
Chapter 4

Dera peered through the window, admiring the Opal Manor (supposed house of the Umuahia's Local Government Chairman) below her. True, it was dark, but the lighting and the exterior structure of the house left her in awe. What was more fascinating was that the Opal Manor was almost the size of her house — something she had rarely seen in a while. The pilot who flew the chopper steadied the aircraft about a helipad for a while, then gently landed on it. He could not help but wonder what sort of Chairman was rich enough to own a helipad in his house.

Dera and Edith got off the aircraft and worked their way down the helipad. As they approached the Opal Manor, Dera could not help but notice the exotic cars that parked about the place nor the heavy security that guarded it; and it left her wondering what sort of man the Chairman was. The duo finally entered the mansion after getting past the security protocol and submitting their invitation cards. They sought for the Chairman (using the descriptions Edith had come up with from her researches) and found him almost immediately; walled about by the DSS and his fellow politicians. The duo approached him but were stopped by an agent who suddenly showed up before them as if he had appeared out of thin air. He stood almost seven ft tall, shadowing them like little children.

"You're not politicians! What business do you have with the Chairman?" he asked them.

"We have an appointment with him" Edith replied sharply

"This an unofficial party. The Chairman cannot attend to any official business" The agent replied harshly, but kept his voice low to avoid causing a scene. "If there's no other tangible reason for you wanting to see the Chairman, I'm afraid I'd have to ask you to leave" he ordered, scanning the women warily with his eyes.

"It's ok. I'll take it from here" a voice spoke almost immediately, behind the women and the agent left without a word. "I apologise for that" the man apologized to the women who turned abruptly to know who was behind them. "I'm the secretary to the Chairman. And I believe you must be from the construction company?" He asked after introducing himself, and Edith nodded in reply. "Can I see your ID please " he requested.

"Yea sure" Edith said handing them over to him.

"Ok this way please" he instructed, after cross-checking the IDs. He led the women through the crowd till they met the Chairman. "Mr Chairman, could you please spare a minute" the secretary spoke to a tall muscular man, clad in a perfect black suit, entertaining his guests. Dera froze instantly as the man turned towards them. Of course she knew him — it was Buchi — the first man she had allowed in between her legs.

"Yes what is it?" The Chairman asked, sparing the secretary a glance.

"Sir these clients want to speak with you" the secretary replied.

"Clients?!" The Chairman whisper yelled through clenched teeth, narrowing his eyes at the secretary. "I'm sorry ladies, but you'll have to come back tomorrow. This is an unofficial party and I won't attend to any business whatsoever" he apologized to the women and excused himself. Dera excused herself too, leaving the secretary behind as she sought for the restroom.

They say the world is a small place — Dera did not believe it, till this moment. She had come back to Nigeria to finalize a project, but it never came to her that she would cross paths with someone she had buried in her past. Even worse, her work revolved about him. It felt odd, but something more bothered her — his attitude towards her. She could not help but feel he pretended not to recognize her. Her thoughts went wild, imagining various plausible reasons that would make him do that, if it were true. Perhaps he still resented her for hurting him. She could not blame him if he did. After all, they had something beautiful going on between them before she ruined it. Dera sighed to herself as she stared at the mirror for a while, wondering if what she was planning to do was right — she wanted to confront him to know how he truly felt seeing her. She sighed again after making up her mind, and left the restroom in search of Buchi. She did not have a hard time finding him this time — he stood at the center of the hall, making a toast.

".... the last but not the least, I'd like to make a toast to my beautiful wife" Buchi announced with a broad smile and the guests began to applaud him. "Darling please step forward" he beckoned to a vague feminine figure who stepped out of the crowd and moved towards him. Tears streamed down Dera's eyes as she witnessed this. She had not thought it possible, but somehow she still had feelings Buchi — after all these years, she still loved him and craved for his affection. She felt heartbroken knowing he was married; even worse, learning that it was to another ghost from her past. At that moment Dera wished the earth would just open up and swallow her whole. She could not help but feel betrayed that he had married her enemy — Jennifer.