
Will It Be An Interesting Year?

As I walked through the halls of UA, I looked for my classroom, 1-A. After watching Izuku literally break both legs and his arm, I was amazed. I was absolutely certain that this year would actually be interesting. Maybe there would be a hot-headed kid and a very mannered stick-up-the-ass elite. I've never encountered those kind of kids. I didn't really plan to.

"Please, remove your feet from the table!" A boy with glasses yelled as I opened the door to my classroom.

"Hah? Make me!" Another boy with blonde and spiky hair refused.

"Putting your feet on the table is disrespecting the upperclassman and the people who made those desks!"

"What, did your old school put a stick up your ass?"

"Such foul language!"

I jinxed myself…great. The hot-head and the stick-up-the-ass elite. Just peachy. But, at least I was right. It'll be interesting this year.

I walked over to the boy with glasses and put my arm on his shoulder. Then put my finger to my chin.

"I don't know. Doesn't sound too foul to me." I smirked at him.

"Someone here speaks my language!" The blond kid said, making a finger gun and pointing it at me.

"Kisuma Aoni, at your service."

"Katsuki Bakugo."

Tenya grabbed one of my fingers and lifted it. He moved it my arm off his shoulder, than dusted his shoulder and lifted his glasses i that weird nerdy way.

And then a clatter was heard. The theee of us turned to the door to see the green hair boy, who I had recently been aquatinted with, Izuku Midoryia. He had dropped his bag, looking straight at the Katsuki.

"A- ah! K- Kacchan?!"

"Hey!" Katsuki stood on the desk on pointed at Izuku with an angry look on his face. "How'd you get in, Deku?! There's no way your ass got in!"

I watched as the two continued yelling. It was annoying. I was about to tell Yuno on my earpiece, that I carry everywhere, to blow up the building. Good thing someone brought me back to reality.

"Hey, you're that ordinary boy!" The girl from the exam, who was stuck under the debris. "That punch you did was amazing! You were like 'BAM, KACHOW, BOOM!' Oh, I'm Ochaco Uraraka, by the way."

I watched as the girl swung her arm around, cheering and bouncing. And Izuku, all red and blushing from a girl being so close to him.

Suddenly, a yellow worm fell down behind Ochaco. She turned around and her face twisted. A man with a scruffy and exhausted look on his face. He black hair popped out of the sleeping bag he was in.

"If you're here to have fun, do yourself a favor and leave. Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa and I'm your home room teacher."

"Oh," I looked at the man while thinking. "THIS guy is the teacher. He's really big in expelling students who he thinks has no potential. He's also not a big fan of me."

"This may come as a surprise, but put these on and meet me out in the field." Mr. Aizawa crawled out of his sleeping bag and held out a blue tracksuit.

In the girls locker room, everyone kept coming up to me, saying that I looked slightly older than everyone else. Sad thing is that I was short. I was about that same height as all the other girls. Even if I was older than them.

"Hey, hey! We never got your name? You look a little older than everyone else here." A girl with pink skin said.

"Kisuma Aoni. Just call me Kisu." I answered as I put the tracksuit on. "I'm supposed to be a second year but I might have been held back."

"Oh, you were held back? Why's that?" A girl who appeared to be just clothes asked.

"I was just not a very good kid, I guess." I avoided eye contact and whistled innocently as they kept asking me questions.

Out on the field, everyone was wearing the tracksuit. I looked at all the girls and boys around me. There were exactly three kids that caught my attention. There was Izuku Midoryia who I had met briefly before he took the exam. Katsuki Bakugo who I had given a friendly greeting to. And another boy who had half white hair and half red hair. He's really quiet. He looks at everyone with the same look. It's hard to read him.

"A Quirk Assessment Test?!" The class yelled.

"What about the orientation?" The same invisible girl asked.

"This is UA. We only have so much time to turn you into Pro in just three years. You all took physical tests that didn't allow you to use your Quirks." Mr. Aizawa took out a small device the shape of a phone and tossed a softball at me. "Kisuma, you've taken this test before. As a second year held back, why don't you show them what UA is like."

I caught the ball and looked at him. He gave me a look that said he wasn't going to tolerate my irritating personality. I smiled, wanting to see the look on his face when I start talking.

"You want me to demonstrate? Sure. Why not?" I said with a cocky tone.

Mr. Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose, annoyed. I could only smirk, trying to hold in my laugh.

One thing I love about my Quirk is the fact that I can send things back to where I found them. If I just add force to that, I can send the ball flying into the air, really far.

I held the ball and stepped in the circle where we were supposed to throw the ball. I threw my arm back and sent the ball flying, saying three words.

"GOT TO HELL!" I yelled with a smile.

Mr. Aizawa watched the gauge in his device climb. I already knew I got a higher score than the last time I did this.

"834.6 meters." He showed the final score.

"835 meters? Holy crap!" A boy with yellow hair and black highlights exclaimed.

"We can use our Quirks all we want? Fun!" The pink skin girl said.

"Quiet down." Mr. Aizawa said. "Dumb kids. You think this'll be fun? Did you think it would just be fun throughout these past three years? Than let's step it up a notch. Whoever has the lowest score in all eight tests will be punished…with expulsion."

I sighed and crossed my arms. Here we go again. The teachers always tease the kids like this. During my first year, I had Midnight, the R-rated hero, as my homeroom teacher. She had said the same thing, and she ended up just messing around. Deception, a very common idea among the teachers here at UA. Of course, I wasn't going to say anything.

"Natural disasters, selfish villains…our Jonas heroes is to reverse that insanity an restore reason to the world. UA will throw more hardships at you than you can count. We're not here to have fun and hang out at them all with friends. These three years will be like climbing a mountain. You may fall on the way up, so catch yourself with your own Quirk. You won't always have your teachers there to attach you to a lifeline. Don't you remember the school motto? Plus Ultra."

I looked around at the group of first years in front of me. They all looked nervous. It made me want to smack their faces so they wouldn't be so nervous anymore. I smirked, knowing exactly what I would do.

I walked back to the group, right past Mr. Aizawa. While passing, a took the device out his pocket, which he needed to get the result of all our scores.

"Kisu," Mr. Aizawa closed his eyes and sighed. "Hand it over."

"Huh?" I looked back at him, pretending I didn't know what he was talking about. "Hand what over?"

"The device you took from my pocket. I k ow your reputation. Every teacher here knows about you. Your Quirk allows you to steal swiftly and carefully. Only thing is that you don't steal 'swiftly' and 'carefully.' Now out with it. Hand it over."

I could hear my classmates murmuring, whispering and wondering. "Did she steal from the teacher?" Ah, I loved it when my schoolmates said that. Even if they didn't mean it in a good way. Mr. Aizawa looked at me holding out a hand, wanting the device back. The thing about Aizawa is that he's my favorite teacher to tease and steal from.

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it?" I asked while tossing the device in my hand and catching it. My poor teacher stared at me with an irritated look. Yes, he was very irritated now. So, let's have a go. "Like you said, I have a reputation. And I intend to keep it."

"You're going to be held back a year again. Kisuma, put it in my hand, now."

"You're totally no fun, Teach. Unlike some people, I like my reputation. So, I think I'll just not give it back!" I ran off toward the main building.

Mr. Aizawa sighed and covered his face with one of his hands. I heard my class 'wowing' while I ran away with the device. I jumped and grabbed onto a bar the held a light. I swung and planted my feet in the bar, squatting down to prepare for my next jump. Gray fabric reached out for me, Mr. Aizawa's scarf. I jumped up to the next light and then the next.

"Dang, what is she doing?" My classmates questioned.

"How is she doing that?"

"Did she just steal from the teacher?"

Yep, I was very happy with my reputation. I decided to let the hard capture scarf get me.

"You're a brat, Kisu." Mr. Aizawa said while taking the device from my hands. "Get your ass back with the group.

"Yes, sir." I said with a bored tone and rolling my eyes.

The tests went by fast. Everyone had their strengths and weaknesses. I was mainly watching Izuku, Katsuki and Shoto. Izuku wasn't doing very well at all. I had guessed that he was going to have the lowest score. Good thing Mr. Aizawa wasn't going to actually expel anyone.

Eventually, we came back to the softball throw. Most of everyone didn't get too far in the ball throw. There was that Ochaco girl who got infinity, which was crazy. Her Quirk did seem to have a gravity thing, so it made sense once I processed that. Last person to go was Izuku. He was hesitant at first. He had a nervous look on his face and he was muttering to himself.

He threw his arm back, preparing for the throw. I think I was the only one who could see the power in his arm building up. He let go of the ball, but his power didn't add on to the throw. He had a shocked look on his face now.

"W- what?" He mumbled.

I winced, then looked at Mr. Aizawa. He was in for trouble now. And Mr. Aizawa is never, I mean NEVER, soft with words.

"I erased your Quirk." Mr. Aizawa said, his scarf floating around him. His yellow goggles rested around his neck, revealing who he really was. I covered my face and groaned.

"E- erased? Those goggles… your the hero who can erase others' Quirks by just looking at them! Erasure Head!" Izuku clearly knew his stuff. He seemed like those fanboy types.

Aizawa's scarf wrapped around Izuku and pulled him closer. "Were you going to blow up your arm again? Did you think that someone would help you when you broke your bones? I saw what happened during the exam. You have no control over your Quirk, whatsoever. If you rescue someone out in the real world, someone else will have to rescue you. Every time you use that Quirk. Izuku Midoryia, you can't become a hero with your Quirk."

I sighed at Mr. Aizawa's words. Izuku hung his head down. I've heard Mr. Aizawa say many things to his students, heck, he's said things to me that weren't very encouraging.

"I've returned your Quirk. You've got two throwing chances. Give it your all and hurry up."

Izuku walked over to the circle, picking up the ball and squeezing it. He was lost in thought now. He must've been thinking about how he would pass.

I saw Izuku break his bones with his own Quirk. When he took down that Zero Pointer, he had broken his legs and bones. And here he was now, trying to figure out how he wouldn't do that to himself this time.

At some point, Izuku had hit the dead and had a look on his face that said, "screw it! Just go for it!" He threw his arm back,m once more and started to throw the ball. The release was when Aizawa's eyes widened a little. Gusts of winds had been created when he let go of the ball. Aizawa watched the meter gauge climb in his device. Izuku turned to Aizawa and made a fist. There it was, his finger was broken. He waited till the last moment and sent all the power to his finger.

"I can…still move!" Izuku tried to put up a smug smile, although it came out a crooked smirk.

I smiled to myself and crossed my arms. Oh, yeah. This year would be interesting.

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