

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

Chapter 13of13

In a dim lit room, Zach lazily laid back in his comfortable sofa, the air and atmosphere surrounding him was cold as ice, if anyone was to walk into his room one would think it was actually snowing in there,the phone on the marbled table bazzed, with boredom written all over his poker face, he answered

" Hello,"

" Hello, am I speaking to Mr Kinn?," A woman spoke from the other side

" This is he,"

" This is principal Janet calling from Midview high, I'm calling concerning your niece Hope Reign," she said, Zach pitched the skin between his brows, he knew to say Hope was a very stubborn mischievous little girl, when Leah decided to go back to Falls, all of them agreed to move to New York City. Hope hasn't seen her mother ever since, Leah left for Falls when Hope was only 2 years old, Lucian has been traveling around the world killing and slaughtering some rogue vampires that are causing trouble while he's stuck babysitting. Hanging up the call, he grabs his wrist watch and car keys heading out, he arrived at the school..all the moms went dumbfounded looking at his direction, their eyes full of admiration, desire and lust

He could see it right in their lustful eyes, like they were invisible, Zach just continued his way to the principal's office, he found a little girl sitting on the bench outside the office, she couldn't even look him in the eyes, Zach went inside closing the door behind him

" Mr Kinn, thank you for coming. Please take a seat," Zach sat down crossing his leg on the other while he comfortably laid his back on the leather chair

" We faced a bit of problem with Hope, this school occupies both humans and non-humans, Mr Kinn! Hope lost control of her powers and one of our students got hurt really badly,"

" How bad?," Zach got a little worried

" Hope burnt her arm, she's badly hurt and was rushed to the hospital,"

" Principal with all do respect, Hope will never hurt anyone without a reason, it's either that girl was bulling her or making fun of her that she lost control, even though we are able to walk around freely among humans, you people will never accept us no matter what..at least not so easily, a humans mind is more evil than an animals mind, if you know what I'm trying to say..I know for a fact that Hope wasn't in the wrong here, but you don't have to worry..I will take care of the girls hospital expenses, excuse me," he stood up and walked out

" Let's go," he spoke walking in front, Hope followed behind with her head down, they drove through the city in silence

" Are you hungry? There's a nice restaurant up ahead," Hope nodded her head in silence, she was such an adorable kid.. she has grey silver eyes like Leah, long brown hair and smooth pale skin, Zach and little Hope ordered a table in a private sector

" What do you want to order?," He asked looking at the menu

" A fried chicken with fries and a chocolate smoothie," the waiter wrote down her order

" And you Sir?,"

" Wine is fine," Zach simply said and he went to get their orders

" Will you tell me what exactly happened back at school?," Zach spoke

" I don't want to talk about," Hope lowered her voice

" I know you wouldn't hurt anyone without a reason, tell me what happened?,"

" I- I was only trying to defend myself godfather, I went to the restroom and a girl slightly taller than me followed me, she pushed me hard and I hit the wall, I was so scared and lost control.. the last thing I heard was screaming and her arm was burnt, I swear I didn't mean to," Hope explained

" I know..I know,"

" Here's your food and smoothie little miss,"

" Thank you," Hope smiled sweetly, she ate up and once they were done, they drove back home.



Leah sat behind her desk, her head was throbbing like she was hit by a bus

" You don't look so well, you need to rest a bit," Jace walks in with a cup of tea handing it to her

" Thank you,"

" You should rest Leah,"

" I don't feel like resting, there are more rogues in the east, we need to kill them all before they attack innocent people,"

" That's why we are here to take care of it, you haven't slept for two days and it's worry some," Jace calmly said

" Says the person who hasn't slept either," she took a sip of her tea

" Why don't you go to New York City for a while, visit your daughter..or have you forgotten you have another kid apart from the twins?,"

" I can't leave Falls,"

" Of course you can, Leah you left your daughter at the age of 2, she's now 10.. don't you think it's about time she sees her mother, and the twins finally meet their father?,"

" Jace I -..

" Jace nothing, look at it as a vacation," Leah sighs staring outside the window.



" Tell me, who the hell you're working for?," Lucian's eyes were blazing red, his sharp fangs and claws can easily pierce through your flesh

" I- I don't know what you're talking about, I don't work for anyone," the Vampire stuttered

" Continue lying to me and I will rip your head off your body understood," Lucian's voice roared scaring the poor Vampire out of his shell

" Believe me I don't know anything, i- I swear to you, please spare me my Lord," he begged

" Unfortunately for you, I find it difficult to spare people like you," Lucian twisted his neck and he died on the spot

" Damn it, you stained my pure white shirt with your dirty hands," Lucian scoffs and leapt away, he reached the woods where he

Met up with Louise and Caroline

" Did you get any information out of them ?,"

" most of them resisted leading them to their deaths," Carol said

" Only one of them decided to speak," Louise added

" Who?," Carol grabbed the young male Vampire by the hair and brought him to Lucian

" P-please don't kill me, i-i promise to tell you everything you want to know," he stuttered with fear

" Start talking, who are you working for?,"

" Athia, she has gathered a lot of Vampires on her side, an army to help her rule by her side in return that she'll give us freedom to do whatever we want, but for that to happen..she and her army will have to get rid of you," he explained

" Kill me? You do know I can't be killed right,"

" Yes, but killing you isn't her plan..her plan is to seal you away forever," Lucian frowned upon hearing this," please let me go, have told you everything I know.. don't kill me," he begged

" I guess you're right..., Louise, if you may." Lucian turned around and began walking away, Louise twisted the young Vampires neck killing him and followed after Lucian

" I thought you were going to spare him back there," she spoke

" If he could easily betray the people he's working with, he could easily betray us..no one needs to know we were here," he simply said.


" When will Daddy come back home?," Hope spoke walking besides Zach

" He's supposed to return today, go upstairs and change your uniform," he told her

" Yes sir," she turned around to go upstairs when her little figure bumped into someone,"Ah sorry-_ huh.. mommy!," Hope looked up to meet Leah's eyes, Leah crouched down on her daughters level, she touches her cheek with a warm smile

" You've grown up a lot, you were just a baby the last time I saw you, you look beautiful my sweet little girl," Hope took a step back lowering her head

" I'm very upset with you," she said, Leah stood up straight staring down at her daughter

" And you have the right to, can you find it in your little heart to forgive mommy?," Leah stretches her hand for her to take, with a lot of hesitation.. Hope finally took her mother's hand

" Do you forgive mommy?,"

" Yes," Hope nodded with a smile, Leah lifted her little girl spinning her around, Hope giggles telling her to stop

" I want you to meet someone,"

" Who is it?," Hope asked

" Big sister!," Hope heard two little voices shout from the living room

" Hope, meet your little sister and brother.. Kamila and Kale,"

" I have siblings? They are Lucian's kids too right?," Hope looked at Leah curiously

" Yes, I had twins after you,"

" Awesome, I'm a big sister," Hope giggles hugging her little brother and sister

" Why don't you show your little brother and sister around,"

" Yes, come on you two," they ran upstairs

" Welcome home?," Zach spoke

" Thank you, where's everyone else?,"

" Skylar and Anna took Kai the dentist, Xander and Elriel took Ivy to the park,Zara went out and April is resting upstairs,"

" I see... and Lucian?," Leah bit her lower lip

" He left for New Zealand but he should return by night fall," he told her

" Do me a favor and don't say anything to him, that I'm here," Zach nods going upstairs

Leah sighs running her fingers through her dark chocolate smooth hair

" Mommy when will Daddy get home?," Kamila asked

" Daddy will probably get home late sweetheart, but you can see him early tomorrow morning ,"

" Alright mommy,"

" Now listen carefully kids, mommy is tired and would like to get some rest..I don't want disturbance, can you do that?,"

" Yes ma'am," they salute running back upstairs, Leah walked upstairs going to Lucian's bedroom to take a quick nap, Leah couldn't help but smile looking around the room, Lucian's taste in color and design will never change..he still preferred black sheets and pillows, grey walls and curtains, everything in this room was black,grey and white just like their old house in Europe, Leah went to the closet and took one of Lucian's t-shirt changing into it and went to sleep.

Lucian arrived in New York City at exactly down, Elena and two other women were waiting for him at the airport, he actually called her to meet him at the airport before he took off, she didn't understand what was so urgent? Lucian approached the three casually

" What was so urgent that I had to come right away?," Elena spoke

" I want to know what type of power Athia possess?,"

" Why do you ask?,"

" I asked for you here to answer my question, not to ask me a question with a question," Lucian calmly said, Elena tilted her head

" Sealing, she can seal anything and anyone away..when someone is sealed it's impossible to break out, no matter how powerful," she said.. Lucian leaned closer to her face, she stared at his blue ocean eyes.. trailing to his thin pinkish lips

" She is planning something big, keep your guard up," he told her stepping back, he began walking away when he came to a halt, he tilted his head to the side without looking back

" how is she?," Elena knew he was asking about Leah, they haven't seen each other ever since Leah returned to Falls

" We haven't seen each other eye to eye lately, she's been really busy that she barely visits the village," said Elena, Lucian just nodded and walked to his car driving off

He arrived at the white modern mansion, it was already dark out and everyone were already in their rooms,

" How did it go?," He heard a cold husky voice coming from the dark dining room

" Damn it Zach, turn on the lights for goodness sake,"

" Did I scare you?," He gave a dry chuckle, Lucian scoffs pulling out a chair and took a seat

" I was able to find out what Athia's plan is,"

" What is it?," Zach spoke curiously

" She knows killing me is impossible so she's planning on sealing me away for good, she has gathered a group of Vampires as an army, she won't rest until she gets what she wants," Lucian said

" Where you able to locate her location?,"

" Not quite, she's really good,"

" I already have some people tracking her down," Zach said

" The sooner the better, I'm going to my room.. have a good night," Lucian got up

" Same to you,"

he enters his room switching on the lights, he needed to take a shower before going to bed after a long day, Lucian walked further into his room and spotted a little figure sleeping on his bed, he raised a curious brow seeing her in his t-shirt

" Zara!?," Lucian spoke in a flat tone, he approached the bed slowly..he got closer and saw it was non other than his little kitty cat,

" Leah!?," Lucian thought he was only imagining things, and that it must be his imagination getting the better of him, he stretched his hand to remove some hair that was hanging on her face, he touched her face just to be sure he wasn't being delusional and crazy, Leah startled opening her eyes due to the coldness of his finger tips

" Lucian!" Leah whispered in a sleepy tone

" I didn't mean to wake you up," he caressed her cheek

" When did you get home?,"

" I should be asking you that question, why didn't you let me know you're back?,"

" Thought of surprising you but I was the one surprised finding you left the country, lay down next to me," she told him

" Allow me to take a shower first, I really need it,"

" yes you do you stink," Leah laughed

" Oh yeah?," Lucian rubbed himself on her so they shared the same scent

" Lucian! no stop it, so disgusting ugh," Leah giggles

" We are even now, now we can take a shower together," he carries her to the bathroom and turned on the shower letting the warm water pour down on them, Leah took off his shirt devouring his mouth, her arms were wrapped around his strong neck while she straddle him down, Lucian tingled her and tightened his hold around her waist, Leah fwop as he entered her releasing a pleasurable flammable desire in her, she clasps on his chest moaning like crazy, she pressed her hands on the wall throwing her head back as she ride on him swinging her hips

" Ugh!! f*CK," Lucian groaned with pleasure

" Ah!Ahh! I'm cumming! Ahh!" Leah bit her lip

" Cum for me baby girl," Lucian whispered increasing his pace, Leah squats cumming, out of breath..she rested her head on his shoulder catching a breath as the water kept pouring down on them

" Are you okay kitty cat?," He kissed her forehead, Leah nodded finding no strength to speak," you should take off this shirt before you catch a cold, let's finish up here and go to bed," he helped her remove the shirt she was wearing, took a shower together and went to bed after.

Zach entered his room unbuttoning the buttons to his sleeves

" Are you okay? You didn't leave the room today," Zach spoke stretching his neck

" I didn't feel like it," April simply said leaning to the bed board, Zach sat on the couch loosening his tie

" Come here," he told her, April stood up making her way to him, he made her seat on his laps

" Is something bothering you? You look troubled,"

" It's nothing,"

" You know you can't lie to me, I can see right through you," he told her, April has never been a good lier.. something was definitely bothering her, he suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Lucian a few weeks ago



" You seem pretty serious about April, never in my wildest dreams did I think the great cold hearted Ezekiel Kinn would one day melt," Lucian teased

" Shut up will you," Zach coldly said

" No I won't shut up, she's a really good girl.. you even brought her back to life because you love her, and she loves you,"

" Where are you going with this Lucian?," Zach narrows his eyes

" I'm telling you so you can plan ahead Zach, April like any other woman she will want to get married, settle down and have kids of her own.. haven't you ever asked her what she really wants?,"

" She never speaks about anything so I assume she's fine with us being the way we are," he nonchalantly said

" Assume huh? That's your theory, not hers.. think about," he taps his shoulder and walked away.


Zach looked into April's eyes intensely and spoke

" What's your future like in a few years? Your dreams.. your plans, what you visionaries?,"

" Where's this coming from Zach? I don't understand," April creased her brows

" I want to know what you think of us, and what you want us to be,"

" I love you and that's what matters, I know you can't commit.. even falling in love with me wasn't that easy, I had to die to make you realize it," she teased

" April!

He caressed her cheek, I'm sorry I can't be the man you want me to be, you don't deserve to be treated the way I'm treating,"

" Zach! you really want to know how I feel, what my dream looks like? Fine.. Ezekiel Kinn, I love you very much..I see my future with you, I see you wearing a wedding ring around your slim finger.. we're both happy, you're smiling in a bright summer day at the park, you're holding our future baby's little hand in yours, that's my dream.. that's how I see my future.. but I understand if you don't want the same thing, I will still love you reluctantly," she kissed his hair and stood up going to bed, Zach didn't say a single word and just watched her for a while as she slept.

The next morning, Leah woke up to the chaotic noise making their little feets to her room

" Oh know, Lucian! Lucian!,"

"Hmmm," he answered in his sleep

" Wake up, the kids are coming,"

" We don't have kids wife.. sleep with me," he murmurs half asleep

" Wake up and get dressed or else," Leah warned, her tone made him wake up immediately..they wore their robes and sat on their bed

" Daddy!," Kamila barged in with a wide smile

" Princess," Lucian opened his arms to embrace his younger daughter and son, he has only seen them in pictures and videos that Hazel sent him.. seeing them and holding them in his arms was a different kind of feeling

" You two have really grown up,"

" We're 8 years old, but I'm older," Kamila said

" Older by two minutes five seconds," Kale rolls his eyes, Leah and Lucian chuckles

" Sweetheart," she called out to Hope, Hope made her way to her mother," what time are you supposed to go to school?,"

" In half an hour," she responded

" Would you like me to drop you off at school?," Leah smiles

" Really mommy, will you really drop me off at my school?," Hope sounded really happy about it

" I have always wanted to do that for my baby girl, I want us to do everything together.. just you and me,"

" What about us, don't you want to spend time with me and Kale mommy?," Kamila sadly spoke up

" You've been with me from day one you must be bored of me by now, why don't you spend time with daddy while I spend time with your big sister, sounds good?,"

" Sounds perfect.. but I can never get bored of you mommy, so have fun with Hope," Kamila smiles

" Alright all of you go get ready while mommy and I also get ready," Lucian said and they nodded running out of the room

" Three kids huh?," Lucian smirks at Leah

" If you think about it, the sound a lot," she kissed his lips

" I don't mind having more with the most beautiful woman I came across with," he pulled her waist closer to him, Leah giggles telling him to stop

" Lucian stop,I have to drop Hope off," he embraced her with kisses before letting her go, they took a shower together and Leah picked out a pair of grey sweatpants..a black t-shirt and sneakers for Lucian

" I didn't bring any clothes with me," Leah said going through Lucian's closets

" You can wear my clothes and later we can go shopping with the kids,"

" Yeah, it's about time I change my closet again," Leah puts on his big sweat shirt and sweatpants.. tying her long dark chocolate hair into a ponytail, Lucian chuckles seeing her in his oversized clothes

" Do I look funny to you?," She crosses her arms over her chest

" You look unique.. very beautiful," he said which wasn't a lie.


April opened her eyes to find Zach wasn't in bed, she could hear the running water in the bathroom and figured he was taking a shower, her eyes caught something shiny on her finger.. with eyes wide open, she sat up in disbelief closing her eyes and opening them once more, it wasn't her imagination..it was really an engagement ring on her finger, April was very happy.. although what got her confused is what time he got this ring? did he have it all along when he was asking her what she really wanted last night? Or did he get it after she told him what she really wanted? This confused her, the door to the bathroom slide open revealing a perfect tall figure, April always couldn't help but gulp down saliva whenever she sees Zach wrapped in a small towel, drops of water dripping from his soft smooth hair to his body and finally disappearing in the towel around his waist line

" Good morning," Zach simply greeted like any other normal day

" Good morning," April greets back," when did you- when did you put an engagement ring around my finger?," She added after hesitating a little

" When you were asleep," he simply and calmly answered

" I see, Zach you don't have to-,,,

He kissed her lips with his wet cold lips that later became warm

* Did he just shut me up with a kiss?* April blinked a few times before slowly moving back

" Will you marry me?," Zach spoke, April thought it was a weird way of proposing but she liked it..it was unique and beautiful, mostly because she understood he was clueless to how all this thing work

" I'm still waiting for your answer? He raised a brow

" I-i..are you only proposing because that's what I want and you feel like you at least owe me this?," April looked into his fierce preying eyes

" What does it matter?," He spoke breaking her little heart

" What does it matter? Everything matter Zach, I don't want to get married like this.. like you're doing me a favor, like that's what I want but not you,"

" I don't understand, isn't this what you want?," He was also confused

" Yes.. that's what I want, but not you.. and I can't accept to marry you this way, I'm sorry," April got out of bed giving him back the ring and ran to the bathroom in tears, Zach stared at the rejected ring in his hand

" Did she just reject me?" A frown settled on his beautiful face.

Leah dropped off Hope and Kai at their school

" See you kids later," she waved

" Bye mommy,"

" Bye godmother," they waved back going inside,



Sonya stood in front of a tall apartment building, she went inside to the fifth floor.. she knocked on the door twice and the door cracks open revealing a tall slender man, he didn't seem so pleased by her visit

" You're making sudden visits now or what?," He spoke

" May I come in?," Sonya spoke, he stepped aside letting her in and closed the door behind him

" What do you want?,"

" For you to make an appearance, don't you think you've been hiding for way too long now?,"

" It's not necessary that I make an appearance, what good will it do?," He leaned to the wall

" So your mate will get over this stupid obsession of being in love with a married man, she won't listen to me but she will surely change her mind when she meets you," Sonya kept a calm wavering expression

" Listen Sonya, my mate being in love with someone else doesn't concern me..she chose to fall for a Vampire,"

" Only because she knows she's the only werewolf left of the clan, she doesn't know you exist.. maybe they're other survivers around the world somewhere there, but she needs to know you Nick.. please, help me out here," Nick thought for a while before responding

" I think it's time you leave..I have somewhere to be," he went and opened the door for her, Sonya walked towards the door way and came to a halt

" Think about it," she added and left, Nick sighs shutting the door, his fingers ran through his silky smooth hair.


" But what did you do wrong?," Xander spoke resting his chin on his knuckles

" I also don't know...I gave her the ring like she wanted,I also asked her if she can marry me.. but she returned it and ran away with tears in her eyes," Zach explained

" You said you asked her what she really wanted and she told you.. next thing you propose to her, don't you see Zach..she feels you only want to marry her because she told you what she really wants and not what you want, she feels like she's forcing you to do something that you don't want or ready for," Skylar told him

" If you really want to marry April convince her that you really want to marry her because you love her, we know you're horrible when it comes to emotions and shit.. you can't admit it but we can see it surrounding you in the atmosphere," Xander added

" All this is such a drag," Zach sighs leaning back on the sofa

" Speaking of April, where are the women at?,"

" In the backyard at the pool, probably discussing the same issue," Sky simply said and they all looked distressed


" I think you're over thinking things April.. have known Zach for decades before I died, he is someone who doesn't show his emotions or to come face to face with them, he is clueless when it comes to love.. especially commitment, you of all people should understand and give him a chance.. you're the only woman he has let to get closer to him emotionally," Leah said

" Leah is right April.. you two are made for each other, if he didn't care about you he wouldn't have brought you back from the dead," Elriel added

" I absolutely agree sister," Anna squeezed April's hand assuring her

" Thank you..to every one of you, I guess I really needed to hear that to see beyond the truth," April smiled

" We're here for you.. always," they hugged it out giggling

" I have to pick up the kids from school now, I will see you girls later," Leah walks away.


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