

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 14 of 14 The Blood Moon

April entered the room she shared with Zach, her back was aching and felt stressed..she hasn't seen Zach since morning, closing her eyes she reaches for the back of her neck massaging it simply.. with a helpless moan she felt two strong hands on her shoulders massaging her

" Hmm.. right there," April moves her hair in front, Zach's hand trails down to her waist pulling her closer to him..he kisses her soft back igniting a sense of sensition in her, Zach caressed and teased her body in such a pleasurable flammable manner

" I want to have a serious talk with you," he whispers in her ear

" Right now?," April's voice quivers finding it hard to control her desires

" Yes," he spoke in a serious tone, April frowned..the desire in his tone earlier was gone,

* Who does he think he is? After filling her up with desire and luring her up just to tell her they need to have a serious talk* April argued with herself inside, April steps back with a sigh

" And you found this exact moment to talk?,"

" Yes," he answered calmly, April took his hand and made him sit on the bed while she stood in front of him

" Wait here," she tells him and goes to the dressing room, a few minutes later.. April walks out dressed in a red lace sexy lingerie, her long ginger hair was tied up into a straight ponytail..she painted her lips red matching her sexy lingerie, Zach sucked in a long breath

* Now this..is what you call temptation*

Zach thought to himself, April made her way to him stopping in front of him

" You've been...a really.. really..bad boy," she whispers in his ear

" How so?," He raises an interesting brow

" First you lure me up with desire just to leave me hanging, I'm not done with you yet,"

" You don't know how badly I want you, I want to pull you by your ponytail and make you moan in all possible ways..damn it you're driving me crazy, I want to punish you so bad," he was fighting with his monster inside not to pinn her down and f*ck her so hard till she begs him to stop, her hand touched his chest slowly moving it down and stopped on his d*ck

" You're very hard," she gave a sly smile

" You're torturing me," Zach swallowed hard..a cold sweat dropping from the side of his head, April captured his lips kissing him intensely and hungry.. pinning him down on the bed,she touches his body parts caressing and tormenting him, Zach was losing his senses and was at the brick of breaking down when she suddenly stopped

" Why did you stop?," He asked out of breath, his voice hoarse and husky

" You wanted to talk..we can talk now," she got off on top of him and grabbed a robe wearing it, Zach was a bit confused but later realized what she was playing at

* I see, she was getting revenge.. but did she have to go all out?* He thought to himself, with a dry chuckle..he ran his fingers through his silky hair impressed

" You're really something else," he told her," well you gonna have to wait cause I need a cold shower," he added going to bathroom, April laughs satisfied with herself.

After taking a cold shower and relaxing, Zach wore casual comfortable home clothes, April liked it whenever he wore casual clothes..they made him look less serious and hotter

" What do you want to talk about?," She spoke sounding serious, Zach sat on the edge of the bed facing her

" I want to apologize, I think you misunderstood my intentions earlier.. I'm terrible when it comes to expressing my emotions and how I feel, I don't show emotions..in fact I didn't know I had any till I met you, I really want to marry you..I want to make you my wife so I will ask you once more April Young, will you marry me?," He brings out an engagement ring.. April nods her head giving him her hand, he slips the ring on her finger capturing her lips.

Lucian finally got to rest after putting the kids for their afternoon nap, Leah went to meet up with Sonya after dropping Hope and Kai home.. with a tired sigh, Lucian walked through the hallway heading to his room when he heard something heavy drop in one of the rooms..the sound came from Zara's room, coming to a halt.. Lucian knocks on her door

" Zara! are you okay?," But there was no response," Zara! I'm coming in," Lucian opens the door going inside, Zara was restlessly lying on the marbled floor


Lucian crouched down holding her in his arms," hey..hey, look at me.. what's wrong?,"

" L-Lucian! Help...me," Zara spoke in anguish and a lot of pain

" You look pale Zara, tell me what's wrong?," He touches her forehead

" So-nya.. Sonya," she struggled to get any words out, Lucian brought out his phone and dialed Leah's number..the call was answered after a few rings

" Leah!

" Lucian, you sound anxious did anything happen to the kids?,"

" The kids are fine, it's Zara I'm concerned about,"

" Zara? What's wrong?," Leah frowned

" I don't know what's wrong with her, she's asking for Sonya..she keeps repeating Sonya's name, can you two come back here," he told her

" We're on our way," she hang up

" What happened?," Sonya who was sitting opposite to Leah asked

" Something happened to Zara..we need to go," she said and they left the coffee shop in a hurry

" Lucian..Ah it hurts," Zara held onto him tightly, he could tell she was in so much pain but he was helpless on how to help her..not when he had no idea what was wrong with her, Zara takes Lucian's hand and places it on her chest were her heart is

" I know you can hear my heart beat faster in your ears, with or without touching my chest... Lucian, I love you.. have been in love with you for a really long time, ever since I laid my eyes on you in Falls," she caresses his cheek in a tender manner, Lucian kept silent.

Leah and Sonya arrived and heard the entire thing, Lucian took his hand back after seeing Leah.. Sonya helped Zara up on her two feet

" What's wrong with her?," Lucian looked over at Sonya

" It's a full blood moon tonight, she will go under full transformation,"

" Can't she transform into her full werewolf form already?," Leah asked

" No..she only has full strength, her claws..fangs can elongate and her eyes can change but she can't fully transform into a werewolf, tonight is the night she will undergo that transformation..I will have to take her back to Falls, she will need to be chained up and isolated till tomorrow when the blood moon has passed," Sonya explained," I will take her now," she added and left with Zara. Leah stared back at Lucian with a serious gaze

" Wife i-_

" I'm going out for a while cause I feel suffocated," Leah grabs the keys to her brand new black motorcycle and walked out, Lucian ruffled his hair with a heavy sigh.. Leah leaves the house and got onto her bike putting on a helmet and driving off, she was driving at a high speed..her thoughts were flooded with images of Zara and Lucian, that image of Zara and Lucian entangled in bed suddenly flushed across her face, she missed a break and ended up crashing falling off the bike, it came in full force that despite wearing a helmet..she ended up hitting her head and passed out in the thick woods.



" Jace! Help me," Sonya called out

" What happened? What's wrong with her?," Jace walked into the lobby

" Help me take her deep into the cave and tie her up,"

" It's the full blood moon tonight, I almost forgot about that," he calmly said helping her take Zara deep into the cave, Zara was tied up with chains.. they locked the iron door and left, Zara cried out in pain and anguish, her claws elongated scratching the floor and piercing through, her scream echoed through the entire cave.


Leah touched her head and whist in pain sitting up

" You're finally awake, it's been an hour already," a man spoke sitting on the big rock in the woods

" Who are you?," Leah tried to get up but stumbled back down, Nick gradually offered his hand..Leah accepted his hand to get on her two feet

" That was really reckless wouldn't you say.. you could have died,"

" Trust me something so little wouldn't kill me easily," she said

" That's only something the devil's wife would say..how brave," he smirks, Leah raises a brow at him and curiously asked

" I'm sorry but have we met?,"

" I think your question is do I know you? Leah frowns..Nick chuckles making her more confused and more curious about him," I saw you on TV that's how I know you, I mean everyone knows who you are it's not a secret to anyone," he added

" I see, so you were keeping an eye on me,"

" I was simply protecting you from predators," he told her

" When you say predators you mean werewolves? Because all I know is most of their clan were killed," Leah gave a slight raised brow

" Who knows.. it's a full moon tonight, a dangerous one by that.. you should get going now before something bad really happen to you, who knows what roams in the dark woods," he casually said," besides.. werewolves aren't the only predators," he shrugged and walked deep into the darkness of the thick woods, Leah watched his back disappearing into the darkness.. she grabbed her helmet and got onto her bike riding back home, Nick watched her leave and ran his fingers through his hair

" How interesting," he smirks before transforming into a werewolf and ran through the woods, Leah arrived home and went straight inside, with a heavy sigh she laid down on the couch closing her eyes, her entire body was in pain.. she suddenly fell asleep.. Lucian walked downstairs to the living room, the bruises on her forehead and on the corner of her lip made him really upset with himself, Lucian gathered Leah in his arms to their room..he laid her down in bed and covered her with the quilt, he switched off the lights and went to bed.


While back in Falls, a cry of a werewolf was heard

" It's finally over..she was in so much pain," Sonya sighs

" Yes... but we will have to wait till tomorrow to free her," Jace simply said

" Yes..she must be confused and very dangerous," they both agreed.


" I don't understand why we have to wait this long to finally get rid of Lucian," a man's voice echoed in a dark room

" Patience.. very soon," Athia said

" Bull shit Athia... it's been several years now since you've been saying that..or are you hesitating?,"

" If the dagger wasn't destroyed it would have made things easier for us, my seal is not strong enough to seal Lucian away forever..I need to work on it so like I said, patience," she glared at him.

The next day, Elena grabbed some clean clothes and headed to the woods near her village, she always takes baths in the pond for some alone time and relax..she tied her hair and took off her clothes dipping her body into the water, the temperature was perfect for such a sunny bright day.. with a relaxed sigh, she leaned to the edge of the pond closing her eyes to relax.

Leah opened her eyes scanning her surrounding..her head was throbbing like never before, the bedroom door opens and Lucian walks in with a glass of water and some pain killers

" This will help," he handed it to her, Leah took it consuming it," Anna took Kai and Hope to school so you can rest," he added stretching his hand to tuck some hair behind her ear, Leah moved back slightly avoiding his touch

" I'm worried about you... you stormed out of the house and got hurt," he told her.. Leah pressed her lips together staring into his ocean blue eyes.

" Hubby!?" She moves closer snuggling with him.. Lucian blinks a few times staring at her little figure, first she doesn't want him to touch her.. and now she's snuggling with him,she wraps her arms around his waist buring her face on his chest

" A-are you okay?," He asked her

" I want to take in your scent.. don't move," she murmurs, Lucian didn't move and stayed still like a manikin for a while.


" April!

" Coming," April walked out of the dressing room, she wore a pitch casual suit.. tying her hair into a ponytail with white high heels

" Are you going out?," Zach spoke

" Yes..I feel like it's been forever since I went out and lived a normal life, I'm actually going to grab lunch with some old friends," she smiled.. Zach nodded knowingly, it's been a long time since he saw her so radiant..free and happy

" I will see you later.. love you," she kissed his cheek and left.. Zach opened one of the wardrobe and took out a black vintage bottle and a black wine glass..he opened the bottle and poured thick red liquid in the glass, he drunk the blood.. with a heavy sigh he puts away the bottle and walked out of the room.


Sonya opened the iron door with a towel..Zara was unconscious, Sonya removed the chains on her legs and neck.. and covered her with the towel on her naked body, she helped Zara back to one of the rooms to rest.

Elena heard footsteps approaching and hid her body deep into the water...Jace was taking a stroll around the woods when he saw a woman in the pond, Jace turned back around looking away

" I didn't think I would find anyone here by this time," he simply said.. Elena came out of the water putting on her clothes

" Well I simply wanted to refresh my mind," Elena said drying her hair," I'm actually surprised to see you here," she added

" I also wanted to refresh my mind," Jace said

" I see," Elena bit her lip throwing few glances at him, she found Jace with a strong personality and aura..it was like staring at the bright moon up close, his white silver unique hair.. Jace noticed her intense stare and shrugged

" I have work to do..see you around," he said

" Do you- perhaps want to have coffee some time?," Elena stuttered

" Tomorrow 10am..I will text you the address," he told her and walked away.. Elena jumped up and down excitedly.

Zara opened her eyes with grouch sitting up

" First time transforming can be such a drag.. you'll get the hang of it," a voice spoke in a corner of the room.. with creased brows, Zara tilted her head to see who's voice it belongs to because it wasn't familiar

" W-who are you?," Her voice was hoarse and it hurt her throat when speaking, Nick pours her a glass of water.. Zara took it glancing at him through the glass, he was tall and good looking.. with dark short hair and brown eyes

" Who are you and what are you doing here?," Zara looked at him curiously

" Nick... you're my mate," Zara choked on her water coughing uncontrollably, Nick patted her back telling her to take a deep breath

" Get away from me!" Zara moved back," are you crazy? No one else survived in my clan," Nick leaned in closer to her and said

" News flash baby girl... you're not the only one Dante decided to save in that war..he saved me too and sent me to Los Vegas, I grew up and survived on my own,"

" I don't believe you.. Dante wouldn't hide something so important to me," Zara teared up shaking her head

" You think Dante was all that of an honest father figure? If there's anything that Dante was good at was manipulation..I never trusted him,"

" I am..not.. your mate, she might have died a long long time ago,"

" Baby girl..an Alpha always knows it's Luna, believe it or not you're my Luna...my mate," Nick steps back and walked away leaving her alone, Zara was left confused and puzzled..she got out of bed and rushed downstairs

" Sonya!... Sonya!

" You're awake.. is everything okay?," Sonya approaches

" Is it true? did you also know that there was another surviver of my clan?,"

" Yes, " Sonya simply answered.. Zara scoffs with a sarcastic smile

" You lied to me.. you've been lying to me all my life, you and Dante lied to me, " she yelled

" Dante was trying to protect you!, "

" Protect me from what!? Huh! Protect me from what exactly Sonya? I thought I was alone.. my family and people all dead, I grew up knowing I'm a lonely wolf wondering in the dark alone.. and suddenly a man shows up saying I'm his mate and you expect me to accept him and be happy, " Zara's entire world felt like it was all breaking down into little pieces.. she broke down into uncontrollably tears, Sonya crouched down on the floor to pull Zara in her arms

" Zara.. have watched over you since you were little, I only want to see you happy and well.. I also know Nick like the back of my head.. he is a good guy, a little sarcastic but good.. maybe they're others like you somewhere out there who might have survived, and with time everything will work out.. trust me," she assured her.

Lucian's phone rang and he picked it up, Leah was still clinging onto him like a little panda clinging on a bamboo tree

" Alright.. I will be right there," he said hanging up," wife! I have to head out now," Lucian taps Leah's back

" Hmm.. please stay," Leah tightened her hold

" What's going on?," he pats her head

" Let me go with you.. I can help," Leah lifts her head to look him in the eyes.. Lucian cupped her soft cheek gently and said

" Promise to be back before you know it.. will you release me now?," he smiled charmingly..I mean how can she ever say no to that charming bewitching smile of his, Leah released him and he was able to leave.. after Lucian left she felt that feeling again, that feeling of loneliness.. uneasy.. fear and a pain in the chest, she didn't understand where this feeling was coming from or why it was happening now, she has everything she needs by her side... She has her husband, kids and family surrounding her.. so where was this uneasiness coming from? " She thought, brushing the feeling away.. she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up real quick, afterwards got dressed in her comfortable sweatpants and sweatshirt.. putting on fluffy slippers and went downstairs, just then Anna and the kids entered the house and the quiet peaceful house was now filled with giggling and little voices

" Mommy!" her three kids ran into her arms to embrace her.. Leah smiled upon seeing them, never in her wildest dreams did she think she'll one day have this many kids.. three might sound a small number but to her it was a handful.. but she loves them dearly and would do anything for them

" How was school?,"

" It was fine.. although tomorrow it's sports day mommy," Hope said with sadness in her tone

" That sounds fun... but why so sad?, " Leah creased her brows

" Because the first round all the kids will have their moms as their sport partners and the second round with their Dads,"

" That's why you're sad? Sweetheart did you forget you have a mother.. I'm here and so is your Dad... Of course we'll be your sports partner tomorrow, " Leah said

" Other kids make fun of me seeing I don't have a mother.. and I will be all alone tomorrow because neither Lucian attends any of my school activities because he's always busy with work, "

" All that changes today.. both Lucian and I will come with you tomorrow, I won't let anyone make fun of you baby girl.. come here, " Leah hugged Hope tightly

" And you two? Did you have fun at the park with Aunt Anna?, "

" Yes.. she spoiled us very much," Kale smiled

" Alright come on guys.. go upstairs and change your clothes and freshen up, " Anna claps her hands together and they all ran upstairs

" Slowly don't trip, " Leah shouts out and fell on the couch.. Anna filled up two glasses of wine and hands Leah a glass sitting next to her

" Hmm thank you.. I really missed this, I missed you," Leah smiles

" I missed you too.. this is the life I can never regret having Leah, us getting married in one family even though not by blood.. our kids being friends and who knows, some times I still can't believe I'm leaving in a world full of supernatural.. it's like a fantasy like a fairytale you know,"

" Yes...same goes to everyone who got exposed to our existence, " Leah took a sip.

Lucian arrived where Zach and the others were near the river away from the city.. about ten dead bodies were found near the river and some in water, both young and old

" What happened here?," Lucian approached Zach who was standing still with a serious face

" Not sure ... I analyzed their bodies and it seems like their entire life form was drained out of their bodies.. in other words their soul," Zach explained

" So it was someone with special abilities," Lucian looked at the dead bodies

" Yes... And we both know who those people are,"

" You think someone in the Raven clan is working with Athia?, " Lucian frowned.. cause if that's the case there's a traitor in the village.

"Possibly.. I will get in touch with someone from the village to find out more," Zach simply said and Lucian nodded in agreement.. his people cleaned up the place and picked up the bodies to get rid of them

" Did you get to talk to April and settle things?,"

" Yes.. we'll be getting married in a few days," he answered simply

" Finally.. I actually thought you would remain and die single.. since no woman no matter how beautiful they were could ever catch your attention," Lucian teased him.. Zach scoffs and said

" Don't start with me Lucian," Zach turns his back and began walking away

" Where are you going? Can we at least get a drink?," Lucian chuckles following after him.


" Did you get to talk to Elriel and find out when they'll be back?," Anna spoke.. she went with Xander and their daughter to California so Ivy can spend some time with her grandparents

" In two weeks time... She said Ivy is really happy there and her grandparents spoils her to no end," Leah smiled

" She deserves it... Kai never got the chance to meet his grandfather, he was very devastated when he heard about April's death that it led him to having a heart attack.. I miss him everyday Leah," Anna sniffs wiping her tears

" Come here," Leah pulls her in for a comforting hug," I'm always here for you darling.. I love you so much," Anna found it really comforting and secure.. this is the only family she has left with now and she couldn't ask for anything else.

It was dark and pouring out when Lucian, Zach and Skylar arrived back home

" Daddy is home," the three jumped on Lucian.. Kai welcomed his Dad and later all four of them ran to Zach hugging and clinging onto him

" We were waiting for you to have dinner with us," They said leading everyone to the dining table

" Good evening,"

" Evening.. is everything alright?," Leah spoke

" Yes.. just had a busy day," Lucian answered

" Isn't April home yet?," Zach asked no one in particular

" She arrived an hour ago... She was exhausted so she went straight to bed," Anna said

" excuse me," Zach excused himself going upstairs to his room

" Tomorrow is sports day at the kids school and both parents needs to participate with their kids... Isn't it fun?," Leah gave a slight smile

" I have an urgent matter to take care of tomorrow... I'm sorry but I won't make it," Lucian simply said... Hope wasn't surprised at his response, she already got used to him missing out on everything.. this didn't come as a shocker to her, even though she knew what Lucian would say she still felt disappointed and hurt at the least. Leah looked at Hope's little disappointed face and looked over at Lucian with blank eyes

" I'm going to bed now," Hope stood up and ran upstairs.. the table went silent, after dinner Leah prepared the kids for bed and went to her own room.. a while later Lucian joined her, he was changing into his PJS while Leah prepared the bed for sleep

" I wasn't asking you whether you want to come at our daughters school or not.. I was telling you that you need to be there," said Leah

" As much as I want to I can't.. I have work," Lucian calmly said

" Work that's more important than your daughter.. I know I'm the last person to tell you this Lucian mostly because I haven't been there for Hope all her life, but I want to change that as long as I'm here.. you've always been here but not once have you attended any of her school activities or pick her up including meetings, Hope feels alone and neglected.. please, I want to make her happy I want her to feel that we're here for her always.. she will be very happy to have us both tomorrow," Leah looked him in thee eyes.. Lucian with a long thought finally agreed.. he couldn't possibly say no to that angel yet devilish pretty face of hers.

"Come," Leah stretched her hand for him to take.. they laid down together holding her closer and tightly to him.

The next day... The kids woke up really early to prepare for sports day, this was Hope's first sports activity and she was excited that Leah will be there even though Lucian won't.

" Are they always this loud?," Lucian spoke with a sleepy tone

" Apparently... Is it morning already?," Leah shifts in bed

" Apparently," Said Lucian

" Mommy! Daddy! It's morning," Kamila and Kale barged in

" We figured," they said sitting up," where's Hope?," Leah added

" Getting ready,"

" And why aren't you getting ready along with her?," Lucian spoke

" On it," they ran out

" Ughh... I still feel sleepy," Leah fell back in bed

" Five more minutes?," Lucian suggested

" Five more minutes," she agreed and they went back to sleep.


" I don't think sports wear is my thing," April complained tying her hair into a ponytail.. she was dressed in a pitch sports attire with white sneakers

" I think you look great," Zach gave a slight smile completing his black attire with white sneakers.. April gave him a simple kiss on the lips before heading out of the room.

Anna and Skylar both wore a grey sports attire and lastly but not least.. Leah wore a white sports attire while Lucian wore black and grey, all of them wore shorts and sweatshirts, Hope was happy to see Lucian to have agreed to come with, they packed everything needed and drove off.. the school was filled up with kids and their parents all around, Lucian couldn't help but think how lonely and weird Hope must have felt every time there was an activity and she didn't have both her parents around to support her, even though Zach and Anna were there he was pretty sure it didn't feel the same... He felt bad for neglecting her.

" Well guys we're here," Anna smiled.. three black expensive parked across the road, their number plates were different from other cars.. quite unique and noticable to everyone.. two cars held the same number plate

" Kinn7" And. " Reign 7"

Everyone turned their attention to the cars wanting to see the people... The kids came out of the cars standing together followed by their parents and murmurs followed

" Wow... Who are they?," one of the female parents spoke

" I only know Anna and that good sexy looking man who usually picks up that little girl and boy, " the other woman whispered pointing at Zach with her eyes

" Yes you're right.. but who's that woman standing next to him... I didn't know he was married?,"

" He's not.. maybe they're together,"

" Ugh... Why are all good looking men taken gosh," they pouted sadly

" But have never seen those two before.. not only is the man good looking like a god.. the woman next to him looks like a goddess, I think I might be dreaming because I'm so in love," she bit her lip

" Get a hold of yourself Rory.. remember you're here with your husband,"

" Those are husbands," Rory wiggles her brows at Lucian, Zach and Skylar, " I don't know what mine is because he's no fun," she added.. her friend sadly agreed staring at her own husband before looking back at the Kinn and Reign family

" Mommy we will go ahead and look around okay," Hope said

" Be careful and look after your brother and sister," Leah said

" Not to worry godmother.. I will look after everyone, " Kai said

" I trust you will, " Leah ruffled his hair and they all ran off

" It's quite sunny.. I will go grab a bottle of water,"

" I'll come with you," Lucian said

" Mrs Kinn.. good to see you again, Kai is always happy to have you attend all the school activities,"

" Yes but this time is different principal Janet.. to have the entire family here, this is my husband Skylar Kinn.. you already know my brother in-law Zach and my sister April,"

" A pleasure... By the way I saw Hope and she looked really happy," Janet said

" Yes.. she's happy to participate on the activity this season because both her parents are here," Anna smiles sweetly

" Both Mr and Mrs Reign are here?, "

" Yes, " Anna nods

" Where are they I would really like to meet them," Janet said

" They went to grab a bottle of water sure they'll be back soon, " moments later.. Lucian and Leah joined them and was introduced

" Mr and Mrs Reign.. it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm principal Janet, "

" Nice to meet," Leah gave a slight nod

" Like wise, " Lucian spoke.. Janet couldn't help but admire the young couple.. even though she knew to say they are much older than they look

* Are every supernatural beings this good looking?* She thought

" Ladies and gentle men.. the sports will begin now, the first round is the kids with their moms please take your positions," an announcement was made.. Leah and Anna went to take their position on the racing ground on the school court ground while Zach.. Lucian.. Skylar and April went to take their seats to watch the race, the first sport was each parent to be tied to their kids left leg while they ran to the finish line

" Are you ready?," Leah turns to her daughter

" I was born ready," Hope smiles

" Let's win this kiddo," Anna fist bumps her son and Kai gladly nods

" I want a clean clear race.. from the count of three.. two.. one.. GO!," neither Leah nor Anna tried to rush their kids like other parents.. they were at a pace their kids could manage as long as they were having fun, regardless Anna and Leah came out as a draw in the race

" Yeah we did it," they hugged it out.. the second round was Dads and their kids

" Hurry up Lucian or we're gonna lose," Hope complained

" Maybe if your legs weren't so tiny we would actually win," Lucian retorted

" Don't judge me," Hope frowns

" Come on you can do it," Leah cheers.. Skylar and Kai won the second round, the third round was a race for the moms and neither Leah nor Anna went through, then the Dad's.. Lucian won the fourth round, the rules were clear of no manipulation of powers or cheating.. he won fair. The games continued on till the last tournament, Kai was the one who won the last four games and took home the trophy

" Good job buddy you won," Leah and everyone else congratulated him

" You did great so proud of you," Hope smiles

" Thank you.. I'm glad you had fun, you did great also.. that's why I would like you to have this trophy instead of me, thank you for coming this season," Kai forwarded his trophy for Hope to take

" What? No I can't Kai.. you won this yourself it's yours to keep, I can't accept it,"

" I will feel more like a winner if you accept it Hope.. please accept it from the bottom of my heart," he gave her a sincere smile, Anna and Skylar nods their head in agreement with a smile, Hope took it with a smile and said

" Thank you,"

" Who's hungry?," Leah spoke, " we are!," they raised their little hands in the air.. they got into their cars and drove to the fast food restaurants near by.

Hello BOUNDERS, what do you think of this chapter? leave a chapter comment below to know your views and thoughts. I apologize for the late updated and I want to thank you for waiting patiently.. remember to send me your gifts in the comments section for they're my motivation to keep going, love you guys

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