
BNHA: Martial Arts God

Getting accidentally smited by Zeus due to an argument with his wife, Ashton Grey gets reincarnated into the world of BNHA with the skills of a martial artist as he tries to do his best to have an interesting life. "I knew it... You look so much BETTER with blood all over you!" "Welcome to the Finals of the World's Martial Arts Tournament! On the red side, Japan's Ace! Japan's Genius, Jin Gohru!" "Even if I am a Quirkless nobody, can I become a hero!?" "Wait, another reincarnator? But how!?" "What are those techniques? They can break concrete like glass!" "What in the world are you, you damn cheat?!" "Who am I? I'm the God of Martial Arts, baby." BNHA X God of High School (Well mostly)

Damaine_N · 漫画同人
75 Chs



So... Sorry for the late update, electricity went off at my area for almost 4 hours (I tend to post and night), so I just went to sleep after waiting for 3 hours.

Sorry bout that, I'll definitely post 5 chapters this week, please be patient and wait.

Also, thanks for joining Pa tre on, _Berserk_, Will Graham, and LARDBADGER!

Right now there's 56 chapters on Pa tre on, much more than here, so if you want to read it earlier, then join!

pa tre on . com /damaine_n

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That's all, see you tmr!


Reaching the gates to the large city gates, he scratched the back of his head as he was deep in thought.

'What to do, what to do...'

Should he go in guns blazing and defeat any robot that he sees, or stay back and get as many points as he could without interrupting the chances of others?

Hmm... Decisions.


Looking behind him with a hum, he sees Jiro wearing a sporty-like attire consisting of a black t-shirt with jogger pants who had a surprised look on her face.

"Oh, Jiro. What's up?"

"What's up?! Why are you even here?! Y-You don't have a Quirk!"

She said that a little bit louder than she wanted, making the contestants around them look at him with expressions.

"No Quirk?"


"Lucky! That means one less participant!"

Realizing what she just did, she just chuckled nervously as she looked down in embarrassment, making him just sigh before patting her head.

"Now now, that doesn't mean that I'm not allowed here, no?"

"But — "

"I know you don't mean it like that, but relax. I'm really hard to kill."

Gohru said that chuckling as she had a pale expression from his sentence. Before she could say anything, however, the doors of the city gates suddenly opened, causing him to dash into the city with the "normal" speed of a human.

The rest looked at him confused when suddenly Present Mic's voice rang from somewhere unseeable.

"Hey, hey! Villains wait for no one! There aren't any countdowns in a fight! Go go go!"

The crowd took a second to process it before starting to run into the city themselves, wasting no time as robots started attacking them.


"Phew, that was annoying..."

He muttered as he watched the participants tackle the robots from afar. More specifically, on the highest building in the city, the helipad of a skyscraper.

With his eyes that have been adapted from his Quirk, he could even see a brick from 5 miles away without any difficulty. Whistling to Through the Fire and Flames that was playing inside of his head, he sees his objective right away.

A boy was running away from a group of 1 and 2-pointers, the boy had a weird head shape too, mutant-Quirk, he noted as he got ready.

Holding onto the railing of the helipad, he snaps it off like it was nothing before getting into a javelin thrower's position.

"Have to consider wind direction, aerodynamics, gravity, timing, power, and accuracy..."

He muttered as he let Eye of the Mind do its work, telling him the best power, position, angles, and timing to throw the makeshift spear.

After a second of 10,000 calculations, he gripped the metal railing tightly, ending the simulations before taking a step forward and placing all his weight onto his forward leg.

With a puff of breath, he tosses the railing, watching as it soars at incredible speeds to its target as if it was a bullet.


The spear hit true as it crushed into the leading robot's head, causing it to fall to the ground and making the others behind it to bump and fall too.

Immediately after seeing the leader fall and cause a roadblock, Gohru took more railings that he can find before yeeting them to the group of robots, killing each and every one of them.


Once the boy was safe, he took a second to relax before searching for more people to help and interfere with.

'I wonder how Denji's doing?'


Running to one of the first robots that he sees, Denji flipped the switch in his brain as his Quirk activated, causing him to feel the strain of the Wisdom of the Sage instantly.

Willing it into reality, the robot suddenly soared to him as if he was exerting a gravity pull while he got into the basic stance of the Four Gods.

Four Gods: Basic Stance.

With a deep breath, he twists his fist before swinging forward.

Four Gods: Fist of the Black Turtle.


The punch went through the robot's head like butter as he pulled his arm out, with it exploding after a second of dying.

Hearing another one come from behind, he twists his body 180° before swinging a reverse high kick at the robot's neck.


The attack hit as he immediately raised his right leg upwards to the air, with the leg now 90° upright before slamming it downwards.

Four Gods: Red Phoenix — Heaven and Hell.

One of the variants of the Four God techniques that he created. An axe kick that slams an enemy's head into the ground before the Red Phoenix's shockwave hits the enemy.


The shockwave erupted from the ground as Denji used his Quirk to repel the robot away from him, slamming it into a building, killing it as it explodes.

'23 points. Need a way to get more robots...'

A lightbulb lit in his brain as he grinned, turning his Quirk's switch off to save stamina before starting to climb an apartment complex next to him, using the balconies as footing to climb higher and higher until he reached the rooftops of the apartment.

Looking down at the robots that were in his sight, he nodded as with a deep breath, he reflipped the switch of his Quirk, feeling the normal strain before willing all the robots that he set as a target to float from Gravity X -5.

With another thought, the robots clumped together before shooting at him, making his eyes widen at the speed.

"Oh shit, fast!"

Gravity X -5 and Attraction will shoot things at him fast, noted!

Exhaling, he focused as he gets into a stance, he inhaled quickly before puffing his cheeks, his arms surging with energy as he started swinging both his arms and legs.

Wisdom of the Sage: Zero Friction


Wisdom of the Sage: Inertia


Four Gods: Dance of the White Tiger


Four Gods: White Tiger — Stagger Blitz


The robots started to disappear into chunks of metal as he continued striking one after one until the final robot pointer falls to the ground in pieces, making him exhale in relief before clutching his eye in pain.

"Ugh... Need more stamina training..."

He whispered as his eye felt like it was on fire, making him tear up subconsciously from the pain before blinking the tears away. Shaking his head, he looks at the number of metal parts that were below him surrounding the apartment complex, ignoring the looks from the participants that saw his display of strength.

'I think that's... 92 points?'

"God damn, I'm awesome."


'Meh, I think he'll be fine.'

He thought to himself as he got another 9 points from helping a group of students, making his total 26 Villain Points. Not bad for just sniping them from afar.


The ground starts to shake as smoke erupted from the southeast side of the city, opposite the city gate entrance and near where he was.

'So you've appeared, 0-pointer.'

Scaling down the building with ease, he quickly joined his fellow participants who were stuck in fear.

'Dang, the show did justice to this scene. This thing is huge.'

He thought as he measured the height of the 0-pointer using the earlier skyscraper as a measuring tool. The 0-pointer was about 2.5 skyscrapers with a fuckton of metal surrounding its core and chaste.

The robot was surprisingly quick too as it raised its arm quicker than it looked before slamming it into the ground, causing a mini earthquake to happen.

Wind flies everywhere as debris, dust, and other miscellaneous things began flying at random from the strike, causing the participants to start running away in fear.

From the extra tremors on the ground, he speculated that the other Battle Arenas had also unleashed the 0-pointer. Food for thought —

The sound of a familiar voice groaning made him snap out of thought, with him quickly scanning the area to see two people, Jiro and a spiky redhead trying to lift a large debris piece.

Running to them, he spooked the two as he lifted the debris without any problems.

"Go-Ru? How — "

Ho? This girl is invisible. Hagakure Toru, the future Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl. From what he could see and hear, she was out cold. And the person that helped was Kirishima Eijiro, the future Sturdy Hero: Red Riot.

"Take her somewhere safe."

"Right! Here we go!"

Kirishima replied as he carried the girl gently before running to get someone to check on her. Gohru looked up at the 0-pointer that was advancing to them as Jiro pulled on his long-sleeved t-shirt.

"Come on!"

"No time. Even if we run now, the speed of this thing would crush anyone."

So this was a test from the school since the distance from the city gates was 4 miles away, and the machine from what he calculated moves at 37 mph. The humans in this world, even if they are twice as strong could only run at 25 mph top speed. The 0-pointer would catch them before they reach the gate.

Kneeling, Gohru starts to fold up his right leg's sleeve as Jiro kept pulling at him.

"Hurry up, Go-Ru! What are you doing?"


He stood up, making Jiro notice the difference in height as he looked her in the eyes.


She hesitates for a second before turning back and started running at his request. Once she was far enough, he turns to look at the 0-pointer that was 10 meters before him.

Crouching, he inhales a deep breath before flexing the muscles of his legs, feeling them rushing with power before jumping, causing the smoke and dust to shift from the powerful leap.


Seeing the 0-pointer, Denji was about to follow the rest of the participants and run since there was no point in defeating it when suddenly he hears a pained cry.

Freezing, he twists his head in the direction of the cry, he sees an injured pink-skinned girl clutching her right leg that was trapped in the debris, with a grey substance melting the debris as the 0-pointer continued its path forward to them.

Ashido Mina, the future Acid Hero: Pinky.

He knows about her Quirk, Acid. Seeing the amount of time that she had, he made a quick calculation and knows that she would 100% melt the debris in time.


Seeing her like this reminds him of Ochako who was trapped as well right now, making him subconsciously dash towards the 0-pointer with everything he has as if to save her twin sister from the 0-pointer.

Reaching close to the 0-pointer, he willed his Quirk to lighten his body with Gravity X -10, before leaping into the air.


Twisting his body, Gohru dodged the arm of the 0-pointer that was swinging at him and soared past the gaps of the robot's fingers, and jumped once again, now clear of any obstacle in his way between him and the 0-pointer's head.

Cocking his right leg backwards, his muscles bulged as he starts to spin mid-air to generate more power for his kick, his body twisting to get more momentum per spin.

He spins so fast that he becomes a blur, reaching the range of the technique before using a mid-air Soru directly to the head of the 0-pointer.

With all the power generated, he simply swings his right foot.

Jin Gohru Original: Revolver Discharge!


With a sudden drop in stamina, he pulls his right arm back as Denji got closer to the 0-pointer's head. Activating his Quirk again, he applied Zero Friction and Inertia to his right arm before getting a meter from the head of the one pointer.

Once he was close to the head, he uses the max power that he could use with Gravity and soared towards the head of the 0-pointer like a jet in Mach 3.

Gravity X 40!


The sonic boom erupted as he slams his fist onto the head of the 0-pointer.

Four Gods: Black Turtle — Flash Fist!



The robot's head was instantly shattered from the kick/punch, creating mini-explosions all around the robot from the amount of force that the kick/punch generated as it falls backwards to the ground.

Feeling the air rushing to his face, he contemplated how he was going to get down from the sky.


Deciding to just bare with it, he crossed his arms in front of his face and braced himself as after a few more seconds of free fall, he slams into the ground, creating a crater.


Getting up and dusting himself with minor bruises, he sighed once he checked off any injuries as the voice of Present Mic stops the examination.

"Time is UPPPPP!!!"

Stretching his body, he just hums in satisfaction of being able to use his full power before walking to the entrance in stealth while noting mentally to message Jiro later, wanting to grab lunch since he took an early breakfast just now and was now hungry... Maybe he could visit the Uraraka's and get some free lunch?


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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