

This novel is about a skilled fighter and assassin who studied to be a belly dancer and concubine in the king palace She was payed by the king to kill the king of Persia Now she changed the plan to her favour

Sharonpeace · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

The ball


It's a busy day as so many beautiful and elegant girls move to and fro waiting for the ball night, already dressed up just to end up being a concubine or if lucky a wife which I doubt because we are trained to be a belly dancer to please our Masters,( scoffs )Masters I hate the sound of that .

Seems, the girls are so happy, too bad they know not what await them 'well well as for me I'm not going to be anybody's concubine once today's evening ball is over I'm out of green valley Kingdom to leave my best life, too bad I have to make funny faces for no man to accept me but if they have had the opportunity it will be a full package concubine . I mean a skilled fighter and a belly dancer , it's extremely rare '

"Wow I'm looking so pretty" Patricia said looking at the mirror "oh my goodness Selena looks extremely beautiful I know I'm beautiful but I am jealous of her beauty" said another lady only for me to scoff and say to them "Be happy now girls for today is your last day of happiness

"I think I know what is wrong with you shara, you are jealous and a sadist " Selena said sticking out her tongue

"I wish I was baby " responding to her I took a bite from my apple

"of course you're, you have been here for 5 years , too bad no man ever wanted you" or "wait i think I know, no man wants a brown skinned ugly girl like you, to top it all a fighter" Selena said making the girls in the harem laugh

"Well I can't say same for you".

"Of course you can't shara"

" Let me tell you Selena what is going to happen, you are going to end up serving a pot belly man as a s*x slave, birth his baby and after that he gets another beautiful concubine and guess" I snapped my finger "your beauty will be gone,making you just a mother to an illegitimate child" standing up I went to the closet to get dressed.

"Bitch" Selena said as I walk towards the closet

"That's my nickname baby"sending a kiss to her before I closed the closet curtains

30 minutes later

Lady Stan walked in with a smile on her face

"Alright girls the time is now, follow me to the ball hall " turning around she walked with her head high like a mother preparing her daughter for wedding except this isn't wedding but gifts from the king to the royal and noble guest

Reaching the hall , I was in awe not because I haven't been here but because it's extremely beautiful, and this year ball is themed "garden of Eden", therefore all guest are to dress according to the theme.

Now I see the reason people go crazy when it's green valley ball, I know I've been here before but this is exceptional. Gosh it's so

"Can I get your attention ladies" lady Charlotte woke me from my thoughts

"This is a great day for you all, as everyone knows, most of you girls will be leaving this harem to a beautiful and great kingdom so my advice for you girls is to

Attract , capture and most importantly obey your masters" said lady Charlotte

(Clapping her hands) Lady Stan continued

"Now girls take your seats for the guests will come in shortly "

"Shara come with me " said lady Stan walking ahead, while the girls sits

'Huh what those this woman wants'

Taking me outside the hall lady Stan said whispering

"See Shara you don't have to attend this ball"

'Something is definitely not right here' I thought to myself

"And what do I have to do?"

" Can't I do something for you without nothing in return?" Lady Stan said with a smirk on her face

"Something for me?, nothing in return?

We both know it can't be from lady Stan, so what do I have to do for you?" I can't believe the mighty lady Stan will come to me for help

"There is someone I want you to eliminate for me" she said

"Wow, now I want to know what secret of yours he or she knows , it's something big right? Lady Stan "

"Shut up Shara it's not me , of all the assassins in the world I won't come to you"

"Great then I should be going, you should get another man for the job " saying that I opened the door about to go

"Wait, it's for the king and the pay is huge"she said making me stop on my track

"How much? , if it's for the king then why didn't he send for me, for all i know you could be lying "

"I thought you were smart Shara, you know king Lincoln ll doesn't see anybody twenty days before the ball it's the tradition "

"And the pay is three thousand silver coins"

Now this makes it more suspicious, lady Stan can't afford that, so it's definitely the king ' I thought to myself

"The king could have used someone else and the money we talking about is huge, which means the person isn't ordinary, who is he" I asked

"It seems you are not fully stupid". I rolled my eyes at her comment

"It's king Dragan of Persia "

Choking on my siliver, I don't think I heard it clear

"Are you kidding me, king Dragan? I heard people are not allowed to come close to him talk more of seducing him that man is a gay"

"Why are you telling me now, even though I know I'm digging my grave but if you had told me earlier I would have had an escape plan if it didn't work out " i yelled

"Stop shouting " lady Stan uses her hand to shut my mouth

"We were told not quite long , because he never attend this ball that much except seven hundred years ago, the money is doubled six thousand silver "she said

"Ugh fine, the money "I said stretching out my hand

" It's already placed in your room "

"Okay then , heading to the ball for my king Dragan"

"Wait, he can't just be killed" she said taking out a needle from her corset "use this, it is poisoned all you have to do is to touch him with it and put on that gold dress you need to be attractive" lady Stan said before leaving

'hmmm this is strange why would the king wants him dead , as far as I know there isn't any enemity between the kingdoms'

'i need to strategize, king Dragan can't be killed by mere poisoned needle'

I thought going to the harem to put on the gold dress for female belly dancer

first chapter

what do you think guys??, will Shara succeed

And don't worry our king POV will be on the next chapter

Sharonpeacecreators' thoughts