

This novel is about a skilled fighter and assassin who studied to be a belly dancer and concubine in the king palace She was payed by the king to kill the king of Persia Now she changed the plan to her favour

Sharonpeace · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The ball 2


Jumping down from the horse , "This place has changed a lot, compared to seven hundred years ago" saying out loud I looked at Dragan

The houses here are looking great, the ladies are so beautiful and the palace is old but strong. The palace is full of colours,I like that unlike Persia so dull like the owner

"This ball is going to be interesting, trust me Dragan I will be the talk of the ball when I get all the ladies drooling over me" I grin happily but then I hissed when I heard a cold voice in my head

"Irene is going to skin you alive, after the ball you can run away to the neighboring village with your concubines" Dragan said walking ahead like he owns the palace

"Don't tell her and I didn't do anything you know Dragan "

"You are disgracing me right now, I told you not to wear black you are not attending a funeral, you look like a demon" i said, trying to keep up with his pace

"I am a demon"

"Of course demon Dragan "saying that I mockingly bow to him

Not knowing where the king is heading, I just follow his lead only to end up in the garden

( Blushing) "My lord garden is a nice place for a date thank you for bringing me here but my heart belongs to Irene my betrothed " I said teasing him

"We both know I'm too perfect for you and you don't deserve me, I'm.."

"Shut up Dan you talk like a woman "

"At least I... Okay" I definitely died like twenty times with that death glare

Standing up from the chair in the garden, I walked farther to the other end

'hmm a building it looks like a hostel or something for female's, I probably should turn back this isn't my place ' I said to myself

But then I stopped I heard someone yelling

It seems far but not too far for my demon hear to grasp

"It's king Dragan of Persia"

"Are you kidding me, king Dragan , I heard people are not allowed to come close to him talk more of seducing him that man is a gay" another lady replied

'we rarely just got here and they are already planning on how to get the king, oh he will be glad to feast on fresh blood today's ' i turned heading back to the garden

"Dra, I mean my Lord someone thinks you're a gay, that you're attracted to men"

"The event has begun Dan"

He said walking out of the garden, ignoring me as he pass through the corridor by the right,going towards the huge doors

"Hold on who should we announce you as" the knights guarding the entrance asked

I answered " His Majesty king Dragan of Persia and Dan his right hand man"

I could see fear in their eyes, the knight by the right try to appear brave but he's voice failed him

"Of c co course my l lord" he said , I can't actually blame the poor knight, Dragan is cruel and sly one wrong move his head will be on the floor.

"Welcoming his Majesty King Dragan of Persia and his right hand man master Dan"announced by the man close to the knights as the doors began to open


Everyone stopped talking immediately our arrival was announced, but shortly they continued, trying to ignore my presence even though they were scared

The women looked at me with lust and fear, the men with envy and disgust as expected

'boring ball, full of snakes and scorpions'

"Look who we have here, the king of Persia"

I turned to the direction the voice came from

'speaking of snakes' I said inwardly

"King Lincoln ll, you never get old"

"Old? Although our life span isn't as long as the Persian , we are still immortals" "And the ladies keeps the body from aging, you should have one before you get old king Dragan" king Lincoln said conveying different meaning which Dragan caught

"That's why I'm here king Lincoln ll" I said playing along

'let's see how well you play Lincoln, game on'

"Oh here I thought you came here to make a deal between our kingdom so that we can have trading borders, rumor has it that you are workaholic, and I believed but now I'm having doubts, you really are a mystery to solve" sipping his wine he gestured for us to sit

Sitting down I replied throwing my own venom" I thought of that but Persia isn't as wide as green valley, we have enough trading borders, having another one will be bring unnecessary pest which my people will handle before the issue gets to me"

"True green valley is wide giving we won so many battles in the past " he said raising his ego

I scoffed inwardly you mean battle your brother won

"Duke Collins is a great man, rumor has it that he faught most of green valley battles "

I said intentionally making king Lincoln ll pissed. "Just as you said king Dragan it's a rumor" he replied not hiding his disgust and hate from me anymore

' That's what I do bringing out people's evil in them'

"It seems king Lincoln will like to murder you right now, I won't be there to save you" Dan said communicating through minds

"And I will be the one to murder you "

"Wow, and here I thought you love me when you took me on a date in the garden " "that was a magical moment having a date in the garden, in a ball themed 'garden of Eden ' so romantic " Dan said again throwing me a flirty smile

"F**k out of my head Dan"

"You think I want to listen to your cold hearted voice , hell no there are pretty ladies out there waiting for me" he said (Dan) walking away

"It seems you don't know which lady to pick, trust me green valley women are all good at belly dancing, they will make you happy within a sec try one" king Lincoln said gesturing for a red haired girl sitting down to come perform for me

Smiling and working seductively she bowed "at your service my lord "

Still in her position waiting for my response which i didn't give, I looked ahead feeling bored and used to this nonsense, i could hear her heart racing and blood boiling which will taste nice because she's human a fragile and weak creature

"Your blood will be the only service I want" saying that I could see great fear in her

" Let her be king Dragan, it occurred to me that she isn't your type, perhaps lady Stan might know what you like, what's your name girl" asked by king Lincoln

"Luisa my Lord"

"Luisa get me lady Stan, immediately "

"Yes my Lord"

I continued staring ahead not paying any attention to them

"My lord, you sent for me " the lady which should be the lady Stan said

"Yes please get king Dragan an extraordinary beauty, to please him" still not paying attention to them until i heard a voice

"That will be me my king"

hmmm it seems it's starting to get interesting

who do we think is that???

Sharonpeacecreators' thoughts