced, handing over the box to the bigman. "A $5 million, Billionaire Vodka — limited edition, meticulously prepared in Russia, under the supervision of Leon Verres himself." He boasted.

"You never cease to amaze me kid." The governor exclaimed with a surprised look on his face.

"I hope you like it sir?" Buchi asked knowing quite well the answer to his question.

"Preposterous! Of course I do! Who in his right senses wouldn't?" The governor replied with a broad smile on his face and in an instant it was gone, replaced by hard eyes and an impassive face. The mood switched up so fast that it startled Buchi. "Cut to chase son... why did you bring me this?" The bigman asked meaningfully narrowing his eyes at the younger politician. He knew the gift came with strings attached and he also knew what they were, but he wanted the younger politician to say it himself. The younger politician hesitated for a while then he spoke.

"Since it's your last tenure, I was hoping you'd help me run for governorship next year; and in return, I'd help you become senator when I win" he requested.

"You want me to be your godfather in the next year's governorship election and in return you help me get the senatorial office... is that it?" The bigman asked, as if confirming if what he had heard earlier were correct. "The right hand washes the left, and the left, the right. Very well then" the governor agreed and once again the two men clasped their hands in a handshake.

"If you'd excuse me then" Buchi requested, excusing himself from the governor and left to attend to other guests.

Buchi had not taken a few steps away from the governor before he spotted someone familiar — someone from his dark past.

"My old friend" the stranger spoke with a smirk on his face, as he approached the Chairman. Buchi froze at the spot, his face pale and eyes filled with fear. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" The strange man asked, taking notice of the colors absent in Buchi's face.

"Jeremy?" Buchi called the man's name as if trying to confirm if his eyes were playing tricks on him.

"In the flesh" he replied, spreading his arms apart expectantly. Buchi dived into the comfort of those arms and began to weep, muttering unintelligible things.

"I'm sorry for what happened to her. I swear I truly am. It's all my fault"

"I know, and I forgive you" the strange man replied, separating himself from Buchi. The two stood in silence for a few moments then the strange man spoke again. "How old is he now... my nephew?" He asked meaningfully.

"Nineteen" Buchi replied hesitantly, trying to understand what the fellow needed the information for.