
BNHA: Singularity

MC throws himself on a grenade and gets transmigrated to the world of Boku no Hero Academia with a barebones but exceptionally powerful System.

Einlion · 漫画同人
230 Chs

Chapter 113

[August 26th, 2149]

With their three-week training camp coming to an end the following day, Rumi gathered everyone for a small party, forcing Izuku to sit next to her as everyone sat around a circular table created by Momo.

"Listen up, brats," said Rumi, drawing everyone's attention to her before adding, "I can't say I'm particularly proud of any of you, but you all made decent progress these past three weeks. But remember this; you're still green. Even that monster All Might isn't completely invincible, so don't let your newfound strength go to your heads. Understood?"

Though Rumi didn't actively participate in their training, each of the girls responded with a loud "Yes, Ma'am!"

Nodding her head in approval, Rumi adopted a mischievous grin as she added, "That being said, so long as you're willing to accept responsibility for your actions, you're free to act as overconfident as you like. Those who can keep smiling and never give up, even when defeated or humbled, are capable of just about anything. I may not have been impressed by your growth these past few weeks, but I have high expectations for your future. Even if you'll never be as strong as me."


Name: [Rumi Usagiyama]

Title: Voracious Rabbit(Attributes Randomly Increase During Sex)

Quirk: Rabbit

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 84

Effective Level: 267->301


Strength: 395->418

Agility: 453->516

Vitality: 656->738

Intelligence: 55->71

Dexterity: 468->520

Luck: 643->748

Free Attributes: 0


[Fleet-Footed], [Thunderous Thighs], [Healthy Body], [Second Wind], [Keen Senses], [Lucky Rabbit's Foot]


Though they had slowed down quite a bit the past few weeks, Rumi and Izuku still fucked for 4-6 hours a day. As a result, her Effective Level had increased by 34, surpassing the growth of everyone at the table without raising her base Level even a single time.

Shifting her gaze to Izuku, Rumi winked with her left eye, smiling as she said, "I'm about done here. Make sure to clean up after yourselves before you leave tomorrow morning."

Without waiting for Izuku's response, Rumi rose to her feet and promptly departed the dining room. In her wake, Ryuko abruptly shouted, "Dibs~!" before pouncing on Izuku like a drunken cat. The plum wine everyone had been drinking was non-alcoholic, but that didn't prevent the feisty blonde from throwing what few inhibitions she had out the window...




After parting ways with the girls at the dorms, Izuku made his way home, stopping before he entered since he could feel the tell-tale vibrations of machinery in motion.

Opening the Party Menu and triggering the Proximity Function, Izuku's brows perked up, not because Mei was in the workshop, but because she wasn't the only member of his Party nearby.

Adopting a wry smile, Izuku scanned his way into his home and made his way toward the living room to find Inko, Nemuri, and a voluptuous, nurse-like woman with white hair and amethyst-purple eyes happily conversing while Eri busied herself with a balloon-popping game on her tablet.

Though everyone adopted smiles in response to Izuku's arrival, Eri's lit up like the Sun as she discarded her tablet, bounced to her feet, and rushed over to him, shouting, "Onii-chan~!" before hugging his waist.

As it was only their second time meeting, Izuku's smile cramped when he heard Eri excitedly referring to him as her Onii-chan. It didn't help that Inko, Nemuri, and the strangely familiar woman all covered their mouths to stifle an amused laugh...


Name: [Chiyo Shuzenji]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Heal

Bond Level: 66

Current Level: 51

Effective Level: 130


Strength: 27

Agility: 28

Vitality: 592

Intelligence: 83

Dexterity: 59

Luck: 208

Free Attributes: 255


Party Invitation Required


Recognizing the name of the white-haired woman, Izuku's eyes widened as he incredulously inquired, "Recovery Girl-sensei...?" while patting Eri on the head.

"In the flesh," replied Chiyo, furrowing her brows slightly as she added, "And don't go getting any strange ideas, you hear? I only adopted this form in preparation for the coming crisis. My time has already come and gone."

Understanding what Chiyo was trying to say, Izuku adopted a frown as he suppressed the urge to retort. Instead, he picked Eri up, forcing a smile as she stared intently at him with large, glistening, ruby-red eyes.

Shifting his attention back to the mature trio, Izuku focused his gaze on Chiyo as he asked, "Might I ask what brings you and Nemuri-sensei to my home...?"

Answering the in the duo's stead, Inko explained, "Nemuri-sensei and I have known each other since we began our stay on the campus. We often eat lunch or work out together in the faculty gym. Since she and Chiyo-sensei are often busy with work, I've been helping out by sitting Eri-chan for them."

Nodding in affirmation, Nemuri narrowed her piercing blue eyes in her innately sensual manner as she playfully appended, "That's right. Inko-san and I have become excellent friends. After all, before this Summer, there were only a handful of women among UA's faculty. It's only natural that the two of us gravitated toward one another."

Though he doubted things were as straightforward as Nemuri suggested, Izuku didn't press the matter. He may have if Eri wasn't present, but since she was, he responded with a curt "I see..." before shifting his attention to Eri and asking, "Have you met Mei yet...?"

Forcing her eyes open with her thumbs and index fingers, Eri replied, "The Onee-chan with the weird hair and eyes, right!?"

Shaking his head, Izuku's expression and tone softened as he gently chided, "You're not wrong, but it's not nice to refer to people as 'weird.'"

Exhaling a soft gasp, Eri covered her mouth with both hands, an anxious expression developing across her face at the notion she may have done something wrong. It was a bit over the top, but Izuku was accustomed to people in the world of Boku no Hero Academia being more 'animated' than those in his previous world.

Shaking his head a second time, Izuku assured, "It's okay, Eri-chan. You haven't done anything wrong just yet. Just keep in mind that there are all kinds of unique, sometimes even scary-looking individuals in this world. We must choose our words carefully, lest we inadvertently offend or hurt someone else's feelings..."

Uncovering her mouth, Eri regained her smile as she replied, "Okay, Onii-chan!"

Seeing the interaction between the two, Nemuri clapped her hands together excitedly and exclaimed, "How absolutely precious! A picture-perfect example of a reliable big brother and his adorable little sister~!"

Though he furrowed his brows slightly, Izuku didn't bother to correct Nemuri's assertion, stating, "I'm going to take Eri to meet with Mei. I'll bring her back in a few minutes."

Waving her hand, Inko, with a loving smile, said, "No need to rush. Take your time and have fun. We'll be here when you get back." She had grown rather fond of Eri over the past couple of weeks, so it warmed her heart to see her and Izuku so close.

Returning a nod, Izuku responded with a curt, "See you in a bit..." before carrying Eri out of the room to see what Mei was up to. In his wake, Inko, Nemuri, and Chiyo exchanged glances, the latter eventually breaking the silence by remarking, "Despite his faults, it appears your son will make an excellent father, Inko-san..."

Wincing at the insinuation, Inko visibly deflated as she adopted a wry smile and asked, "Did you really have to say such a thing, Chiyo-sensei? Now my good mood is ruined..."

"Hey, cheer up," said Nemuri. "Isn't it better that your son has a strong sense of responsibility? Things could be much, much worse, you know?"

Frowning deeply, Inko lowered her gaze as she muttered, "I know...it's just...I can't help worrying about him. No matter how big he gets, he's still my baby. I wish he'd slow down a bit..."

Crossing her arms and adopting a rare expression of severity, Nemuri replied, "I'd agree with you in any other situation, but you've seen the news. Things aren't looking too good overseas. Many countries in the middle-east have already plunged into chaos, and Europe is struggling due to the massive influx of refugees. Your son's power is necessary to safeguard Japan and, potentially, the entire world..."

Though she didn't normally agree with Nemuri, Chiyo nodded solemnly, adding, "Things are serious enough that people from my generation are being forced out of retirement. In that regard, your son and Eri-chan are two of our greatest assets..."

Alleviating some of the growing tensions, Nemuri narrowed her eyes at Chiyo, specifically focusing on the much older woman's breasts as she remarked, "Speaking of which...I should see if Eri-chan can shave a few years off my age. I'm still in my prime, but my capabilities have declined considerably since I became a teacher..."

While she didn't approve of Nemuri's desire to exploit Eri's power, Chiyo didn't try to talk her out of it. Instead, she said, "Just don't go overboard. You have a great deal of fans all over the world, not just Japan, so people would notice if your appearance changed drastically."

Snorting through her nose, Nemuri asked, "What are you talking about, Chiyo-sensei?" before proudly boasting, "My appearance now is virtually the same as when I was twenty!"

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Chiyo quipped, "I'm sure that's what you've been telling yourself. Just remember what I said, and don't go overboard trying to compete with younger women..."

Understanding she wouldn't be able to win an argument against Chiyo, Nemuri shifted her attention to Inko, stating, "You should also consider having Eri-chan reduce your age, Inko-san. Your Quirk might not be the most effective when it comes to combat, but if you regained your prime and focused on raising your Level, you could at least ensure your safety."

Adopting a wry smile, Inko replied, "I would be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind. However, considering the circumstances, I think it would be best if I remained as I am and avoided getting too involved in things. My son already has his attention pulled every which way...I don't want to make things even harder for him..."

Waving her hand, Nemuri said, "Don't be ridiculous, Inko-san. The higher your Level, the less Izuku-kun will worry about you. It's fine if you want to maintain your current appearance, but it would be extremely negligent of you to remain weak when your son and his adorable little sister are two of the most important people in the world."

Nodding her head, Chiyo appended, "Nemuri-san is correct. You have already been made aware of the existence of All-for-One. You're relatively safe within the confines of UA, but it's only a matter of time before one or more villains try and target you. And not just villains, either...once Izuku-kun's and Eri-chan's powers become known, many will seek to use them. I speak from personal experience in that regard..."

Though it was only for a brief moment, a profound look of regret flashed across Chiyo's eyes. Healing Quirks were the rarest and most sought-after in the world, so her youth hadn't been easy. Without the protection and support of Nezu, Nana, Sorahiko(Gran Torino), and countless others, she would have suffered greatly during All-for-One's reign.

Unable to argue with the far more experienced duo, Inko eventually gave a curt nod, answering, "I understand...for the sake of Izuku-chan and Eri-chan, I'll do my best to become more powerful...!"

Nodding in approval, Nemuri exclaimed, "Well said! I'll inform the Principal and make arrangements to have you participate in the special training of the instructors. As the vanguard against the breaches, we can't allow the students to surpass us so easily~!"

Wasting no time, Nemuri pulled out her secure phone and sent a text to Nezu. Seeing the girls from Class 1-A reach Level 40+ in just a few short weeks had left her feeling a little fidgety. She had never been obsessed with strength, but there was no way she would remain Level 27 while the students she had 'advised' continued to grow stronger. To that end, she was determined to reach at least Level 69 before the first breaches began to appear in Japan...


Name: [Nemuri Kayama]

Title: Tempting Teacher(Bond+20, Vitality+50, Luck+50)

Quirk: Somnambulist

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 27

Effective Level: 51


Strength: 32

Agility: 35

Vitality: 158

Intelligence: 101

Dexterity: 105

Luck: 202

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Pheromone Control], [Synesthesia]

[Pheromone Control]: The ability to amplify and manipulate one's pheromones as if they had telekinesis.

[Synesthesia]: The ability to detect, visualize, and trace aromas.





(A/N: My friend bought me Hogwarts Legacy to cheer me up, so that's what I've been doing the past few days. Now that I've beaten it, I'll be posting at least two chapters a day from now on.)