
BNHA: A Hero, But Would Rather Be a Villain

BakuNoNii · 武侠
41 Chs

A Monster

POV Third Person

"Mama, where are we going?" Four year old Yuno asked his mother. "How come we're leaving? I thought we were staying home."

"Child, shut up before I slap you." She snapped at the child with an irritated tone.

Yuno lowered his head as he bounced up and down in the car, keeping his mouth closed like his mother had ordered. Yuno's mother, known as part of the shadow duo, Yurei, was taking Yuno to a doctor appointment to check if Yuno had a chance of manifesting a Quirk. The father, the other half of the shadow duo, Kage, was already in a terrible mood since work had been kicking him in the ass. If Yuno's Quirk didn't manifest the way he wanted, then things would only go down hill for the family.

"Ow, papa." Yuno said as Kage grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him out of the car. "Papa, you're hurting me. Ow."

"Shut it, brat." Kage scolded as he pulled Yuno along to a room. "If you don't be quiet, you won't be happy when we get home."

"Y- yes, papa."

Kage put Yuno on a round seat and sat down next to his wife as the doctor examined the small and skinny boy. He gave a concerned look on his face. When he had lifted Yuno's shirt to check the heartbeat, he saw bruises and small cuts. It worried the doctor to see such things on a child of four. Yuno smiled brightly at the doctor. His eyes widened as he covered his mouth.

"I'm very sorry," the doctor sighed, feeling rather worried for the poor child. Alas, there was nothing he could do about the family since Yuno's parents were the No. 3 heroes at the time. "But you're son's chances of manifesting a Quirk is…rather low. I doubt he'll get a Quirk. The likely percentage is lower then 5%."

Kage and Yurei had glares in their faces wen they heard this news. It angered them that Yuno didn't have a chance of getting a Quirk. They weren't angry, like when you pity someone. They were angry because they wanted him to have a Quirk, simply for power and selfish reasons.

They dragged Yuno back into the car after the short check up. Before leaving, Yuno smiled at the doctor. It wasn't a smile of happiness, but a smile of fear and sadness. The doctor responded with a frown. Seeing a boy as young as Yuno suppress such feelings was simply heartbreaking for the doctor to watch.

"You failure of a child!" Yurei yelled once inside the house and slapped Yuno across the face, causing him to fall over from the impact. Yurei had slapped him so hard, it left a bruise on his face.

"M- mama, what did I do?" Yuno rubbed his cheek as he stood up again. "I didn't mean to make you mad."

"Shut up, you failure." Yurei commanded, kicking Yuno back onto the ground.

After beating Yuno over and over, Yurei and Kage shoved Yuno into a closet. Yuno stared off into space, thinking to himself. What did he do to deserve such a life? It wasn't his fault he was Quirkless.

"Tomorrow will be better!" Yuno smiled as he thought to himself, the already dull shine in his eyes disappearing.






"Kisu! Wait for me!" Yuno called out to small girl named Kisu. "Let's go to class together!"

"Huh?" Kisu turned around, her short white hair bouncing as she moved. "Yuno! I was wondering when you would be here."

"Hehe. Mama said to go straight to school since I woke up late."

Kisu noticed the bandages on Yuno's cheek and arms. She watched as Yuno rubbed the back of his head with a smile. She took hold of Yuno's hand and ran over to a bush in the schoolyard.

"Kisu? Where are we going? We have to go to school."

"Who cares about that?" Kisu smiled as she squatted down near a small puddle. "Yuno? Can I ask you something?" Kisu asked as she picked up a stick and poked the puddle of water.

"Sure!" Yuno answered enthusiastically. "What is it?"

"How come you're always hurt? I see you with band-aids all the time. Did you hurt yourself?"

"Oh, this?" Yuno rubbed his arms and then his cheek. He then put his hands in his hips proudly and rubbed his nose. "I fell down the stairs at home!"

Kisu deadpanned. He was proud of…falling down the stairs? He naturally could have died…and he's proud of that? Just what goes on in a four year old's mind?

"No, no!" Kisu shook her head. "You didn't fall down the stairs. You're not dumb enough to!"

"But that's what happened." Yuno shrugged. "I fell down the stairs. That's all. I'm clumsy!"

Before Kisu could argue, a teacher appeared behind them. She let out a sigh of relief and rounded the two of them up. "There you are. You children are late for class. Yuno, you should know better then to hide from teachers. Kisu,"

"Hey, hey!" Kisu struggled as the teacher picked her by the backpack. "Put me down, teacher! I don't wanna do school! I don't like it!"

"I'm sorry, Kisu. But you'll need to learn if you want to go to UA. Isn't that what you want when you're older. It's all you ever talk about."

"Hmm," Kisu huffed, then crossed her arms before slipping out of her backpack and walking toward the building for class. "Fine. Only because I want to go to UA when I'm older!"

"Whatever you say, honey."

Yuno giggled at Kisu's stubbornness. His smile went back to the dull shine after Kisu left with the teacher following her, making sure she really did go to class. Yuno looked at his small hand, it was covered with band aids and scratches. He felt like he really was the failure his mother and father called him.

"If only I could have a Quirk." He thought to himself before going to class.

After class, Yuno started on his walk home, thinking to himself with that same dull look. His parents wouldn't pick up, they never did, and probably never will. Yup always found his own way home. He was a smart for his age, so memorizing the path home was easy.

"Why are you being so mean, Kacchan?" A boy asked as Yuno passed a group of kindergartners his age. "If you don't stop, I'll fight you myself!"

A boy with spiky ash blonde hair was bullying another boy. Another one with fluffy green hair was defending the one being bullied.

"Huh? You? A Deku, protecting someone?" The ash blonde boy smirked. "What can you do? You're Quirkless."

Yuno's eyes widened when he heard the word "Quirkless." That green haired boy was just like him. He didn't have a Quirk, just like Yuno. They were the same.

"H- Hey!" Yuno interrupted the two boys. "L- leave him alone!"

"Huh?" The blonde boy exclaimed and turned around to see Yuno.

"Take that, meanie!" As soon the blonde boy turned around, Yuno punched him in the face, causing his to fall over. Yuno hurried over to the green haired boy and grabbed his wrist, along with the kid behind the green boy.

"T- thanks!" The green boy thanked Yuno with a smile.

Yuno didn't reply and kept running with the same look on his face. Once they were far enough from the ash blonde bully, Yuno let go of the boys' wrist and continued his way home.

"Wait! Where are you going?" The green haired boy asked. "Mom was supposed to pick me up. And what about you?"

"I know my way home." Yuno turned around with a smile. "This road is the safest one back to school." He then pointed at a sidewalk that was empty. "And it's the fastest. And the your mama can pick you up! Okay?"

Yuno continued heading home, leaving the two boys alone. He green haired boy watched as Yuno grew farther and farther away. After a while, he followed the sidewalk with the bullied boy and went back to the school for his mom to pick him up.

"You're late, brat!" Kage scolded Yuno as he opened the door to the entrance of the house. "What we're doing out so late? We're you goofing off instead of cleaning the house?"

Kage held a belt as Yurei sat down in the couch, reading a newspaper and completely ignoring Yuno. Kage, on the other hand, pulled out a belt and smacked his hand with it. Smiling down at Yuno, he raised the belt and slapped Yuno with it. Yet another day and beating and bruising.

(Four years later)

"Yuno!" Kisu yelled at Yuno. "You're staring off in space again!"

"S- sorry, Kisu." Yuno waved his hands as he shock his head. "Sorry, mom and dad told me to do my homework last night. I was up late." Yuno rubbed his eyes, yawning.

"Those darn trolls. They're so unfair toward you! Why don't you just kick their butts?" Kisu pinched her hand with fighting spirit. "I'll teach those dummies not to mess with my best friend!"

"Hehe, it's okay, Kisu. It's not like mom and dad will keep me up again. I did my homework. You should do yours too."

"Uh-" Kisu deadpanned. "I forgot to turn in last week's homework. Uncle will kill me."

Yuno laughed at Kisu's sad situation. Kisu had been taken in by a thief since her parents had died. As long as her grades stay up to date and she listens to the thief, she could do whatever she needed or wanted to.

"Oh, whatever! I'll do what I want!" Kisu crossed her arms. "Uncle can't touch me or tell me what to do!"

"It's time for class, children!" A teacher caught the attention of the class. "As a special treat today, everyone can show off what kind of power they have. Let's all gather into a circle."

Yuno didn't move from his seat. He just watched as the other kids ran to the middle of the room and made a circle. Yuno was Quirkless, he wasn't about to be apart of something he doesn't belong in. That's what his parents always told him, and according to them, Yuno wasn't part of anything.

"Yuno, let's go." The teacher walked over to Yuno.

"N- no! I don't want to!" Yuno refused. "I don't want to go! Ypu all have Quirks. It's not fair!"

Yuno pulled away from the teacher and ran out of the classroom, refusing to take part in this activity. It was bad enough that his parents abused him for being Quirkless, but now the teachers are putting him in a place he's not supposed to enter.

Yuno ran as far as his legs could take him. He hid in an alleyway so the teachers wouldn't catch him. He kept quiet, not saying a word. Soon enough, the teachers left to look in another area. Yuno curled into a ball, not moving from that spot in the alley.

"So unfair," he muttered to himself. "Mom and dad hate me because I'm Quirkless. This is so unfair!"

"Life's not fair." A voice echoed in the alleyway. A man in a black suit stood before Yuno. "I can help you. I'd life is unfair, I'll make it fair."

"Who are you? I'm not supposed to talk to anyone outside of school. You're a stranger."

The man reached a large hand out to Yuno, smiling as a small chuckle came out. "You can call me All For One, little boy."

"All…For…One?" Yuno echoed before staring at the large hand in front of him. "I don't wanna. Mom and dad will scold me and grab a belt."

"Even if I gave you a Quirk?"

Before Yuno said another word, he stared at the man who had offered the impossible. There's no way he could be given a Quirk…is there?

"That's impossible." Yuno criss-crossed his legs then crossed his arms. "You can't give someone a Quirk. It's not how it's done. Stupid."

"Child, when you turn the age of twelve, you will manifest a Quirk." All For One walked away, fixed his jacket and disappeared.

Yuno tilted his head in confusion. Why would this stranger of a man come up to him and say he'll manifest a Quirk? This man was strange and unknown. Yuno didn't understand why this so randomly occurred, but he decided to think nothing of it and started walking home. There was no way he would be going back to school after what happened that day.

Yuno opened the door to see Yurei sitting on the couch, taking a break from her regular patrols.

"Brat," Yurei said with a low growl. "What are you doing out of school?! You're supposed to be in class!" Yurei stood up out of her seat and walked over to Yuno. She raised a hand and slapped Yuno across the face. "You cripple of a child. A failure! That's what you are! Go to your room, and I don't want to hear a peep from you for the rest of the day!"

"Yes, mother." Yuno answered with a dull shine, his fake smile disappearing as he walked to his room. He felt like such crap. Confused and bruised, he curled up on the ground, not bothering to change into his clothes.

(3 years later)

"Ahhh! Leave me alone! I didn't mean to!" A bully yelled in fear, scratches and light bruises in his face. "I'll leave you alone! I promise!"

"Ugh, whatever." Eleven year old Yuno rolled his eyes, letting go of the bully's collar and walking away.

Yuno put his hands in his pocket and started walking home. For the past three years, Yuno had grown cold and no longer had that shine in his eyes. The once small and kind boy had totally given up everything. There was no longer any pain when Yurei and Kage caused harm upon him. He didn't care anymore, he didn't want to care. If he did care, he'd still be in the same place as he was at four years old.

"Stupid kid." Yuno kicked a rock onto the road. "I'm not a reject. I'm not a failure. You just have Quirks. You all just think you're superior."

Leading such a different life was hard for Yuno. He didn't know what he did wrong, but everyone looked at him differently. Even when he didn't have a Quirk, people avoided him because he was always getting into fights. Everyone would look at him like he was some sort of monster. It's only natural, since it's very rare for someone to come out Quirkless.

"Finally," Kage threw his hands into the air and picked up a piece of paper from the countertop. "Look at this. 94? Only a 94?! You're supposed to be a top student! What am I paying for? Are you fucking around at school?" Kage scolded as he slapped Yuno across the face.

"Dad…" Yuno muttered to himself, smiling.

"What are you smirking about, brat?"

"Nothing. It's just…" Yuno looked up to his father, a wicked smile across his face. Eyes that wanted to kill and destroy. "I can't feel the pain anymore."