
Chapter 6

"Ok? It's just a rumor. Go make a statement or something." I said and Namjoon looked at me a moment.

"I can't just make a statement that we're not dating. That leads to more questions."

"I'm confused on how we handle it then."

"We handle it." Namjoon's manager said. "Namjoon can not be seen at your home anymore. No more public outing. Nothing. You're American so there are enough questions."

"Why can't we say he's my mentor?"

"Because we're not ready to announce your debut."

"What if you don't? Don't say I'm debuting just say I'm a rookie trainee that's being mentored by BTS. They have an interview coming up." They went to say something when I spoke again. "No matter what is said people are going to question it. Why not go with the truth and when I do debut there's the proof that it was." Our managers looked at each other.

"Alright. We'll need more of you with all the boys though. Serious talks when you're out. Nothing too out of it." I nodded my head and looked at Namjoon and he seemed to agree.

"There's that interview tomorrow."

"Alright. Rowan we'll need you here tomorrow and ready to go."

"Wait why?"

"You're going with them. If it's brought up the way it most likely will, then you may have your first television appearance. Namjoon we'll discuss how to go about things." Namjoon's manager said and motioned for him to follow him, which he did. I looked at my manager and slid him the contract.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It happens. We mostly wanted you to be the secret weapon. Just didn't work too well. After getting to know the boys go get some rest. You're in for a big day tomorrow." Then he got up and left. I hadn't even really started and was already caught up in rumors.


The next day I came to the company early and met with the guy. I said good morning and everyone but Taehyung replied.

"Are you alright Tae?" I asked him and his expression didn't change.

"I'm fine. Don't feel so good today." Then he walked pasted me to the van we were all getting inside.

"He's just irritated." Namjoon said. I looked at him confused. "The rumor. He's not speaking to me either."

"Why? It's a stupid rumor."

"Maybe you should ask him."

Then he followed into the van. Knowing they were only waiting on me I hurried in and sat next to Yoongi and Namjoon. Even though Namjoon became my best friend Yoongi and I had gotten a lot closer too. Especially yesterday, when I broke down crying. I didn't think I was actually gonna make it to debut and he saw me crying and talked with me for a good hour. These seven boys here helped through so much and I valued their friendship more than almost anything. It was so early I was still tired and ended up leaning my head on Namjoon's shoulder and resting my eyes for the rest of the drive.

When we got the television studio I followed the boys inside along with their security. So I wouldn't fall behind Hoseok kept a hand on my back directing me through chaos. When we were inside the boys were directed to their changing room and I was lead to another.

I was given a dark tan colored, long sleeve turle neck shirt that fit just right, and a pair of black skinny jeans, which i tucked the shirt into. I wore black sneakers that gave me another inch or so in height so I wouldn't be as small compared to the boy. Sadly I was a tiny 5 foot 1.

When I was changed a woman came in and lightly curled my hair and gave me a natural makeup look. I looked in the mirror was very surpried. I was so pretty it was crazy.

"Are you planning on dying your hair for your debut?" The woman asked me.

"My friend keeps asking me to dye it. Brunette's too borning, while he sits there with bleach blonde."

"I think something suttle like red would look good. Like red hair not bright red."

"Right." I looked in the mirror and thought about it. My sister and I would look even more a like if I colored my hair like that. It would be different though.

"Rowan?" I heard someone from the door and saw the boys manager. "They're about to preform if you would like to watch."

I nodded my head and followed him out to the side of the stage as the boys were getting into place. I waved at them and gave them a smile for good luck and then the music started. They preformed Mic Drop and did amazing. I could hear the audience do their chant as the music started and cheering even as the song ended and they walked back stage.

"So? How did we do?" Yoongi asked.

"You guys are awesome. That was actually the first time I've seen you guys live."

"Are you serious?" Namjoon asked me. "After all this time you've never seen us preform live?"

"Nope. You guys have been doing all your work at the company and such."

"Alright guys we're gonna have you boys go and sit down we're about ready to start." One of the producers said and led the boys over to the stage to sit and wait for the host and such.

Not too much longer and their interview had started. They talked about their album 'Her' and their recently released music video for 'DNA' as well as upcoming tours they were preparing for. Then the host brought up the rumor.

"So RM there's been some talk about a girl. An american." Namjoon nodded his head knowing it would be a topic.

"She's a new trainee for BigHit. She joined under different circumstances and we were asked to mentor her and give her kind of a crash course."

"You seem to be seen with her alone a lot though. You guys must be close?"

"We are. I've been helping her learn Korean. She didn't have a lot of knowledge on it and I had been tutoring her. So we would do on lunch, breaks, and I've gone over to her place and vise versa because she needed to learn it."

"Has she?" Namjoon nodded his head. "I hear that's here with you guys is that part of the mentoring?"

"It is. To see us preform on a show and to witness like the interview processes."

"Do you guys mind if we bring her out here?"

"Not at all." Namjoon looked at the others and the agreed it was fine. I was then lead out and sat next the them. "So this Rowan."

"Hi Rowan."

"Hi." I said smiling wide. I was so nervous.

"So how long have you been mentored by BTS?"

"A good few months. I had a pretty hard time with dancing. Still kinda am actually."

"Are you a singer?" I nodded my head telling him I was. "Are you close with the boys?"

"I definantly consider them good friends. This has been a crazy adjustment and they've helped with that and getting prepared to actually debut and do what they're doing."

"So we have to ask, who from BTS is the best?"

"Best what?"

"Uh, rapper. Who's the best rapper?"

"Suga hands down." The boys started laughing and teasing Namjoon who looked at me with a playful hurt expression.

"Alright dancer?"




"Who's the most handsome?" Without even thinking about I answered.


That was something I was most definantly not supposed to answer. Awesome.