
My Poor Ego, I Was Caught

"You want me to hack the cameras during the exam…just so you can watch that kid?"


Yuno sighed and banged his head on the table. I was trying to get him to hack the cameras for the exam, that way I could watch all the examinees. But he was a little iffy about it.

"I use my head for gaming strategies. Not for hacking cameras so you can watch people you don't even steal from."

"Oh, c'mon! Live a little, buddy!"

"Ugh. Fine, but don't think that I'm doing it for your purpose. I'm doing so I can watch myself and see this, 'kid moving trash.'"

I reached into my backpack and pulled out a few salad and fried noodle packets. I threw them on Yuno's desk, right in front of his precious computer. And I turned on the lights in every room of the house.

"Ah, Kisu! I'll sell you on the market!" Yuno raised a fist at me as I walked to the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah! I'll have your ass in a dump truck if you even use my name on the internet!"

I preferred not to use my actual name online. Who would put their real name as they're account username? I go by Kei online. It's sounds pretty cool. I like it, so you don't get to criticize.

As I walked out of the house, I could hear Yuno throwing a fit. Man, was he loud. I could hear him from outside the house with the windows and doors closed.

I pulled my black hood up to cover my head, then my mask to cover my face. Time to steal. That really brought joy to my day. The thrill of running away from cops and having heroes coming to get you but can't arrest you cause you're too young. Ah, that really gets me going. Plus, I had another, "business deception" with someone. They wanted me to steal gaming equipment. I had questioned why they don't get it themself. All he said was he couldn't. I just shrugged it off and took the deal. The job was worth 50,000 yen($362). Usually, I would request more than that, but not everyone can afford things. Which is why the stealing community is always stealing from other people. You steal for someone with cash and you sell it to them for the amount worth the stolen items. Pretty simple. Except, I take the stolen items AND the money from the person I'm stealing for. Hey, life is hard and you won't get anywhere without a little moolah. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true. Everything comes with a cost, except time and love, of course. I'm not THAT stupid.






Holding a bag full of PC gaming equipment while running away from the cops is harder that you think. Messing with the cops made it a little more fun and it took my mind off the heavy weight I was carrying. Hell, it made it a lot easier as I swung the bag over my shoulder. Actually, it might've been easier because of how much time I spend stealing, ahahaha.

"Brat! You get back here!" One of the cops demanded.

They had a few low ranker heroes with them. Not one, not two, but three heroes were chasing me over walls and trying to catch me through crowds. People were exclaiming and moving out of the way of my path.

"Yuno, I could use a little help here!" I said to the earpiece in my ear.

"Really? Why? Aren't you the master at this stuff?"

"Please, Yuno. Or I will dump your PC into a pool."

"Even if you did, I have all my usernames and passwords for my accounts. And I can just buy a new one. So, yeah. You're on your own for this one. You just interrupted an important bet between me and my guild. I'm out."

He disconnected, which made me want to shove pickles down his throat. I know he hates pickles, so watching him suffer to the bitter taste would make me smile for weeks.

"Kid, just give back the items you stole!" The pro hero, Death Arms, yelled.

"Make me! You've never caught me! And you never will!" I said while sending them a peace sign and sticking my tongue out at them.

I accidentally bumped into someone. I didn't see who but he was definitely skinny. Why was everyone so scrawny, like, unhealthy kind of scrawny. I didn't think of it too much. I just kept running. Little did I know that the same scrawny old guy would be someone I see in the future.

"Ahahah!" A very tall and muscular man stood in my way of my path. It was the No. 1 hero, All Might. I groaned at the sight. This made my day, totally.

"Ugh, there's no way I can run from this guy." I complained while still running towards him. I kept running and jumped on a trash can. It was a pretty decent trashcan if it was able to hold the weight and pressure of my jump. I flew over All Might's head and rolled down back to the ground, continuing my escape.

"Tch, if only Yuno was helping me." I said as I looked back to see if All Might was still there…he wasn't. Instead, he was right there in front of me, his hands curled into fist and resting on his waist.

"Young lady, please, cooperate with the Pros!" All Might said as he reached a hand out, attempting to grab me along with the PC equipment.

"Pft, you'll have to catch me first, No. 1!" I smirked as I said under between his legs. This guy wasn't even trying to do anything. He just stood there telling me to give back the equipment. It made me a little suspicious of him. Maybe he was trying to trick me? Maybe. Whatever he does, Yuno would help with that…if he wasn't a stubborn ass!

"Please, help. I actually have the No. 1 hero on my tail right now!" I yelled into the earpiece.

"What did you steal?" Yuno asked. I could crunching on his side of the radio. He was munching on chips, of all times.

"It's just some PC gaming equipment for someone!"

"You better give me half of that if I help you."

"Fine! It wasn't gonna get me much money anyway."

Yuno pulled up a map with a green dot traveling through the roads. That was me he was tracking. Another dot appeared on his map, a red dot. That was All Might.

"He's on your right. Turn left at the next alleyway you see." Yuno directed.

"You're leading me to a wall again, aren't you?" I questioned with a monotone voice.

"Yes, you know how to climb over it!"

"Ok, I'm going!"

I jumped on top of a dumpster and threw myself over the wall on the other side.

"The hell?" I heard Yuno say with a confused voice.

"I don't like the sound of that."

"He keeps disappearing on my radar. Wait, don't go down that street, you moron!"

Too late. All Might was suddenly right in front of me, just an inch away. He grabbed me by my hood and lifted me up to his stupid smile.

"Hahaha, finally caught you! You've been on the run for a while now!"

I blew the white strand of hair that was falling down in my face. I gave him a look that showed clear annoyance. When you're a thief and you get caught by the No. 1 hero, hey, it doesn't feel good. It definitely takes a toll on your ego.

"Yeah, this is not my day." I said while crossing my arms.

"Well, you won't be going to jail or anything." All Might reassured. "But you'll get a good talking to."

I rolled my eyes. I blamed Yuno for not having a better strategy since he's all brainy and whatnot. Whatever.

Yuno came by in his car and picked me up. This 17 year old stubborn ass scolded me throughout the whole trip back to my apartment. Welp, screw him. I lost 25,000 yen because his brainy-brain didn't come up with a plan. Of course, I'm not rude to him, I didn't say it to his face, I don't think low of him. He's my best friend for Pete's sake.

"If I have to pick you up again, I swear, I will get rid of every single thing. In your house. That you love." Yuno gave off an aura that made me shrink in my seat. His glare is scariest thing ever. It makes me want to sit in a pit of despair. It's just…scary.

He dropped me off to my apartment and gave me one more scolding before heading off. Great, I lost my the PC equipment that was supposed to get me money. My best friend lectured me for 20 minutes straight. Aaand I was caught by the No. 1 hero. Whoop…de…fucking…DOO!

I plopped on my bed with a bowl of stew. The only sound in the apartment came from the TV. It was empty, void of any other people. You might be wondering, "Kisu, where is your family? You haven't mentioned them at all."

Well, they're dead. They were both pro heroes. And guess what? They died to a villain. It was suspected that their Quirks were stolen. They didn't have any sign of Quirks when they died. Nothing that could determine they were fighting the villain with their own Quirks. As a six year old girl, I was devastated. I didn't have anyone to take care of me, which resulted in me stealing to survive. I was taken in by a couple of small, low ranking villains who loved to steal valuable things and sell them online, black marketing. That's how I was able to afford schooling. Here I am now, enjoying the thrill of stealing.

The exam would be in just a couple days. I don't know if Yuno will still want to let me watch the exam through his hacking skills. But it was worth a try to ask.

(Two days later)

"Dude, hurry up. I wanna see everyone! The presentation crap is already over!"

"I'm hurrying! You can't rush me when I'm hacking into UA technology!"

All I could see were numbers and letters on Yuno's screen. He was currently hacking into UA's system while trying not to get caught. Finally, the screen changed from a black screen with numbers and letters, to examinees destroying robots within a small mock city.

"Oh, thank god. They didn't get too far." I let h TV out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, shut up." Yuno smacked me.

"Oh, wait. Wait, wait, wait! Zoom in on that green hair kid!"

"Him, specifically?"

"Just zoom in!"

Yuno rolled his eyes while zooming in on the boy I had just met a few days ago, Izuku Midoryia. He was just running around, frantically. He looked like he didn't know what to do, he looked nervous and scared.

Rumbling was heard from Yuno's computer. Finally, some action! The Zero Pointer was finally here. The giant faux-villain was meant to catch the examinees off guard, getting in the way of their plans. That's when Izuku reacted. He was suddenly high in the air. I was able to see the the powerful jet streams of wind he had created from just jumping up to the villain.

"That's some crazy power." Yuno said while holding a bag of chips. His eyes widened when we watched Izuku pull his arm back. He threw his punch once he was up at the villain's face.

"Holy crap!" We both said.

I've seen a few entrance exams, thanks to Yuno. What I haven't seen, is an examinee destroy the Zero Pointer in one hit.

"Wait, look down there." Yuno zoomed in anither examinee and put his finger on the screen, pointing out the person he was talking about. "He was saving that girl there. That explains why he charged at the Zero Pointer."

"Considering that you never watched the exam with me, you seem to know what everything is like." I teased him.

"You little quacker." Yuno bonked my head lightly.

Yuno had taken the Support Course exam. He's a second year student at UA. He takes his role seriously. Even if he's in his house more than half the time, he takes his role at UA VERY seriously. It's not even funny. What is funny is the fact that we're best friends and we're complete opposites. The only resemblance is the fact that we both do a lot of "low-life" criminal, quote unquote, stuff. He blacks markets, I steal. The only match between us.

"I still don't get how your stupid ass passed the Hero Course exam." Yuno pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh.

"I stole the gears from the faux-villain. And don't ask me how. I just did." I said while snatching his headphones off his head.

"How does someone like him end up with a Quirk like that?" Yuno took his headphones back. "It looks like it enhances strength, but he doesn't even look like he can control it with those flimsy limbs of his." Yuno studied Izuku while watching him fall. "And he broke his bones. I'm 91% sure that he can't control his Quirk.

"Watch him fall to his death." I said while snickering inn the corner of Yuno's room, squatting down near the floor and covering my mouth. "That'll show UA a bit."

"You're terrible. You know that?"

"He's not gonna die. They won't let him die. That girl is there anyway. I saw her Quirk let's her makes things float when she touches them."

"Sometimes I can't believe you're actually smart."

I stared at Yuno with an unfazed look. I stood up, dusted my sweatpants and stood in the middle of the room in a dramatic wounded pose, putting one hand one my chest and the other pointing at him.

"I'm deeply wounded," than I put my hands out in a hugging gesture. "Give this poor soul a hug."

Yuno gave me the same unfazed stare. "Go hug your lonely ass."

I frowned dramatically. "Fine. I'll just take your whole pantry of chips."

Yuno cradled his face with his hands. Yep, he was annoyed. And I liked seeing him like that. I know, I'm terrible.

"Get out of my house, you devil." Yuno took a rolled up newspaper and started smacking me with it, shooing me out of the house like a mom would do.

Such a meanie. He threw me out of his house. Now I have to walk all the way back to my apartment…while it's RAINING!

Creation is hard. Cheer me up! Add it to library for 1-3 chapters a week. I’m a buddy middle schooler, so that’s all I can do for now.

BakuNoNiicreators' thoughts